Does this ass look weird to anyone else?

Does this ass look weird to anyone else?
Or is this how regular girls asses look like normally?

Meh, looks normal. I still would.

That's an allergic reaction most likely

Hemorroids maybe?

Looks normal but with a bit of irritation


>polish flag


Those are English names

>Hemorroids maybe?


Hemorrhoids are on your anus.

Hemorrhoids don't look like that. People who are allergic and get attacked by bees tend to develop all those little inflammations in their body, that's why it can be very dangerous because those inflammations could form in their throat and tongue, and that's not a beautiful possibility to say the least.

Well shit I don't know. I have never had horroids.
t. Ignorant

It looks like an allergic reaction is giving her a rash. Or she has some disease.

Either way, I wouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole.

Your English is fantastic

looks like she has a rash, disgusting

So... a bee stung her ass?

I want to stick my face in it


Not sure if sarcasm or...

It could be a bee, an ant, or a poisonous plant, or even a food allergy (people who are allergic to peanut, onions, etc.).

what is wrong with his english?

Looks like a kid's ass
t. Pedo

I think he was being genuine. you speak it well

You never know around here, man. Plus my English tends to get a little bit shitty sometimes for some reason kek

I need it to sit on my face so I can inspect it closely.


that looks like scabies (sarna).
dont ask me how i know

She has a rash.

Is she breaking out in hives or something?


>all those names

Isn't that a bit risky since any autistic stalker can eventually find her real identity?

yeah, your English skills plummeted to retard level right there


Looks like she fell over in some stinging nettle or something