Why do Trumpets love Putin?

Why do Trumpets love Putin?

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They're primitive nature makes them drawn towards people they perceive as alphas. Everything else they say is just bullshit rationalization.

It just seems pretty hypocritical to me!

If you fall for populist propaganad you're not the brightest one

People will shut down their rationality for the sake of their ideology

These are the rules of taking sides I guess,even if it involves hypocrisy

No more so than animals. Cows like shade but get spooked by shadows, you wouldn't really call them hypocritical, you'd just say they're cows and they're too dumb to know better.

But Putin is a bigger cuck to muslims than merkel

Russia's Muslim population percentage is 10x higher than USA's

But I don't, I hate Putin and I HATE Russia. I don't want to fight Russia though, especially over some sand niggers

Most Sup Forumsack's political beliefs don't line up well, but I'm sure there are smarter trump voters out there.

the key difference between putin and obama is that

putin actually cares about his own people

obama is operating on behalf of soros and other shadow entities who want nothing more than to see america reduced to a 3rd world shit hole

I know this is bait but are you retarded

>putin actually cares about his own people

Wikileaks has legitimately proved there is a shadow government.
Number 33.

of course there's a shadow government, that's common knowledge

I was calling you retarded over suggesting putin gives two shits about his citizens

>putin actually cares about his own people

You might be a bait for like 90% of Sup Forums believes that

>I was calling you
Different user, faggot.
Lurk more.

>drinking the anti-russian kool-aid top kek

newsflash retards: putin has quietly become the most beloved leader in the world amongst his own people

point still stands

>putin has quietly become the most beloved leader in the world amongst his own people

>putin has quietly become the most beloved leader in the world amongst his own people
>trump supporters actually believe this


>It is a development that has flummoxed Western nations and frustrated Russia’s motley band of oppositionists. Some of them say that Russians are too scared to speak their minds to pollsters. Others claim that the poll numbers are manipulated, although most Western polling firms arrive at similar figures.

Literally just one of the countless articles on the subject of Putin's world-leading favorability ratings.

Does Sup Forums even read the news?

Oh he's popular with RUSSIANS? Now there's a ringing endorsement I can trust.

It's a stark contrast to the "Putin is a ruthless evil hated dictator" lie that we are fed in the West.

in the oven with you leftists

this guy gets it

Sup Forums will deny this


The lie I've been told is that he's a corrupt strongman who doesn't know the first thing about statecraft. Who inherited a rebounding economy and drove it into the ground with his shitty foreign policy.

rt news

Please murikans vote for trump. Is just for de lolz
