Is this accurate?

is this accurate?

Simply epic :d

as long as there aren't any albums on it that i don't like i don't care

Oh LORD christ tgis meMe is SPICY

there is one good album on there and that is Yeezus.


you forgot MBDTF

>is this accurate?
>No Wildflower
You fucked up

most of those albums weren't released

Music is now at the point where give people a gateway album for pop jfc

Also, Taylor Swift is just the latest Max Martin meat puppet.

are you actually retarded?

tame impala


I thought Sup Forums hated Kendrick

Delete Emotion, Pablo, Barter, 1989 and Yeezus. Add Sunbather, Mista Thug Isolation, Carrie & Lowell, Twin Fantasy, and R + 7. Other possibilities could be God's Father, m b v, maybe even Centipede Hz because of the countless memes

Sup Forums hates kanye as well
weird thing about Sup Forums is, no matter how much we all claim it is, it's not a single shitposter

Sup Forums loved kendrick for mad city

this is embarrassingly accurate

How anyone can tolerate swift or jepsen I'll never understand

TLOP is shit

have you listened to Emotion?

Honestly can't remember the last time i listened to any of those albums.

This is better but also much bigger

I wish Janelle Monae was discussed more often here

Me too famalam

>Being this retarded

never listened to any of those, how patrician am i?

not listening to music is pretty patrician

someone explain this meme

Sup Forums is probably more pro-Kanye. The Kanye haters are more vocal while fans of his music generally don't bite Sup Forums bait.
MFW liking Kanye is considered edgy

The poster did not notice the 's at the end of 2010's and thought it was supposed to be the official two thousand and ten Sup Forums core. Not the Sup Forumscore of the decade thus far. So these two fellers thought it would be appropriate to look like jack-offs and assert some kind of internet dominance over this fellow.
-bored autist

Nice. Thanks

But Carly Rae Jepsen is waaaay better than Taylor.
Taylor Swift's songs are too self-referential and boring to be honest, like it's ALWAYS about her. On a more musical level, 1989 has an amazing production, but the songwriting feels kinda lazy, as if I could have done it better.
And some of the songs (like "Wildest Dreams") are aimless and uninspired, and did I say boring?
Emotion is a better album, the production is even better, the songs are catchy and original, and the lyrics are more universally relatable. Carly Rae seems like a better person too, but this doesn't really matter as I think it's better to separate the art from the artist

What's the name of the green album with the girl and the little animal? I've been straining to remember for months now.

Candy Claws - Ceres & Calypso in the Deep Time

It's really good shoegaze, probably the best of the 21st century.

emotion is goat fuck you

Thanks pal, I knew I liked it I just couldn't remember it.

The lyrics are only "universal and relatable" to lonely virgins who fantasise that Jepsen is in love with them. She's so fucking bland and her music lacks her own personality, she's just a cardboard cutout manic pixie dream girl
At least the evil snek Taylor has her own voice and personality

The only reason Sup Forums likes Emotion is because it was unsuccessful
But this is pop we're talking about. If it's not very popular it's almost certainly shit

>3 ye albums

TLOP does not not not not not belong on here at all

>T Swift


>released in 2002
euthanize yourself

Add this and you're good.


UNderaged and B&

>The lyrics are only "universal and relatable" to lonely virgins who fantasise that Jepsen is in love with them.

>implying this isn't why any female pop artist is popular

agreed, user.

Why thank you, my dude

>not understanding why you're retarded

never change

No Jamie xx?

Holy shit, this is literally meme-core.
>implying experimental hip-hop and meme-rap are the only appreciated albums by the online music community.

leave pleb.

emotion and 1989 aren't honestly here as much as people act like they are

also just a reminder that Sup Forumscore is simply albums most mentioned not the best ones

>no Sunbather
>no M B V
>no Radiohead
>no Deerhunter
>no Tame Impala
>no Run the Jewels
>no Sufjan

holy fuck Sup Forums has gone to shit

>no Jamie xx

well the bait is never very good

Yeah, I'm a huge Kanye fan and I agree. Not yet anyway. I loved TLOP, then hated it, and now I just think it's mediocre.

Reminder that this was already decided and no amount of weak memeing can change it

>no In Colour

blank space went off though

holy fuck..
ive only hear money store, yeezus and MBDTF on there but I can tell the rest is just as shit.
Ill stick to 90's alt and grunge where the music actually had meaning and feeling.


t. Dadrocker

>Reminder that this was already decided
shut up you retard. you faggots try to make a new chart every week and none of them ever stick. the original mucore chart is fine as is.

>barter 6
swap out barter 6 with nothing was the same
swap out emotion for goblin

how is grunge dad rock?
at least its comprehensible, sensible, and doesnt talk about being a stupid nigger as its main album concept

where the fuck is have you in my wilderness

why does this board have such shit taste

>pop music
Fuck this board has gone downhill

umm where's twenty one pilots

Epic meme OP
Simply epic

Most of those are entry-level hipster shit fuck off.

so you dont like the money store but you like the lazy dollar store version of it? fair

>he still believes dg and yeezus are relatable

's is possessive. OP should have said 2010s

you're so fucking stupid it hurts to reply
learn 2 reading comprehension you esl piece of shit

>Viet Cong and Run the Jewlels

>No Grimes
>No Julia Holter
>Every Death Grips album

fuck off

>2010s aren't over yet

taylor swift sure does sound a lot like britney spears, doesnt she?

>she's just a cardboard cutout manic pixie dream girl

Sounds like a catchy pop hook m8

no, it's cringe

The Money Store
To Be Kind
To Pimp a Butterfly
A Moon Shaped Pool
Run The Jewels 2
Pom Pom
Art Angels
The Age of Adz
Ceres and Calypso in the Deep Time
This is Happening
Mista Thug Isolation

Yeezus is talked about way more than any of those. I don't get why 1989 is their too but the rest are talked about quite a lot.

Carly Rae - no
Grimes - yes
Kendrick - no niggers
TLAP - ok some niggers
MBDTF - more like /my god, wtf is this shit/core
Money Store - prostitution is illegal and should not be encouraged
Swans - yes, but only because its not real music
I don't know what 8 is
T. Swift - absolutely
Yeezus - sure.

now remember kids this is what b8 looks like

all opinions are mine and mine alone. You are free to disagree with them. That being said, this is the pure 100% truth about how I feel

I feel like Blurryface - 21 pilots should be there.

Retitle it to 2010 p4k-core
Those get posted here but isn't representative of Sup Forums as a entire whole at all save for the (large) amount of p4k-fags that keep them consistently floating in the hivemind

Sadly, it is. But I would say that it's the official 2010's neo Sup Forums core.

forgot this

music is dead

t. lewronggenerationer

>baited this easily

>tfw its actually not false and Sup Forums actually thinks young thug, taylor swift and yeezus are good and you realise you are on the shittest board on Sup Forums.

Goof Record

more like 2015 Sup Forumscore

Lmaoing dood

Swap Barter for Lonerism and swap 1989 with Sun Bather or mbv.

Opinion discarded.

It's a meme. Although it's fans do shill it alot. Maybe you're right, even if everyone hates the fuck out of it, it gets talked about more than most of the albums on that list. I still wouldn't call it mu-core though.



>making a mu core chart
>"your suggestions are entry level hipster"