/balt/ + /ausnz/

A world without Balts would be a better one.

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Kääbik master race


i always read it as en zee


Eesti boys.

3D women are NOT important.


diazepam is the best shit ever

>Save you from capitalism

capitalism is the fucking greatest thing to ever exist.

kill yourself you fucking piece of shit

t. American lapdog

Opinions on this footwear?

>he's never taken an opiate

> What brought them here, i wonder
As far as I remember it usually people from Siberia who move to Moscow, while Far East citizens move to Petersburg. Visiting Balts and Finland is just one of the hobbies of Spb inhabitants

this gimmick is alright

I'm always happy to see baltic qts

Does it actually increase speed?

i see, well they looked friendly enough.

You got me interested


Yeah and where has that got us? Now compare it to your shithole.

Capitalism 1 Socialism 0

/aus/ how popular is norman lindsay in your country

Very god Baltic boy


WHO is your favorite Estonian male model?

this country went to the dogs after your friends from beyond the atlantic destroyed the soviet union. before that it was much better. fuck off, friend.


is it the same as xanax?

Yes, yes very nice

He will surely fall for it and you will get (You)

no, it's a benzo. benzos are overrated shit and probably babbys first tranquilizer.

>Bread lines
Shut up communist filth.

reminds me of a caterpillar.

Who /horsetranquilizer/ here? lol

This Rick Owens character makes some fucking retarded shoes.

i don't even wanna count how many workers died or got maimed in your shitty coal factories during the industrialisation, without any rights, shit pentions and coal dust in their lungs. you capitalist dog.



I agree, except these socks

not that bad of a song

Poland accepting you to defend them? How rare

>Mums bija jāmirst, lai dzīvotu simti. Nebija lemts toreiz Latvijai zelt. Un pēc kariem, kas palikāt dzīvi, Būs no jauna jums Latviju celt!

>300 years ago
Jesus christ you communists are pathetic.

Brought two armies to their border, so they started feeling intimidated, then improved relations for 3 days and bang, they joined. Also works on stuff like Yugoslavia and Afghanistan, as long as you have a common border and the war hasn't started yet.

More like 150. You capitalists don't even know your own history, kek.



hes pretty popular with boomers. i sometimes got to the norman lindsay gallery & museum cottage on the way to the blue mountains and check out his shit.

Doesn't it make it harder tho? Since you still have the penalty from the purges when Germany declares on Poland

Not a fan of the airtight electric blue suit here

never done ketamine although it is quite popular here

Does an Estonian boy need boots for the winter or is it possible to get by with normal shoes?

I don't think so. This way you can move troops to the much narrower border with them and get them properly entrenched. The Germans won't be able to break through because of their shit AI. This way you don't have to "Move the Industry to the Urals" or build any huge fortifications. You just have to watch out for Hungary and Slovakia, but these can easily be dealt with.

Anyone bet on the Melbourne cup today boys?

$5 each way on Grand Marshall here. $10 down the drain.

>$50 on jameka
>$10 on excess knowledge


arnt xanax and diazepam both benzodiazepines?

What would it take for a Baltic renaissance?

oh nice. one of his granddaughter's books just came out on amazon kindle so I thought I'd ask

As long as Germany declares after 1941 i never had a problem defending even the largest border. And thanks to the AI just doing offensives , they often lose a lot more equipment, then start moving around troops like autists and it's easy to win either way

Do you start the "Purge" focus first?

Don't really get the buzz from gambling that many people seem to. I like to put small bets on famous races, just to give me a horse in the race. I make quite a lot of money now and can afford to gamble/lose. But losing is just annoying and that's what happens most of the time.

Don't know how people can spend so much money gambling on their phone.

Who's the guy in the pic

the whitest man in argentina

nope. dont gamble except for lottery tickets. dont even watch the melbourne cup. i worked as a bar tender and worked the tab for two years and never once watched a full horse race. gambling on horsees just doesnt interest me.


This proves his point, the USSR had massive growth compared to the old russian empire, but when abandoning Communism it all went to the dogs like he said.
What does US growth rate have to do with anything? They are and was in a better position for economic growth since forever, with or without capitalism.

i wear normal shoes

have you seen the movie Sirens?



>Don't know how people can spend so much money gambling on their phone.

they are addicted and not necessarily enjoying it.

gambling on politics probably interests me most but I still don't do it.

Maybe. I think a lot of tradies just have too much money tbphwy.



I don't like it, but I do it while I am fucked up all the time when it's free/cheap.

best case scenario: turns everything into a van gogh painting

worst case: k hole

I know about it but haven't seen it yet
is it any good?

Good OC

I like it.


Australia belongs to Estonia. As does Latvia.



the whole world belongs to us


>is it any good?

its a bit boring but i like portia de rossis little titties. maybe interesting if you are already interested in norman lindsays life

>Australia belongs to Estonia
i can deal with this

>Have normie "friend"
>Its his birthday
>First time in half of year or so he tries to cantact me
>He calls 4 times, dont pick up
>I feel his desperation
>Texts me "hey, whats up"
>Dont respond
>Keep feeling satisafaction from his desperation and suffering

Feels good to not be a backup friend

Things that never happened

Nah, he just wanted to borrow some money from you to buy booze and to celebrate with his actual friends

Oh it did, and it feels so good.


In that case, feels good to not be a backup money loaner.

why dont you answer your phone?

Some angry friendless virgin on internet saying that it happened isn't exactly the best validation and proof, you're just angry because you don't have friends and make up stories to feel better about himself. Go ahead post screenshot of the 4 phone calls missed and the text. I can guarantee you chicken shit won't post it.

>i choose to be a social outcast
birthdays are pretty cool regardless whether its full of normies or not

how to spot a genetic dead end

step 1: observe any anime pictures they post

that is all

Fuck that guy, dont wanna have anything in common with him anymore.

Am angry and a virgin but not a friendless one. I could care less if you believe it or not.

this is true.

>No proof

So I stand correct you're a bitter angry virgin who makes up stories to feel less pathetic.

Virgins are vile and disgusting people. If you don't manage to lose your virginity by 21 you should automatically be sent off to work camps or shot in the head.

> how to spot a genetic dead end
I have a sister who's gonna get married one day, so that's wrong. So ha!

you meant to say 16 right?

can i be her bf

>Fuck that guy, dont wanna have anything in common with him anymore.

i know how you feel. i cut off connection to all my friends 6 or so years ago. havnt had a single friend since. life is ok.


>there are virgins ITT

Yes, please, rape her and cum inside