Is he the best rapper of our time?
Is he the best rapper of our time?
Other urls found in this thread:
No, but he's pretty good
b8 or literal retard
He's actually pretty good. Dude has talent
He would be if he could pull his head out of his ass for 5 minutes.
who wore it better???
he's a ""rapper"" who feeds off the imaginations of kids that think they are above the commoner rabble of rappers
he's 31, raps like a teenager, but "has talent"
u r fucking daft and tasteless
kanye has some natural looking contacts ffs
he almost looks halfbreed
LMAO he's 31? jesus christ
woah how does he do that with his eyes??
thread over
>le buzzwords and ad-hominem
Not an argument
the only good thing hopsin ever did was diss tyler the creator
>le obvious faggot fanboi
>posts thread killing material, le "not an argument"
that's good?
Not an argument
fanboi detected
can't handle criticism of his god, says it's merely ad hominem and "not an argument"
where's ur argument fanboi
Not a fanboy, and Not an argument.