Literally the best singer/songwriter of all time and it's not close. Prove me wrong (you cant)

Literally the best singer/songwriter of all time and it's not close. Prove me wrong (you cant).
>10 classic albums
>still releasing some of his best work 40 years into his career
>released arguably the best album of all time in the genre with Rain Dogs (tied with Songs of Leonard Cohen for me)
>incredibly versatile and has spanned a massive range of styles over some 20 albums, Foreign Affairs being the only one that isn't at least an 8/10
absolute GOAT.


I agree but Rain Dogs isn't as good as Swordfishtrombones.

what insanely broad genre includes both Rain Dogs and Songs of Leonard Cohen?

but anyway I agree, Swordfishtrombones, Small Change and Closing Time for my top 3

I think pound for pound I'd go with Nick Drake, but recording your final album at 23 doesn't exactly help with longevity...

guess you forgot about pic related, but you had fun while it lasted

>what insanely broad genre includes both Rain Dogs and Songs of Leonard Cohen?
lol this

I assume he meant 'singer/songwriter' in general but that's not really a 'genre'

>>incredibly versatile and has spanned a massive range of styles over some 20 albums, Foreign Affairs being the only one that isn't at least an 8/10
not on the lyrical side tho (sadly)

d-did you forget about me, user?


Jew. Also he isn't as consistent as Tommy. He has like 5 or 6 good albums.


>Le pink moon man
One hit wonder. Not really his fault since he died but c'mon. Same for Jackson C. Frank.

Pic related, the superior Nick. Yeah, even better than Waits.

Is this the ''post the most boring fucking music you can think of'' thread?

>Another Side
>The Times They Are a Changing
>Bringing it all Back Home
>Highway 61 Revisited
>Blonde on Blonde
>John Wesley Harding
>New Morning
>Planet Waves
>Blood on the Tracks
>Street Legal
>Oh Mercy
>Time Out of Mind
>Love & Theft
>Modern Times
>Together Through Life

this isnt even touching on the Bootleg Series
"5 or 6 good albums" get outta here

>straight dismissing Five Leaves Left, Bryter Layter and the Time of No Reply compilation
come on man

I love Nick Cave too, not as much as the others ITT though. Still respectable choice.

who's your pick, user?

His voice is so shit

could you be any more wrong, user?

I bet you prefer the Rod Stewart version of Downtown Train

>His voice sounds like it was soaked in a vat of bourbon, left hanging in the smokehouse for a few months, and then taken outside and run over with a car

>Highway 61 Revisited
>Blonde on Blonde
>Blood on the tracks

Hey you're right, i was wrong! It was just 4! Thanks for the help faggot

>rich guy pretends to be hobo busker: the songwriter

>Son of a divorced couple with 4 sons who had to start working at 14
Yeah, a bourgeoise, really

I can't stand Tom Waits.

Literally: My Opinion
the post

I love Tom Waits, and everything he has done between Nighthwks and Mule Variations ranges from Very Good-GodTier but i have 4 names for you to think about because the most unique singer/singwriter doesnt=the best

Joanna Newsom
Robbie Basho
Bob Dylan
Sufjan Stevens

Townes Van Zandt deserves a nod in this thread. Small discography but gems on every side of every album.

I'm biased for sure, but Elliott Smith will always be the best songwriter of all time to me.

Tom Waits is tied with a few others for second, though.

>not liking desire

Shit opinion m8.

Bruce Springsteen...

Only Robbie Basho and Dylan are in the sma league as Waits, the other two are good but nowhere close to those three.

Drop planet waves and infidels and I agree with this, the rest are all great.

This. His chord changes are instantly recognizable, he was a skilled guitarist and had amazing talent to write catchy melodies. His lyrics were also pretty good.

Tom Wait's is sort of like David Bowie and Billy Joel in that his music isn't very genuine. He just puts on a forced persona and acts out whatever ideas he comes up with. They're fun, but not from the soul.

My favourites

>Paul McCartney
>Neil Young
>Tom Waits
>Mick Jagger
>Jim Morrison
>Eddie Vedder
>Maynard James
>Brian Wilson
>Bob Dylan
>Elliot Smith

Tom Waits is definitely my favorite singer-songwriter, but "best" is hard to prove.

Pic related, my favorite Tom Waits album.

>I love Tom Waits, and everything he has done between Nighthwks and Mule Variations ranges from Very Good-GodTier

imo the 1992-2002 is the best period of his career. Blood Money and Bone Machine are too of my favorite albums of all time

During the late 60s and 70s Waits definitely lived the life he presented in his songs.

Freddie Mercury missing? shame

Did he have some kind of singer-songwriter folk career outside of Queen that I'm unaware of?

It's ok user, you'll grow up someday

Springsteen lost himself a bit in the 80's/90s imo.

is that moot?

Exactly. And after 1980 his lyrics are not describing the same thing anymore, and it was a hell of a change.

well, the man did have some serious pipes

Horrible taste.

Bukowski - the musician, i.e. shit.

Sure, but that's not what this thread is about.

dude sounds like he's contantly going to die

I've had his music thrown at me by chest-beating record nerds for years, time isn't going to change much.

I immediately discard someone's opinion when they think Songs of Leonard Cohen is better than Songs of Love and Hate

I kek at your meme

we all are

Waits, Newsom, and Mitchell are the holy trinity

Neil Young is corny as shit dude

What the fuck does Waits have to do with either Newsom or Mitchell, the trinity is Bunyan, Mitchell, Newsom


Go back to Sup Forums please

Bukowski would be something easy listening

Here you're forgetting Paul Westerberg. One of the greatest ever.


you disgust me

They're the greatest singer songwriters. Vashti made one great album, that doesn't put her in the GOAT tier

>Vashti made one great album
The second one is great too

I'm assuming you're not the user I was responding to. If he was disingenuous wouldn't his musical style have remained the same after a change in lifestyle?

i really cant stand rain dogs and i dont get it.
it's way too fucking much of a cabaret show for me. How on earth do i convert?

Oh do you know him personally?

what a qt

If you want a glimpse at the hackiness of Waits, just google "tom waits lyrics wine" and realize how many clumsy wine metaphors and references he jams into his songs.

Let me fall out of the window with confetti in my hair
Deal out jacks or better in a blanket by the stairs
I'd tell you all my secrets but I lie about my past
So send me off to bed forever more

I think someone needs to go back to listening to Death Grips

Didn't say he was a hack, just pointed out something hacky that he does. I like some of his music a lot actually.