How do we fix America's gun problem?

How do we fix America's gun problem?

We don't. Why do you care?

we need to eat more to thicken our armor

stop giving guns to retards

>"mass shootings"
Apparently any shooting with more than 1 victim is now a mass shooting.

Is this how American lasagna is made?

No. Any shooting where more than 4 people are wounded or killed. It just happens on a daily basis in the U.S.

Every law-abiding NRA member is one sperg session from being a mass murderer.

You say that like it's a bad thing

Guns are fine.
Bullets kill people.

Outlaw bullets.

common sense gun laws

By removing americans rather than removing guns.





You're illustrating perfectly why no American should ever get their hands on weapons

>talking to bulgaria about cats
>bulgarian: you should kick your cat in the torso from time to time to show it who is boss
>attaches a pic of him kicking his cat

Gun loving Americans will never submit to you dirty fucking communists

step one: mind your own fucking business

How do we keep the out of the hands of nutjobs?

Do we search the FOID database for Trump supporters?

>"If Clinton wins, I'm grabbing my musket!"


You would you dirty wetback.

Remove Chicago from these statistics and let's take another look.

Statistically speaking "mass shootings" are fucking nothing. They are big spectacles, that's it. They contribute barely anything to the national "gun crime" stat. 99% of gun crime is niggers/gangs shooting each other. And even still, gun related deaths have been steadily going down since the 90s, but most people think it's the opposite thanks to media hype

There is no "gun problem". What America has is a nigger problem (Obviously) and a problem with mentally and socially unstable people. That's it.

Fucking Negroes ruining my city's image reeeeeeeee.

But in any case this . I certainly think we can fill some basic cracks like barring people from the no-fly list getting stuff but by and large this is something that's pretty much blown out of proportion. Also, most gun deaths are suicides IIRC.

I'd say you should need to go through the same process as taking your driving ID, but then again, I don't think the requirements for it on the US are the same as here, so it might be equally useless.

Sorry senpai, but your city has a nasty stereotype these days.

I know; it appears we're the Sup Forums of cities, though, given Al Capone and all that stuff. At least it leaves the North Side as a somewhat well-kept secret.