I'm starting to think that this might actually be her best album

I'm starting to think that this might actually be her best album.

You're crazy

It's really damn good, but it's still Ys for me. It's just fucking magical.

Am I, though?


Conceptually and lyrically it is, but some of the songwriting just isn't as impressive as it was in her older stuff. Sapokanikan sounds like quirky 2000s female singer songwriter drivel, despite having really inspired lyrics. Goose eggs is also a snoozer. Comparatively, there are really no songs to complain about on ys or hoom

>Goose eggs is also a snoozer


I think it's her worst but it still has some outstanding songs on it.

Is it odd that I think that this might be one of her least accessible albums? It has the wordiness and ornate quality of Ys an HooM but they are jammed into these 4 to 5 minute tracks instead of being allowed to wander around in a more sprawling fashion. Also, this is the most, um, eccentric her voice has sounded since MEM imo.

Still trying to wrap my mind around Divers, but I do like it loads.

Only stinker for me is Same Old Man, which REALLY takes me out of the album.
Maybe it's my favorite album by her, but then again, I only got into her last year and have listened to it the most.

I feel like I'm the only one who loves Same Old Man.

And also the only one who really dislikes Time, As a Symptom.

Fair enough.
What's your favorite Joanna track in general though?

Same old man is dope

That's impossible to pick. Some favourites would be Emily, Only Skin, Good Intentions Paving Company, Baby Birch, Soft as Chalk, Does Not Suffice, Sapokanikan and many more.

milk-eyed mender for sure

will this meme ever die?

The Ys Street Band EP is the best thing she's released btw

same old man just gets better as it goes on

> no

> yea

not a meme senpai, and you're wrong

every track on Divers is a 10 except for Time As A Symptom; taking into that loud cymbal crash climax was just absolutely the wrong move and feels like it exists solely to pull off the TRAN-- --sending loop thing

mem holds a special place in my heart but there's no way it's objectively her best work

Hmmmmmm I disagree

I'm always bouncing between Ys and Have One On Me

I disagree, but I can see where you're coming from. Divers is probably her most cohesive release: it knows exactly what it wants to deliver, and it does that extremely well. I think HOOM, though, does a much better job articulating its themes musically and has much more range to it - both thematically & compositionally.

I have a soft spot for Ys, and it will always be my favorite, but I have a hard time calling anything other than HOOM her best.

>Goose Eggs is a snoozer
Imagine being this wrong.

I think it leans a bit harder into its Ys-iness than its Easy-ness, but otherwise 100% agreed. When I first heard Leaving the City, I was nervous as shit--because it left me with the same weird aftertaste I had in my mouth when I listened to Sprout & the Bean for the first time--but it really grew on me. One of the album's weaker tracks, for sure, but not half bad at all.

Same. It makes sense, knowing where she was coming from when at the time, but I would've preferred Ca' the Yowes

I feel like TAAS rushed into its climax. Like if Have One on Me just cut straight from "You caught a fly..." into "I threw my bouquet..." Could've been great, came out as passable.

>defends goose eggs
>trashes time and leaving the city
Yeah, you should just stop now

Those are both incredibly poor songs compared to Goose Eggs.

I feel like I should clarify that "passable" for Newsom is still pretty fucking good. I still hear "Time passed hard" in my head anytime a bird chirps & all that, but she could've built up that transition much more smoothly--the cymbal kills it , you just fall right in.

We'll just have to agree to disagree on the other two, though.

Am I the only one that thinks Time is the best in the album?