What do you think of Spain? I think Spain is pretty cool...

What do you think of Spain? I think Spain is pretty cool. I like that they removed kebab and then spread Christianity to the Americas. I think their mix of Arab and celtic genes lead to a very pretty race of people. I think they have nice cities and towns.

I like Spain, do you like Spain?

I don't understand how their unemployment can be so bad.

i donut lik

I lik spen
most sources I've heard claim it's due to EU over-regulation, too much bureaucratic paperwork and heavy taxation discourages investment.

yes bnut are yo usure

thak you for you attention

Spain should leave the EU and join the UK

>they removed kebab
>I think their mix of Arab and celtic genes
make a choice user.

Arabs raped them when they were oppressed but the children of the rape kept their Christianity identity and kicked out the kebab.

>but the children of the rape kept their Christianity identity
No, the childrens of muslims rapes are always muslims, also you can't create an entire new population with rapes, rapes doesn't mean they are obligatory pregnancy you virgin muppet.

they also lived in separated neighborhoods and the christians conquerors came from the northern unconquered christian lands, the locals were just excluded dhimmis.

anyway they always looked meds before the moorish invasion but nordcucks are believing romans looked like them so...

You're just angry because the Spanish are a prettier race than the French race.

Before you point out the Anglo race is the ugliest race I know and I don't care.

>most sources I've heard claim it's due to EU over-regulation, too much bureaucratic paperwork and heavy taxation discourages investment.

But aren't the regulations the same all over? Why is Germany's France's etc. so low and med countries so high?

i'm not angry, i'm just trying to teach you coherent points of history but you tryhard to keep your memes alive.

rapes happened of course but it's very superficial to think it could totally change an ethnic population, also rapes happened mostly during capturation of some big cities on war atmosphere or just on captured females slaves in the harem, and it's actually reserved to some elites.

christians on invaded lands were just dhimmis, like jews, and they lived on some separated area for them, like jews, mixing with another religion is forbidden by the islamic law.

the true point is a lot of christian dhimmis converted at islam and they finally became the majority of the moorish elements, so they were practically similar to the native population, but they were removed twice, and some of them became rich families on the north african coasts or just pirates fighting for the ottoman empires and capturing christian slaves on the mediterranean sea.

Me on the left

Spanish girls' accents in English are CUTE.

you looks like an amerindian, not a moor.

the euro.

EU is a great thing for german/french export oriented economy. It stripped down tariffs and expanded their market, lowered the euro value compared to Deutsche Mark curency so globally they're more competative as well.

be honest, are you spanish?

taxation is regulated by the nation itself, but all the countries have not to exceed the 3% of the deficit-GDP ratio and this creates some contrast. For example Italy wants to exceed it to help the towns hit by earthquake while France exceeds it and doesn't care

I want her to CRUSH me with those powerful thighs

furthermore the unemployment is very critic and only Germany has a good situation. In France, Italy and Spain the unemployment is over 10%

Free Catalonia

this place looks like spain, where?

>All the countries have to to exceed the 3% of the deficit-GDP ratio

If only this was regulated, but it's not. They throw some fines at the countries each year, but nothing happens.

Spain sucks and we suck that's it but ty for the kind words.

Germanics invaded Spain centuries ago mate. Get a history lesson.

The hottest women in the world officially


>hottest women

i wish, i hope foreing womin aint worse

Yes they are

spain is nice. too bad spaniards hate spain so much

>I like that they removed kebab