ITT: Highly underrated albums in an artist's discography

ITT: Highly underrated albums in an artist's discography

Pic very related

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that album kind of makes me nauseous

s h e w a s t h e y o u n g a m e r i c a n

>I read the news today oh boy
>I got a suite and you got defeat
>Ain't there a man who can say no more?
>And, ain't there a woman I can
sock on the jaw?

Fantastic album

Win, Right, and Fascination especially

> Do you remember, your President Nixon?
Do you remember, the bills you have to pay?
Or even yesterday?


MBDTF this. MBDTF that

Fuck that noise. Late Registration is where it's at

For some reason it's my least listened to Kanye album. This is far from underrated though you stupid cunt. Most people rate it in their top 3.

The only underrated Kanye album is Yeezus, and even that isn't really underrated.

No Kanye album is underrated. He's too famous and doesn't have enough of a discography to have an underrated album. Yeah he has more than 5+ albums but all of them are wildly popular in their own right.

Simon Raymonde once posted in his Facebook account that people somewhat ignore their post 4AD work. I agree and it saddens me
[spoiler]It saddens me more that people seem to barely listen to Cocteau Twins[/spoiler]

pic related is even more underrated


Pretty highly acclaimed Bowie album. I wouldn't call it underrated.

In music circles maybe, no normie knows about any Bowie track that wasn't on a greatest hits album.

Had he made this album in the 80's and it would have been considered his best


Anal Cunt's entire discography

Kek didn't think anyone else had heard of this one
Incidentally the book is also underrated

It's a shame that it's basically been ignored/forgotten


Even Venture Bros. said so


True. But the cover is so nauseating I still never listen to it

People sang praises for Actor, Marry Me, and Strange Mercy but not this one too often. There are really amazing tracks on this album



"disruptr" sounds like a retarded version of slint


This was my favourite Bowie album for a while

It wasn't highly acclaimed when it came out though, it received some of the worst reviews he'd had in a while. Mainly because of all the hype over Low and Heroes, many critics thought it was a disappointment, and it didn't sell very well.



We Bowie now

almost all of his albums post Purple Rain are underrated as fuck.

>Underrated albums thread
>Posts Bowie's most overrated album

I think you're in the wrong place.

>implying his most overrated isn't Ziggy

>tfw no one ever talks about this masterpiece

Ziggy is actually good though.

so is Let's Dance.

Let's Dance > Ziggy both as a whole and on a song for song comparison.


let's stop acting stupid now
we all know that this is Bowie's hidden gem

I feel like this one constantly gets glanced over when talking about their late 60s-early 70s work

That's not Low

Not an album but this guy is a decent artist despite being a huge meme.

this album sucks ass
soul isn't shit without the soul

mah nigga

no one talks about their true masterpiece either

Shame everyone always focuses on their final trilogy + Otokotachi no Wakare because their whole discog is worth checking out.