Any albums similar to Future Days?

Any albums similar to Future Days?

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Good question

I hope theres a good answer
what did they mean by this

Not really any non-can albums soundwise. For whatever reason Long Season by Fishmans and Astral Weeks by Van Morrison kinda have a similar feel to me

yeah long season sure feels future day-ish

Nope. It's so fucking great you wont find anything like it.

Tago Mago is another GREAT Can album though.

Air - Moon Safari

Completely different genre but they feel very similar to me at times.

it doesn't really sound that much like it on a granular level, but talk talk - laughing stock really gives me the same vibe

I actually think In a Silent Way and Bitches Brew are very similar. Also a couple Tortoise albums

Faust - So Far

Plenty of latin jazz albums too have that kinda vibe




y'all are crazy
on the corner sounds 10x more like can

Some Guru Guru album. I forgot but you should check them out anyway. They play awesome krautrock like Can too. They used to jam with Can.

Penguin Cafe Orchestra is similar, but less rock oriented
I've actually been listening to Future Days a lot the past week. I never gave it much notice before but I think it's my new favorite Can album.
Hope you get some good answers OP

Do I need to go to music school to meet musicians with similar skill level to based CAN (Commusim, Anarchy, Nihilism, btw if you didnt know, faggot) members?

i listen to can - future days at least 3 times a day since like 3 years now, never gets old.

Was the singer a manlet?

bumpin for CAN

James Brown - The Payback