Is it universally accepted that this is and always will be THE Sup Forums essential...

is it universally accepted that this is and always will be THE Sup Forums essential, or could another album take its place?

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I accept it, and that's perfectly fine. It's top ten all-time for me


i repeat


it is the album that is essential to people who discover music beyond what is just on the radio (for some godawful reason people still listen to radio)

I'm new to this board, what album is this?

Areoplain over the sea.

Neutral Milk Hotel - In the Aeroplane Over the Sea

Thanks listening now


o shit what do you think?

OP here, give us some live feedback pls

Even if you personally don't like this album, post on any other forum or blog anywhere on the Internet and say that you're from Sup Forums and there's like a 50% chance that someone will crack an NMH joke.

It's basically the calling card for our board culture. Will never change.

if you weren't here during 2009-2011 then you wouldn't really understand

there were 100+ post threads every day about NMH/ITAOTS

it defined the board

Just listened to it. I'm almost dead inside

Two Headed Boy part 2 made me sob my first listen

In other words, ITAOTS killed Sup Forums

Sup Forums killed Sup Forums


It did though. People from Sup Forums picked the worst album they could find and memed it to death by pretended that it's the greatest thing ever. If Sup Forums was around in 1995 they would have done the same thing with Beat Happening. If it was around in 1985 they would have done the same thing with Starland Vocal Band.

meant for

how could an opinion be this wrong?
its always been highly regarded, even before Sup Forums and the pitchfork 10.

That's because people have always had low standards and it's only gotten worse over the past 20 years. People hold The Smiths and They Might Be Giants in really high regards even though they are two of the most overrated bands of the 80s.

It's shit

This took its place recently.

You can't really say TMBG are overrated when their fanbase is a tiny segment of nerds. I'll give you The Smiths, even though you're wrong.

Good taste

this * infinity, it's the worst thing ever created by a human

According to who? You? Who the fuck are you?

It was okay, not my cup of tea

I'm not him but he is a person who recognizes that any album is better than ITAOTS.

The vocals were off putting

have you ever heard of the pop genre

Personal I found his rawness was a contribution to the music as a whole, but it's a very subjective thing.
It's in my top 20 (as if anyone cares what I think).

Yes I have even all of the worst pop albums are better than ITAOTS with the exception of Avril Lavigne's albums being almost as bad. Also keep in mind that there are plenty of 10/10 pop albums as well such as Janet Jackson's Control, Mariah Carey's self titled 1990 debut and Basia's first 3 albums.

I didnt like it so much when I first heard it but it grew on me. What artists/bands are you into?

definite bait

>inb4 "every opinion that isnt mine is bait" meme

I'll bet most people here wouldn't call that their personal #1 Sup Forumscore album but it's too entrenched in its status. Loveless would be the next closest but ITAOTS is too much a meme to get knocked off its throne.

But that's exactly what it is. You just don't like my opinion. But that's ok, Sup Forums can continue worshipping their mediocrity while the rest of the world will go on knowing that Mariah Carey is a GOAT.

I'm pretty basic, iron Maiden, black sabbath, cage the elephant, Tchaikovsky some CCR and some Pink Floyd

We are the freshman class of Sup Forums and we think that album sucks. It's on its way out.

Oh and No Credit (The Band Bearing is in)

>10/10 pop albums as well such as Janet Jackson's Control, Mariah Carey's self titled 1990 debut and Basia's first 3 albums
>Sup Forums can continue worshipping their mediocrity
Oh the irony

>hot woman sing music, therefore bad
How do you even live

I mean, it's not something specific to Sup Forums. It's something that's specific to college aged kids getting into indie music, Sup Forums just happens to harbor a lot of that. When this album was huge at my college Sup Forums was still in its metal phase.

It's not irony though, the mediocrity i'm referring to is crappy indie. The truly good music is pop r&b. If you can't recognize that by now then you're a pleb.

And, Ray Price, Frank Sinatra, Bob Wills

>the truly good music is pop r&b

I don't have a problem with hot women singing (Janelle Monet is GOAT)

>Thinking that a genre is inherently good or bad.
Just kill youreslf

That's how you know it worked.

But Mariah Carey is a better singer.

That statement is just wrong.

But it's true though. Saying Janelle Monae is a better singer than Mariah Carey is like Saying Kim Gordon is a better bass player than Mark King, it's objectively wrong.

You're kidding me. She sounded amazing in that vid.

I'm not saying Janelle or Kim are bad I'm just saying Mark and Mariah Care better. Mark and Mariah can most likely sing/play Janelle and Kim's material with ease but Kim And Janelle don't have the skill to pull off the material of Mariah or Mark.

>Janelle and Kim's material with ease but Kim And Janelle don't have the skill to pull off the material of Mariah or Mark.
I'll believe it when I see it.

I never said they can't acquire it, but from the level of skill that both of them have demonstrated in their career, I just don't see Janelle Monae singing an f#7 or Kim Gordon playing playing more than 11 notes per second.

I chose to love it so I could. Its just music. The only reason not to like it I can appreciate is that it isn't complex enough for you. But man you'd love trying to make music with that guy if you just tried. He understands music and if you listened to what he had to say you could do something.

>That's because people have always had low standards and it's only gotten worse over the past 20 years.
At this point, you're not even trying to hold a proper debate. You're just cherry picking and saying "Everyone's opinion but mine is shit."

Wow I do not this album at all. Idk I just don't get it. I have no idea what there is to like about it.

To disassociate ITAOTS from Sup Forums and replace it would be like doing the same thing to Yotsuba from Sup Forums.

You just don't fucking do that.

Fools. Kneel before a god.

no, Fantano, memerap and Death Grips killed Sup Forums

He's scaruffi

read up on what was put into this album. if you haven't enjoyed most of zappas catalog plus beefhearts first album safe as milk, there is a small chance you'll like trout mask

I can't believe I used to like it so much
It's not bad, they're all good songs sure, but it's way too simple compared to the types of things that interest me now. Some chords strummed on an acoustic don't really do it for me anymore, I guess at some point I became more into musical complexity than "feeling".

get out


>the truly good music is pop r&b
you are one dense, uneducated, unlistened motherfucker

>hurr my favorite genre is obviously the best genre
grow up

I am so sick of seeing this fucking stupid ass cover with it's fucking pretentious, "LEL LOOK AT ME I SO ABSURDIST AND POSTMODERN, LOOK AT ME LEL, LOOK AT ME" fucking stupid ass potato people.

I fucking get it. It's hip. It's fucking LE IRONIC, HURR HURR xD xD xD

Go fuck yourself. I repeat, GO FUCK YOURSELF. Your fucking taste in music is atrocious if you actually genuinely enjoy this shitty fucking indie "LE LO-FI" garbage can of bad ideas, poorly fucking executed non-sequitur, and transcendent fucking noise-for-noise's sake and "deep"-for-"deep" sake SELF-RIGHTEOUS AND FUCKING HORRID MASTURBATION IN AUDIO FORM.

Of course, that's the fucking BEST CASE SCENARIO. The most LIKELY possibility, knowing the sort of college-age fucking hipster artsy fartsy FAGGOT types who browse this god-awful empty-headed oasis of shit and stink and condescension that you have the fucking balls to call a board, is that you are doing this to be IROOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNIIIIIICCCC and METTTTAAAAAAA and SELF-AWWARRRRREEE. In which case, you are literally the SCUM OF THE FUCKING EARTH. I hate you with every single fiber of my fucking painful, stewing piece of shit being. I hate how smugly your pale, gangling faces look down on me for not fucking being "in on the joke." Well, guess what you hipster glasses-wearing turd buckets? I'm fucking GLAD that I'm not "in on the joke", considering that the "joke" is a pompous, painfully fucking unbearable self-referential intellectual crisis of a masturbatory adolescent fantasy that you fuckheaded fuckfaces never managed to escape in the sum totality of your miserable, garbage, completely fucking pointless excuse for LIVES.

Goddammit man, I AM FUCKING PISSED

*slow claps*
*steps out of the shadows*

Heh... not bad, kid. Not bad at all. Your meme, I mean. It's not bad. A good first attempt. It's plenty dank... I can tell it's got some thought behind it... lots of quotable material...

But memeing isn't all sunshine and rainbows, kid. You're skilled... that much I can tell. But do you have what it takes to be a Memester? To join those esteemed meme ranks? To call yourself a member of the Ruseman's Corps? Memeing takes talent, that much is true. But more than that it takes heart. The world-class Memesters - I mean the big guys, like Johnny Hammersticks and Billy Kuahana - they're out there day and night, burning the midnight meme-oil, working tirelessly to craft that next big meme.

And you know what, kid? 99 times out of a hundred, that new meme fails. Someone dismisses it as bait, or says it's "tryhard," or ignores it as they copy/paste the latest shitpost copypasta dreamt up by those sorry excuses for cut-rate memers over at reddit. The Meme Game is rough, kid, and I don't just mean the one you just lost :^). It's a rough business, and for every artisan meme you craft in your meme bakery, some cocksucker at 9gag has a picture of a duck or some shit that a million different Johnny No-Names will attach a milion different captions to. Chin up, kid. Don't get all mopey on me. You've got skill. You've got talent. You just need to show your drive.

See you on the boards...

Are you fucking serious dude? What fucking is this? Did your just crawl out of Reddit's smelly, shit-stained asshole and plop right on down here on fucking Sup Forums'S MUSIC BOARD to spout your cringy, teenage level fucking comprehension of chan culture and memes? Or is this YET ANOTHER FUCKING EXAMPLE of the suburban white upper middle class autistic fucking elitist prick smug pretentious
"MEME HUMOR" of this "postmodern", vapid, uselessly dull and self-absorbed fucking "ironic" "HIP" "SELF_AWARE" board that I have no fucking idea why I'm even wasting my precious fucking time browsing right now?

every acdc album is better than this hipster garbage

Can you guys give me better copypastas? I like this guys , but I've already seen that one plenty.

Come on guys

Only pedos like that album

>pop r&b my favorite
far from it, I've listened to almost 2000 releases of music and I've come to the conclusion that pop r&b is extremely underrated, especially here on Sup Forums. There are plenty of releases by Brandy, Toni Braxton, Mariah Carey, and TLC that Sup Forums should spend more time talking about.

Make me faggot

go away kevin

> posting anco's 5th best album

ya wee bitty fuck

if we're going to have an entry level indie album define Sup Forums then i think it should be c86

>newfag who wants to fit in real hard just has to let us know he knows those are pastas, and expects us to hand him his oldfaggot medal

>if we're going to have an entry level indie album define Sup Forums
There is no 'if', you total fucking moron. It's not a topic for debate if you weren't here eight years ago to see it take form.

Overrated piece of shit

IMO any AnCo EP is more Sup Forumscore than this shit

but that's the point

>implying that's bad

I see this shit all the time.
Why the fuck do Sup Forumstants seem to think that this album isn't well known? Normies love this album. Shit, I even know some chart-fuckers who like this album. It's not underground. It's not a secret that only Sup Forums knows. It's about as well known as In the Court of the Crimson King.

>Try this album
>As soon as I start it my brother walks in
>starts laughing and makes fun of me for listening to Barney music
>Delete it immediately after out of embarassment
Did I miss something?


>pop r&b
Hoho, ho, ho, ho, hoho

The first couple songs on this album remind me of the guys who play their guitars outside of malls begging for money. Not that it's a bad album or anything.

pop is underrated desu famiglia

What happened when MPP came around?

i'm not the same person i was eight years ago
you probably aren't the same person you were eight years ago
why should Sup Forums remain unchanged through the same interval

no one cares

c86 is garbage m8