Question for people who live in coastal cities:

Question for people who live in coastal cities:
How often do ya eat fish?

nearly everyday


Never. We're too fancy for that shit.

almost never


Ya Asians really like fish

2-3 times a week

Almost never
I eat pork almost exclusively

Probably 4-5 times per week

3 to 4 times a week

that's a tad surprising 2bh
what fish dishes are popular in britain other than fish&chips?

There's loads but I have fish pie, kippers, mackerel and smoked salmon pretty often.

Technically we (Bruges) are a coastal city too as we live 12km from the shore and we still have a harbour. It's not our fault the seashore lept away from us during history.

I eat fish as often as I can, I love it. Sea-snails too, in a bouillon with black pepper.

Fish is for plebs.
Steak every day Master Race!

Not so ofter as I would want to. Meat is more common.

unless my uncles or my dad go spearfishing, rarely. One uncle is a fisherman tho and he eats fish everyday, he's so tired of it he's over the moon when we eat meat at family gatherings

Cristão-velho detected

Chicken and beef are the only meats worth eating desu

Fucking loads.

What fish dishes are popular in japan apart from sushi?

My uncels a fisherman too.2 days ago he caught a snake

Not everyday but quite often.

that sounds pretty cool tbqh

you sure it's a snake? Looks more like a really long lizard, since it appears to have paws

Natrix natrix occurs all over Europe and swims too, but it doesn't look like this

Glazed Salmon, Scampi (breaded prawn/shrimp), fish pie, fish cake (a round croquet filled with fish and a little herbs), crab & squid are fairly common in restaurants but not so much at home, seaweed is a traditional dish in Wales, muscles, winkles (a type of sea snail), sea food is awesome.

Rarely. I don't much like fish.
I eat plenty of seafood, though.

Not very often, maybe twice a month.

>winkles (a type of sea snail)

you mean wullocs m8

yes we still use the archaic germanic term because we wuz Franks n united Europe n shite

But I thought Spaniards ate lots of pork because they hated muds and skypes.

I eat Salmon sandwiches 3-4 times a week.
fish eggs roe, with some bri. maybe some proscuitto

Very often

t. Juan el carnicero

Can someone tell what flag this is


it sucks, the most effective method of catching fishes is sitting still for hours until something swims by you and you shoot it with your speargun. That's why they only hunt for octopuses now, they say they are far dumber than most fish and you can catch them with your hands (so you don't need to worry about your spearhead bending/breaking if it hits a rock) and they stay alive until you take them out of the water, where you can freeze them and they'll stay fresh.

Also it's always fun seeing them surfacing by the shore only to be surrounded by flocks of curious tourists that have never seen a fisherman before, my father used to put small alive octopuses on the arms of small kids just to scare them and it was always funny seeing these german/belgian kids panicking with an octopus tangled around their arm like in pic related

Is there a problem you hippie cuck? I bet you want to get rid of touradas too

>believing xtreme taqiyya

that's quite nice user. do these octopusses live in fresh water? I always assumed they were creatures of the sea.

fish dish best dish

2-3 times a week. My family and I have fish every Friday

Grew up in a coastal city, we had fish or seafood like 1 or 2 times a week, also like the other Italian user I go spearfishing for octopuses sometimes, it's pretty easy if you learn how to spot them (but I always feel bad when I kill them)

yeah, i have never heard of lake octopuses.

I love seafood but hate fish

I prefer shrimp crab squid octopus scallops mussels clams oysters lobsters and frogs

wait... frogs seafood?

Technically every day if the smoked cod roe I put on my breakfast sandwiches counts as "fish" for the purposes of this thread.

Actual flesh of a fish, I eat like 3-5 times a week or so. Lean, tastes good, fairly cheap if you know what to get and where to get it, easy to use in a variety of dishes so it doesn't get boring. What's not to love? Today is fried herring with mashed potatoes and pickled ghurkins for dinner, incidentally.