ITT: the worst cover art you've ever seen

ITT: the worst cover art you've ever seen.

No ironic covers and the bands should be at least somewhat relevant.

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great album, terrible cover.


You can see AM spellt in the middle
Not that bad actually, the music is ok I guess

from a distance this looks ok but its fucking awful

the cover is just unoriginal, doesn't grab attention, and lacks any gripping features. maybe that's why it appeals to all these mundy cunts around these days.

It is original though. And it grabs attention very well.

This wins simply because it's a product of the bands idiotic artistic incompetence and a half assed attempt to be "different"

It's literally unfinished.

these two and this

i just dont see it, for me an album cover should show detail about the themes portrayed in the album. there are exceptions (SOAD - Steal This album is a good representation of originality and simplicity used to create a gripping cover, or lack there of in this case.), but this was executed awfully.

>Artist sends in mockup of cover with only Eddie filled in, everything else just being posed CG for reference
>Steve Harris thinks it's "forward" and "futuristic" looking and wants it as is
>Artist so ashamed they want their name removed

the more you look at dance of death the more fucking weird it gets.

nah it's fine actually, you're wrong believe it or not

Great album tho, but this cover is absolute dogshit, looks like it was made by a child.

dont forget anvil

came here to post this


Step aside, nerds

It's relevant because I own it.

Close some tabs, dude

It's just 5 tabs.


>great album
This won't become the next Blurryface and you know it

Why do you need two YouTube tabs open. Are you watching two videos at once?

Comment wars.

so you were calling Fantano a fag?

wtf is blurryface?

He was calling him a melon.

Keep up.



what the fuck is that.

The exact opposite of this is actually true


It's a okay album and a decent cover.

i can understand not enjoying the album itself. but i dont understand how the cover can be considered anything more than slightly irregular.


It's not like his modern covers are a lot better.


This just reeks of aging 90's. It's a shame, Guano Apes are such a fun band.

it's funny how he goes full edgelord in his old days.


It worked for him, I still see him on advertising boards nowadays. The image change kept him somewhat relevant. It's sad, but it's true.

true sandra. is amazing, would have loved to see her in a hardcore band.



i think the colours clash a little but other than that its pretty typical

its the detail. mirrored snow cocks and ms paint pentagram thing looks awful. which is a shame because its a fantastic album. compare it to any typical death metal cover from artists like dan seagrave and then you'll understand the atrocity this is.

Best in thread

Pretty bad

Not actually bad

love this cover, never fails to make me laugh




Whaaaaaat theeee fuuuuuuck?


Whats really crazy is that its the same artist who did the Heathen cover that did this one.

It's German. What did you expect

It looks like they're watermelon people.

man for fuckin' real. his verses are better than Nastradamus which shocked everyone but aside from that it's just like every other gangsta rap album from 1999-2002

i actually kinda like this one


fucking creepy shit

it's infinitely better than blurryface desu


every time I see that cover this is all I can think of

That cover is one of the best in my vinyl collection desu
