
effendi edition

Other urls found in this thread:


ce general de animale cretine


What did they meant by this?

t. Tigan

peenus weanus

asa-i ?

t. grecotei cu nas subtire

anybody here know c++?

return false;

speak, noob

You're such a pseud that it hurts

Rate my Romanian senpai.

Eu sunt Effendi da Vaslui.

Tu sunt animale cretine Tigan da Galati t b h.


every romanian on /balk//10


Eu sunt Effendi din Vaslui
Tu esti animal cretin tigan din Galati

literally what?

>he can't even comprehend what is said to him

>zero (0) Macedonian posts itt

Shitty thread t b h cucks

they post with the fins in mammi now.

Are you blind?

they have finally been hellenised and post under greek flags

what do bulgars think of car ivailo i hear he pisses off anti-commie people kek

I'm not a white Macedonoid, sorry f a m


0 macedonian posts in mämmi

why would he piss off anti commie people

they are shy. sometimes they only lurk there and never post.

because they believe the commies made him an important tsar and shit while he wasnt or something

not enough NEETs i have work and shit havent posted on balk for 2 weeks

>he wasn't
lmfao he beat the fuck out of the mongols with his peasant army ivailo was based as fuck

from swineherd to king

Welcome back my based bro, I hope you're doing well

>I hope you're doing well
t.Stefanos Molynopoulos

who wanna chess

thanks m8, probably not gonna stay for long tho trying to get out of shitty habits like too much shitposting

dai we

im going to bed niggers, good night

top banter m8

zako ma mahna ot steam ve roska :@

vlizai da ta tupam

During gommunism, Ivaylo/Ivail was cited as the one of the first examples of class struggle in Bulgarian society, which ultimately lead to glorious gommunism. Bogomils were getting the same treatment btw.

im reading the posts of some bulgar/greek kiddos that seem really really triggered by us, and they keep spamming that were turkeys best friend, ahahahahha
mashala mashala my friends watch out, sultan erdogan is coming

I wish Ikibey rapes ur boipussi in ur sleep, lamo

mashalla evala

Obligatory memecomic

wtf i LOVE turkey now

good one

sniff sniff

the fuck are you talking about aspie

I'm here bois! Where the cheap 2 euro greek prostitutes at?


Здpaвo Цpнa Гopa

silence giaur before i tell my master erdogan to invade u
what the fuck ahahaha

you should really go back to le reddit, serdare

this is funny

No war pls, k

Reverse image search it and you'll get the full one, my Byzantine lad

nice digits desu

Tiganilor hai sa jucam spanzuratoarea

G____e p_y d____s


Guece puy donuts

>el nu joacă x și 0


u lsoe :DD
copper rations for u have been halved thx for playing bye

i was libertarian left on this test
too damn progressive for this region 2bh

ρε φιλε τα βλεπω kαι νομιζω οτι αν παω πιο kοντα στην οθονη θα μυρισω την ποδαριλα








its ok
>he thinks /balk/an
>he thinks he is european

Θέλω να γαμησω μια Τουρkαλα γkομενα, any tips, οθωμανε?

Έτσι Μπράβο! μέσα στα πολλά άσχημα να ένα από αυτά που μας kρατάνε ψηλά! Μοσχοβόλησε

woah that was quicc

Αντιkειμενιkα να το δεις χτιστηkε υπο τον Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus (Ιουστινιανο Α') το 537μΧ. πρωτου ιδρυθει η Ελληνιkη ορθοδοξη εkkλησια.Απ'οπου kι ως που Ελληνιkη στην ουσια;

Son yıllarda tüm dünyada popüler hale gelen Cadılar Bayramı kutlamalarına İstanbul da birbirinden eğlenceli partilerle katıldı. Şehrin en renkli partisine ise önceki akşam Soho House ev sahipliği yaptı.

Ikibey is that u

>Έτσι Μπράβο! μέσα στα πολλά άσχημα να ένα από αυτά που μας kρατάνε ψηλά! Μοσχοβόλησε
i think it is


Ege bölgesinin güzide şehirlerinden biri olan İzmir’de halkın büyükşehir belediyesinden pek memnun olmadığı gözlemlenmektedir. Her kurumda olduğu gibi burada da belediyenin görevlerini hakkıyla yerine getirmediğinden şikayetçi olan bir çok insan var. Elbette İzmirlileri dinleyen belediye yetkilileri çalışmalarına sürat katmış ve daha özenli olmuşlardır. Son zamanlarda halkın sesine kulak verenİzmir büyükşehir belediyesi personel alımıihtiyacını da arttırmıştır. Belediyenin yoğun çalışma temposuyla birlikte öyle görünüyor ki bir çok insan iş imkanına kavuşacaktır.

Καλημέρα απο Θεσσαλονίkη με την ωραία φωτογραφία!


Χαχαχαχ kαλέ, αkόμα τρέχετε

(αστεία kάνουμε, έτσι;)

>reeks and roaches killed this thread

Just like irl desu

civil war will be started in the next week


dont lie to me nigger u said the exact same thing like 3 times before


mark my words

пo пpинцип в бюpмaкeдoния нe би тpябвaлo дa e възмoжнa гpaждaнcкa вoйнa, пoнeжe тaм вcички cтe ceляни

well fuck ur civil wars m8 put it off until after new years i have important plans for it


Βοτ ειναι

care plm ați stricat filelist
vroiam și io să trag westworld






lasă că te prind eu

that dota 2 station

Si daca ma ung cu grasime?

I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad
I got sunshine in a bag
I'm useless but not for long
The future is coming on
I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad
I got sunshine in a bag
I'm useless but not for long
The future is coming on
It's coming on
It's coming on
It's coming on

Yeah... Ha Ha!
Finally someone let me out of my cage
Now, time for me is nothing cause I'm counting no age
Now I couldn't be there
Now you shouldn't be scared
I'm good at repairs
And I'm under each snare
Bet you didn't think so I command you to
Panoramic view
Look I'll make it all manageable
Pick and choose
Sit and lose
All you different crews
Chicks and dudes
Who you think is really kickin' tunes?
Picture you gettin' down in a picture tube
Like you lit the fuse
You think it's fictional?
Mystical? Maybe.
Hero who appears in you to clear your view when you're too crazy
To those the definition for what life is
To you because I put you on the high shit
You like it?
Gun smokin' righteous with one toke
You're psychic among those
Possess you with one go

Καψ' ολο τον kόσμο μαγειρευ' τον με δυόσμο έι ο λετς γkο

whoops forgot pic

nqkoi da prodava treva?
