Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belorussia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Litva, Moldavia,
Russia, Ukraine, Estonia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan,Uzbekistan and World. The USSR was not fall apart! Its collapse was illegal, but the United States and Ukraine do not think so. Why? That's why they do not want to recognize that the power of all the CIS countries, "not legitimate"

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What are you talking about, the dismantling was completely legal, since most people wanted it and voted for it.


a referendum on the preservation of the USSR was held, and> 70% were for the preservation of the USSR


It's the same as with Crimea.
It was illegal to begin with, but by the time passing people are being forced into thinking that it was legal. 6-8 years from now nobody will be questioning legality of the Crimea "referendum".

He cтoит зaбывaть, чтo Кpым УCCP oтдaл Хpyщeв, a eгo дeйcтвия тaкиe Кoммyниcты, кaк я нe oдoбpяют


Хyли нac винят в тoм, чтo этo мы выcyшили Apaльcкoe мope? Дoлбoeбы в КПCC peшили opoшaть хлoпкoвыe пoля yзбeкoв, a тeпepь винят нac.
Maмy eбaл pycню нa нaжи1!


Iirc only Baltic countries have more people support separate from USSR than to remain at that time

This is why we can't have nice panslavic things.

Remind me what happened to Yugoslavia please

They really wanted to leave the Soviet Union, see if they like "homosexual" eu. Their choice

But then what happened to CIS?

He formed illegally!

Rebuild the Soviet Union you dumbasses! And stop fighting between each other! Start manufacturing Antonovs and T-80 with gas engine again!

What's the story behind Azerbaijan's enclave territory between Turkey and Armenia? Why didn't they repurpose it during soviet times like Crimea?


no such thing


>united kingdom
not for a long time

secession should never be illegal.

Stalin created it.

I don't get why din't Soviet gowernment form a confederation of republics right after revolution? Instead of letting finland, balts and poles leave and then declaring war on them and reconquering during 20s-40s, they could have formed a beneficial union, thus neglecting Imperialistic past experience. Istead of having LE ROSSIA which has 70% originally non-russian territories, iit could have been comfy Russian Soviet state and allied siberian, Sakha, Buryat, Far East, Chechen, and so on republics + Middle Asians + Eastern Europe


No of course. Need build USCR (Unite of Soviet Communist Republics)

So that they won't get peace if they ever become independent?

In the USSR, each republic had the right to secede from the union

I'm not talking about karabakh tho. Look at the map

Having that right is one thing but what happen before & after is another thing


no such thing