Why are romance languages so much better than every other language?

Why are romance languages so much better than every other language?

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I don't know man

those women are all fat

look at those cankles

>r"omance languages are so great"
>speaking english

>romance """"""""""languages"""""""""""""
>LITERALLY just redneck Latin

pretty much a french and latin rape baby
29% french influence
29% latin influence

Fi donc, paysan anglais seulement.

>literally 60% romance

Superior doesn't mean all-purpose. Not that I think Romance is superior or anything.

But English poetry, for example, is mostly insipid and passionless in comparison.

Technically correct.

>french influence
Ever heard of Anglo-saxon?

That's a fact, retard.

Papa rome raised us well

Because we are the sons of Rome

Shhh québec you are our soon and that's all.

I want to fuck quebec

Olá meus amigos latinos, como vão nesta noite?

user that's incest

Ho fatto l'errore di partire senza computer. Era da tempo che non ero così annoiato, almeno ho ripreso a leggere

>nesta noite?
As-tu vu l'heure ?

You really are denying this? The first English language developed out of Germanic languages. This is how Algo-saxon developed.
This is what I call a fact.

Bom pra você.

19:25 pra mim é noite.

This is a /romance/ thread now

>That angry british goblin

Because our language is a language that doesn't involve the butchering of various words from every other language, add a retarded accent to them and call it english - uhh I mean a new language

Agora é que percebi, todos os caralhos estão a falar na sua lingua nativa então eu falo tambem, seus cabrões desmamados.

really, deny, language, developed, Germanic, fact -- are words of latin origin.

17:30 portanto, não é a noite.

he's not denying that, and it doesn't change the fact that english was greatly influenced by latin and french


Por favor explica o contexto da conversa

Pourquoi je mentirais ?

Because Italians can't speak any other language so they can't compare

Falamos sobre noite

That's what makes English the best language though. It can borrow from greek, germanic, latin, and French latin, so it isn't limited in anyway.
Also the most efficient language, pic related
Literally the most evolved of the major languages.

Vaginas e noite.

Não confio em anglos.

no, finnic languages are the best

Because you're French


Pan-Latin Union when?

It still sounds like shit. The argument wasn't that it is efficiently better than other languages, I simply stated that english is a shitty language. I mean don't get me wrong if I had a button which makes the whole world speak only one language I would press it though


Yeah I got that part but what about it

I didn't deny that latin hat a big influence, I just denied that French was more important than the Germanic languages.
Also Germanic isn't of latin origin, it probably developed out of the celtic.

>Also Germanic isn't of latin origin, it probably developed out of the celtic.
Celtic and germanic are two different languages families.

the technical words that are rarely used in everyday speech are romance

the core of the langauge which make up 90% of all the words an english speaker will ever say or write are anglo-saxon

then there's grammar, but no one gives a shit about grammar

it is still an even split overall between germanic and romance for words in total but that isn't the full picture

if you talk to a 5 year old and 90% of their vocabulary will be anglo-saxon

if you think infleunce = number of words your an idiot

saxon masterrace

the real one

Latin languages are guilty of that too, or at least they are hit and miss. Italian and French sound nicest, Spanish not so much, not really sure about Portuguese, Romanian is shit

T'as pas une image encore plus petite ?

I hate when I have to do shit like this.
A la selección española le han robado los brasileros.

Subtract the big latin influence on French.


Never denied that either.

French might be derived from latin but it became a language of its own by 1066 when it arrived in Britain, fun fact, the 11th century is almost litteraly the moment french started to get really different from latin.

Dead languages. English is the only relevant Euro Language anymore.

Sorry I misunderstood your post, I thought you said that germanic languages developed from the celtic ones.

pour toi

Não sou Anglo, eu sou o Quebecuzão quem torna-se em monarquista
Il est même pas Québécois, papa


English isn't Euro
There are 220 million Francophones worldwide and 2 U.S. states (Maine and Louisiana) have official status as "dependent entities."

Not as relevant as English, but not irrelevant either.


I want spain only spanish blood only in one state

there's isn't a single relevant french speaking country outside of france and quebec

those numbers mean nothing west africa is a joke

Levando em conta nosso sistema republicano, seu custo; um sistema monárquico é mais barato. E com um sistema parlamentarista, seria mais efectivo. Olhe para nossa república, e olhe para sistemas de monarquia parlamentarista.

And the rest are Germanic.

>still lost to English


>nice word order
>verbs have descriptive endings
>everything rhymes

Great language group. 10/10 would reincarnate as a native speaker.


Not quite, but my neighborhood is.

Which woman would be best irl?

Es tu donc initié à un de nos langages ?

Just studied Latin in school, have lots of Mexican neighbors, and had a gf from Quebec. I barely remember any of it though.

>Mon dieu honh honh baguette qui qui
>Mama mia pizza ravioli ninja turtles
The only parts of your languages still relevant. Have fun writing in English on an Anglo-designed network in a world where English is used internationally for diplomatic relations.
Protip: there's a reason Anglos never have to learn more than one language.

>Why are romance languages so much better than every other language?
At least my language doesn't have any issue on gender.
- Silent sound.
- Confusing grammar and forms. (to a non-native speaker)
>But English have no gender
Yeah, but it's not totally genderless/neuter in most cases, unlike Malay.

I don't know shit about Malay, but now I'm fascinated.

What's wrong with having genders?

I like musics with more than one language, this one is portuguese and spanish


It can be arbitrary and inconveniece foreigners.

How come that 17 different tenses with different spellings for each pronouns are confusing ?

*At least my language doesn't have any issue on :
- gender.
- Silent sound.
- Confusing grammar and forms. (to a non-native speaker)
>Sorry for writing it that way.

For starter

Who gives a shit what foreigners think?

Having a more complicated language means having more freedom in expressing yourself from the option it provides.

I thought it was a big issue, at least in the anglosphere just because some group of people hates the gender specific pronouns, no?

How about 1 root word that you can add with unlimited possibilities sounds to you? No tenses.

>freedom in expressing
By setting rules?

Not sure what your point is. Every standardized language has rules, genderless or not. But having more ways to tell one thing is better than not and it removes confusion, like specifying if I'm talking about a female or male cop from the get-go.

>How about 1 root word that you can add with unlimited possibilities sounds to you? No tenses.
Thats boring and redundant. I like my complex but retarded grammar.

>dat efficiency
WTF I love Malay now!



slavic languages are way better

It used to be the lingua franca of the sea Silk Route, you know. Before the colonists disturb the harmony of Silk Route.


romanian is the best one desu

Hello Dorel
