
master race edition

old thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


semites = master race of earth

Islam should be banned in the Middle East


Do you think looking at big dicks in straight porn makes you beta?

Too many questions and strong opinions.

I need some half mena qt's. Business as usual.


How do I get an Arab gf? Is speaking Arabic necessary?

honestly middle easterners would be bro tier if it wasnt for the whole islam thing

honestly I would be fine will just sunnis disappearing

No allah no muhammed no ali no islam no bump


>honestly I would be fine will just sunnis disappearing

Lemme guess. You're one of those "I think I'm special because I direct most of my hatred toward Sunnis and I think Shias are innocent victims" people.

do you have ultranationalists in mena, like we have neonazis and shit or there are only zealots

>muh ebil iran

Turkish grey wolves. And some pan-arabists and pan-Iranists although they are both not really influential.

there is nothing like egyptian nazis with ankhs tatooed claiming wewuz or something?
i knew about turkey but than again they are much more advanced.


the interesting thing is that the iranian fascist movement was westernizing, and didn't like islam. turkish fascism, the grey wolves, want more islam.

what's more interesting is Arabian beauty. I feel like nobody really appreciates it.

Oi, at least post better pictures and don't repeat. I'm getting sick of looking at her.


Please take this post serious:
Is it necessary to get circumcised to revert to Islam?

You're right

Have a pic of my Syriafu


does anyone...ANYONE in this world hate watermelon?___?
Watermelon is a gift from the gods. So good, so tasty. Who in their right mind would dislike such a perfect fruit.i meen its just that dam good^ ^

do you know anyone that doesnt like...WATERMELON!! o___O;;;;;;

moar pls

no, it's turks mostly, never seen an Egyptian like that t b h.

Are you retarded? why would you wanna ever convert to islam?



No not that was not me

Why are Khaleeji women so beautiful?


Wowww she's cute with those pigtails
You should wear your hair like that and I'd cuddle you

Yes shave pubes too

Don't bother, they're all bitches that want a rich husband that buys them Chanel bags and some other expensive shit. If you were a hot korean maybe you'd have a chance, but you won't hong kong.


grey wolves aren't racist tho, they aren't even ethnic nationalist. a kurd who calls himself a turk (and he may still call himself also a kurd) and is a patriot and muslim can become the head of grey wolves even if his ancestors never spoke a word of turkish.

turkish nationalists are retarded, but kemalist and ülkücü nationalism is on another level completely

mfw you're right


Don't listen to him. Just because he's a stuck up loser who hates ladies doesn't mean they're all like that __ __

ابن سينا
أحد أبرز الأحماء في الطب في التاريخ العربي، بالإضافة إلى تميزه في علم الفلسفة. تم تكفيره من قبل مشايخ عصره، لإنكاره لمعجزات الأنبياء وإنكار الملائكة والجن ووصفه للجنة والنار بأنهما من خيال الأنبياء، ولقب بـ”خليفة الشيطان“.

”كافر بالله وملائكته وكتبه ورسله وباليوم الآخر“ (المنقذ من الضلال ص98 ، البداية والنهاية 12/42ل)."

إبن رشد
من رواد الطب والفلسفة والرياضيات، تم نفيه إلى المغرب والتنكيل به، وتم منع أعماله وإحراق كتبه وأُصدِر مرسوم يحرمه من العمل بالفلسفة.

”ضال وملحد، ويقول بأن الأنبياء يخيلون للناس خلاف الواقع، وينكر البعث“ (سير أعلام النبلاء 21/307، درء التعارض 1/11).

أعظم الأطباء العرب، بالإضافة إلى دراسته للرياضيات والفلسفة كما أنه انتقد الأديان والإعجاز العلمي في القرآن.

”من كبار الزنادقة الملاحدة وهو يفوق كفر الفلاسفة القائلين بقدم الأفلاك“ (درء التعارض 9/346، مع منهاج السنة 1/209).

من أهم الأدباء في التاريخ العربي، ألف العديد من الكتب أهمها ”البخلاء“. جاء في كتاب (البداية والنهاية 11/19):

”كان سيء المخبر، رديء الإعتقاد، تنسب إليه البدع والضلالات، حكى الخطيب بسنده أنه كان لا يصلي، ورمي بالزندقة“.

درس الفلسفة والطب وكان أبرز علماء عصره، أنكر يوم القيامة وقيام
الأرواح وعِلم الله بكل شيء، وقال بأن الكون أزلي وغير مخلوق، وله مقالات عديدة في إنكار البعث.

إبن المقفع
اتهم بالزندقة والكفر، ثم قتله سفيان بن معاوية، حيث قام بصلبه وتقطيع لحمه قطعة قطعة وشيّها بالنار حتى مات (البداية والنهاية لابن كثير 10/96).

عمر الخيام
كان من أعظم الشعراء والفلاسفة في عصره، بالإضافة إلى أنه كان عالم رياضيات.

”إلهي قل لي من خلا من خطيئة… وكيف ترى عاش البريء من الذنب.
إذا كنت تجزي الذنب مني بمثله… فما الفرق بيني و بينك يا ربي؟“


بشار بن برد
أحد أبرز شعراء عصره، اتّهِم بالكفر فأمر الخليفة المهدي بجلده فمات تحت ضربات السوط.

أحد أبرز الفلاسفة في عصره، سمي بهذا الاسم نظراً لمعرفته ما في قلب الشخص من كلام. تمت محاكمته بتهمة الإلحاد، حيث تم جلده وتقطيع أطرافه وقطع رأسه وإحراق جثته.

ابن الراوندي
كان فيلسوفاً كبيراً، شارك في مناظرات ضد الدين وأنكر النبوة والمعجزات، وسخر من العقيدة الإسلامية. ألف العديد من الكتب التي تشكك بالدين لكن تم إحراقها.

غير أن هؤلاء لم يكونوا الوحيدين، بل قد يفاجئك أن التاريخ الإسلامي مليء بأمثالهم من العلماء الذين تم تكفيرهم واتهامهم بالزندقة والكفر ومنهم: إبن حيان والخوارزمي والكندي وعباس ابن فرناس واليعقوبي وابن الهيثم وابن باجة وابن بطوطة وابن النديم والمسعودي.

Bought my first starbucks drink
Bird shat in my drink
There is no Allah

طارق ابن الكحبة
ليس له اي فائدة او انجازات للبشرية

" "إمام الملاحدة كافر ضال مضل من القرامطة الباطنية كافر بالله و ملائكته و كتبه و رسله و اليوم الآخر و له من الضلالات و الكفريات ما تنشق له السماوات
و فاشل و غبي و الكل بيكرهك و عنده امراض الدنيا ."

***insert explanation that arab isn't an ethnic term and all the above wrote in arabic***
now name one worthy book written in tinfagh/berber.
just 1

my mother is a nice lady

Please marry me Mona ;_;

How low am i on that list

can't you just post feet or leave me alone?

I'm like that. I have a Shit personality morbidely obese ugly retarded no skills unfunny unpleasant to be around with 2/10 etc... but desu if you're not fit tall kind handsome rich and dont spoil me with chanel handbags and have a big 27 cm benis I really don't want anything to do with you. Its called having standards mona


Me,personally, i'd pick love over money any day (:
Ughh also stop roleplaying

all of what
i'm just peacefully minding my own business posting informative educating articles and you bullied me, accused my mother of being a whore, broke my heart and pissed in my arteries
i literally did nothing wrong

The Golden Ass was drafted in Numidian

>Mfw we will declare war to Iraq in a couple of days because sunnis are about to be btfo.

might you have illustration of such manuscript?
can you recreate it with a pic of your own non golden ass?

This'll just give another excuse for America to come in and you'll just get blown the fuck out, even worse with Russia.
You'll have literally 2 superpowers on your ass
You'll get rolled over

I didn't mean it. I deleted it.

K Bai .-.

>father spent most of his youth in trenches fighting Iranians
>i'll spend most of my youth in trenches fighting turks
don't go

What are the chances of me getting an Egypitian gf? I am ready to hide the fact that i am an Erdoğan fag.

So Get a job and go to school! :3
What does love mean Mona-senpai

just how pure are Sunnis?

it's from 140 AD ~ how can the papers survive?
And I don't have a donkey.

So you would rather see sunnis getting genocided by the thristy hashid shaabi savages?


They're not

No i'm just stating what could happen
Erdogan isn't stupid, he talked about the borders in an earlier speech and how they were forced on Turkey though but still

Is Wiki Warrior the highest on that list?

>sunnis getting genocided by the thristy hashid shaabi savages?
how many sunnis has hashid killed in all previous operations that it constitutes a genocide?
easy mod : you can count isis fighters too

W-what do you want now (∥ ̄■ ̄∥)
cant you see I'm busy making up a plan to suicide > <
A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities? i dunno .-.
Very high

He's from hasd shabi tho

Do you love me Mona

I was your first enabler and whiteknight when everyone bullied you

he's too high to be calculated by normal iq standards
>plan to suicide

wtf how sectarian, shame on karar
who would say that against my sunni brothers
thank ali that i, assman is a non sectarian peace loving person

Uhh, Little bit. I mean, you know, you're special to me and I think about you all the time and it was fun when we sang karaoke with each other but I wish you were nicer to my dog and stopped making fun of her >M

W-wait that wasn't you ?__? o_O I should've known



I don't feel like role-playing anymore today :3 also got another exam on saturday so gotta go study
See ya

K me too bye

i did't jump to anything
i just think it's a waste of good feet

Also don't forget your promise ;333
Glad you didn't get my horrible joke >

You're a shitty person desu
Asking everyone for mugshots
While you never deliver either
I dont hate you but i think its creepy and weird to play the cia here. I always deliver mugshots as long if opposite party delivers first. But here it never happens. Every paki here except one that contactfagged me did it for nudes. Do you want nudes mona? I hate gays more than i hate jews and everyone knows how much i hated jews in class. Bisexuals fuck animals and have beaty eyes. You're a weeb in denial you egyptian whore.

i got your super witty wit but i chose to ignore.

w-what is this thread about

One would think all the sunlight in the middle east would help with the autism yet here you are


All of you are pakis

Jk ;_; i know my place
Its lower than a palestinian

nah it's higher than a Palestinian
i'm not rude enough to call anyone a palastinian

I live near the coast of Black Sea and we very rarely see the sun. Its always gray and rainy here so my autism is justified.

Habibis pick somewhere realistic to move to.

Work/visa wise

You are already in Europe?