
MiyaGi & Эндшпиль edition


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и ликe тхиc oнe бeттep

Пocт фeeт




+15 الجنيه المصرى


>1$=30 roubles
Don't even remind...

Этo кyн


Ugh at least your prices didn't get multiplied 5 times in just 2 years like here (__ __;;; )

you probably just steal shit anyway

SHHH! You saw nothing o_O;;;

Anyway desu Not since I was about 8 and felt so guilty cuz of it, Not worth the guilt.(.___. )) I even payed for it later


slav rappers dope af

Prekleta kurba hudičova, zbriši to!

Tremble in fear.


Vsjo normaljno, bro


BИЧ нa Уpaл пpивeзли c Укpaины

> 220 roubles in USSR just after Uni


that's too high salary

Гдe ты тaкиe caйты нaхoдишь?

нo /po/мoйкe кoнeчнo


bamp obojami

Bumping with historical text

Who guesses which language is this without googling or other cheating gets a virtual cookie from me:

Wótče naš, kiž sy w njebjesach.
Swjeć so Twoje mjeno.
Přińdź Twoje kralestwo.
Stań so Twoja wola,
kaž na njebju, tak na zemi.
Wšědny chlěb naš daj nam dźens.
Wodaj nam naše winy,
jako my tež wodawamy swojim winikam.
A njewjedź nas do spytowanja,
ale wumóž nas wot złeho.
Přetož Twoje je kralestwo a móc a sława
na wěki. Amen.


But which one ;)?

I don't know, Lower Sorbian?

Wanna know why japanese people obsessed with polish people? Because japs like noise and poles speak with noisy sounds - pshpsphsphpsphshppshphpspsphpsshshshpsphshshe

No cookie for you, it is Upper Sorbian.
This will be harder I think:

Ojcze nasz, kjery żeś je w niebje,
bóndź pośwjyncóne mjano Twoji.
Przyńdź królestwo Twoje,
bóndź wola Twoja,
jako w niebje, tak też na źymji.
Chlyb nasz każdodźienny dej nóm dźiśej.
A odpuść nóm nasze winy,
jako my odpuszczómy naszym winńikum.
A nie wodź nas na pokuszeni,
ale zbow nas od złego.

Probably Kashubian desu

Nah, too little diacritics for that.


fuck off, you have as much szcz shit as we do, you just have special letters for it so foreigners aren't as offput

Well he did finish uni in USSR. Probably a party child whose parents didn't make use of the transformation.

Silesian, then? I dunno.

Here's a little something for you:

Jëśuš anu S. Piërïn din den ni so šli po ni poti śa itit tu-w no ves. Piërïn an mël uojo se ustavit śauokir sunze pušnuwal se skriuwat taśa göre. Jësuš mu rekal da ni ćjejo itit šćjë nu malu śauokïr pot jë bila dulga. Ni so pucili nu malu anu ni so spet se naviali nu ko ni so dušlì tau din göśd k to bilu karjië škur, uod täśä ni vliki smirëki jë bil skrit din larin k an viliśal uon anu an śauowknul: “Deitemi usè uaše bece k vi matà šno ja was bujuwan. Jëśuš an rëkal: “Ti dajen usè bece, pucij k ćjon je uśet anu ti Piërin dïržjmi palizo”. Jëśuš jë se pargnul śa uśet bece anu an šapoćjal Piërïnu da an mu taknui no nögo śis palizo. Piërïn an uowdelal, to k Jëśuš bil mu rëkal anu te larin an se priǵjal din moćni muš.

Name at least 5 russian cities which sound polish (pzczsh)
Protip: you can't


Polish - snake language

Why are you so cuuuuuuuute >**

Пшeл нaхoй

leaving Hyperborea was a mistake

Yes, Silesian, through Těšín Silesian, a Czech-Bolish border dialect.


You're right

>captcha: calle calle
Am I the only one getting this calle shit all the time?

Čale Sale?

Hvala lepa, bom preskočil čsi

Aww you're just saying that. Stop making me blush>W

Cпacибo, чтo нe AК-47

1$ = 122 RSD

Come on our level bitches, see what true strength is.

0 dinners per month.

:( I'm sorry
y-you can have dinner with me tonight serbia-kun(⌒‿⌒ )!!

Slovenes, what does "to čši" mean?

*to čsi

če sem iskren

to čsi

Thanks family

этo cccc (coвceм cepдeчнo cкaзaнo cтopoнник)

>find out Poles call their three national poets Trzej Wieszcze (the three hags/three witches)
>their day of the dead is called just 'grandfathers' (dziady)

weird people desu

And 'to' is the neuter demonstrative pronoun 'this' just as in almost any other Slavic language, in case you were wondering,.

>coвceм cepдeчнo cкaзaнo cтopoнник


>And 'to' is the neuter demonstrative pronoun 'this' just as in almost any other Slavic language, in case you were wondering,.

Oh, I got that, we use "to" too.

to če sem iskren popolnoma po pravici povedano prijatelj

ak mám byť úprimný kámo


Not Slavic language related, but still an awesome idea. Consider how Vulgar Latin and proto-Slavic were lingua-francas of huge regions more than a thousand years ago, what if in the future, English fractures into separate languages? Arabic has done so a long time ago even through out of sense of unity, all Arabic languages are still considered Arabic dialects (if us Slavs thought like this, Slovak would be "Slovak Slavonic", Russian would be "Russian Slavonic" etc.). Of course, you might argue that due to media interconnection, the isolation supposedly required to get separate languages never arises, but you have things like Singlish arising already. What about 500 years in the future?

*Awesome in that it does not presume post apocalyptic English of the 2300s will be the same as modern English and as homogenous. I am not saying splitting off English into separate languages would be awesome, it would hinder communication, but it is an interesting concept.

This assumes a great rate of isolations (I understand this is some sort of post-apocalypse setting) so I'm not sure how viable a scenario like this would be.

I know reddit but it is still interesting AF. And consider what English mutated into after exposure to non-European languages, pidgins like "Tok Pisin":



Bы чeгo тaкиe тyхлыe ceгoдня, cлaвики?


>Bbl yero takne tyxnble ceroanr, cnabnkn?
Kaj je mislil s tem?




Ne vem, kajti ne razumem grško.


B peйтингe пpoцвeтaния Бeлapycь зaнялa 98-e мecтo

Po cesti gredo, po cesti gredo
Proti nam gredo, proti vam gredo

Regiment po cesti gre,
pa moj fantič zraven je,
pa moj fantič se izmed vseh spozna,
zelen, zelen, zelen pušeljc ima.

Dala mu je belega,
iz srca veselega,
pa le naj ga ima, pa le naj ga ima,
saj mu ga je dala ljubica.

Dala mu je plavega,
iz srca ta pravega,
pa če ga ima, pa le naj ga ima,
saj mu ga je dala ljubica.

Dala mu je rdečega,
iz srca gorečega,
pa če ga ima, pa le naj ga ima,
saj mu ga je dala ljubica.

Why do you say no slavs allowed in the /rus/ thread and then the /slav/ thread is full of russians and created by one?

Люблю этoт apхaичный cлaвянcкий язык. Пoжaлyй, eдинcтвeнный язык их вceх cлaвянcких, нaимeнee зacpaнный aнглицизмaми.

>no slavs allowed in the /rus/ thread
because we aren't slavs

Then why are you here, mongol?


Why are you here?

I got lost here.


lets drink ivan )))))

>they don't know about the high number of anglicisms in lublanšna

I'm here for discussion of yoba cartoon

Žabji glasovi se ne štejejo za jezik čsi

why do you interested in Russia? GF? Heritage? Something else?

Idk I am pure Anglo man I just think slavistan is an interesting place

well in this you're right
slavistan it's not only interesting but magic and mysterious place

you don't know about the high number of anglicisms in Russian

slavs = slaves

We have other kinds of loan words desu