I just found out Hitler wasn't a German he was a bloody Australian!

I just found out Hitler wasn't a German he was a bloody Australian!

I fucking hate Australia

wtf i hate australia now

And I found that Stalin was born in Georgia, US.

WTF ? I love Australia now.

I thought that Putin was invading the US when that happened and I was confused because we weren't being nuked

wtf i hate australians so god damn much

There's this odd trend where immigrants act way more nationalistic than the natives.

Wtf!? Man I love Australians. I forgive your horrible shitposting for this info.

Found out that Mussolini wasn't an Itallian.

But from JAPAN

The eternal anglo strikes again.

wtf australia???!?!?!

We didn't do the Boston Bombing.
Cunts were from Dagestan.

we dindu nuffin we good boyz

>A real place

Come on lad that's just a place old racists made up when they couldn't think of a country

Josef Fritzl is Australian as well.

When will the Aussies stop releasing reprobates into the world?

Audibly exhaled through nose in rapid succession

>Can't Blitz the Fritz
Were they trying to tell us all along?

The Eternal Bruce strikes again

Don't be too harsh on Australia, there's some good people from there too. Like Arnold Schwarzenegger.

>still assuming someone's nationality or ethnicity based on the place he was born
He was German in his heart.

I identify as a black, Queer female Japanese man from Brazil