Brexit legal challenge wins: Theresa May must get approval to trigger Article 50, High Court rules

>Theresa May’s plans for triggering Brexit were plunged into chaos today by a sensational High Court judgment that she cannot bypass Parliament.

>Three judges ruled the Prime Minister does not have the right to use the Royal Prerogative to invoke the Article 50 notice to leave the EU without involving MPs and peers.

>The extraordinary development throws into confusion whether Ms May can stick to her timetable to trigger Article 50 by the end of March – and leave the EU by spring 2019.

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British parliament is shitposting central, this will be fun.

I hope brexit doesnt get their approval

As someone who supports Brexit because it won the referendum, this is undoubtedly a good thing. ONLY Parliament is sovereign. ONLY Parliament can take rights away from British citizens which were given to them by Parliament (in 1972).

It's the fundamental bedrock of the UK Constitution. The government cannot do what it likes without consulting Parliament. The referendum was advisory - Parliament didn't make it binding.

Anyway, it's obvious the House of Commons will approve Brexit because the majority of constituencies voted leave. Not sure if the Lords will try delaying it.

The scrutiny of Parliament is welcome because it will make the process more transparent, more competent and will likely draw things out longer which will damage the EU more than us before we leave.

The vast portion of MPs do not want to leave, like you said its advisory there's no obligation whatsoever.

>I hope brexit doesnt get their approval
The Commons will certainly approve it.

The only difference this makes is that 1) Government can't dictate when to invoke article 50 and 2) Parliament gets to help shape the terms of Brexit.

MPs represent their constituents though. On this issue they will listen, OR they will ignore their constituents and get voted out of Parliament. Look at what one of the most pro-Remain MPs has said:

>Nicky Morgan, a former education minister who was a leading Remain campaigner and urged the government to have a vote before triggering Article 50, said MPs “will be mindful of how their constituents voted” when parliament votes on the issue, as demanded by the court.

>it's another "I love democracy except when it doesn't give me what I want" episode

so youll have a vote in your parliment to leave aswell?
doesnt change anything unless they ignore the outcome of the vote itself

Brits are so divided. SO divided right now, believe me. They're gonna tear themselves apart. SAD!

the parliament doesnt have the cobbles to overtun the will of the people

Tired of that episode

>so youll have a vote in your parliment to leave aswell?
Yeah, because changing EU membership affects the rights of British citizens. The British government isn't allowed to take our rights away, only an Act of Parliament can do that.

>doesnt change anything unless they ignore the outcome of the vote itself
Yep. We're still going to leave the EU but the process will be different now.

Even if Parliament ignores the referendum, the MPs who did this will be punished in the next election because over 400 of 650 constituencies voted Leave. They'll be replaced by pro-Leave MPs if the public feels betrayed.

I see nothing wrong with this. The conservatives are fucking useless when it comes to creating international and national agreements/laws, as they view anything other than 'just wing it' as unnecessary red tape.

To be honest, I hope so too, but no-one's going to do that because a) their opponents will spin it against them in the next election or b) our right wing lunatics will continue assassinating more MPs.

>our right wing lunatics will continue assassinating more MPs

So this bloke stepped up for nothing?
Also, how was no-one involved in this drama aware that the Parliament could simply not be bypassed and had to give their approval? Seems like a very basic something to keep in mind.

Why is discussion here so much more nice, balanced and polite then on Sup Forums?


>implying that wasn't an obvious false flag

>implying mentally unstable racist extremists don't exist











the avarage voter doesnt have a long memory
and im not quite sure if the same ppl who voted leave, wont vote for the candidate that "betrayed" the outcome of the referendum

the party decides who is a candidate not the ppl

I see the pakis in london are getting desperate

Even if we do stay, we'll still find ways out of agreements and try to be a general pain in the arse. Just like old times :^)

>So this bloke stepped up for nothing?
What do you mean? Stepped down for nothing? He knew he couldn't lead the country once he lost the referendum. A majority of the British people rejected the course he recommended. Stepping down was the honourable thing to do.

>Also, how was no-one involved in this drama aware that the Parliament could simply not be bypassed and had to give their approval? Seems like a very basic something to keep in mind.
They were aware that this had a high probability of happening. This court case has been in the news since days after the vote.

The government was trying to get around it by use of the Royal Prerogative, which in the past has allowed them to bend the rules, and in general the Royal Prerogative is very powerful. IMO the government was feeling emboldened by the lack of any real opposition in Parliament and wanted to try it on. The Attorney General himself was leading the case for the government

Sup Forums is full of them, they just can't believe one of their own tin foil hats could actually pull off such thing

I like how you use the words like "lord".

What do you mean

Come on, I tend to favor a "Let's hang all traitors to lampposts" course of action, but killing a pro-Remain woman, a few days before the vote? That would just be counter-productive.

It's just funny those old titles still exist.

>vote leave
>doesnt leave
>be a pain in the ass

Extremists are generally unpleasant people

You're implying that he was acting logically. His long history of mental illness would suggest otherwise.

r8 from most self-destructive behavior to least self-destructive behavior

Best Korea

Such are the ways of perfidious albion


just as planned
Theresa chan might be clever than i thought

this is probably why she gives Nissan a guarantee of status

When it happened Sup Forums went full on false flag conspiracy mode.

Well this is memetic

Don't worry, we'll have far less leverage now that our threats of leaving have proven to be empty.

Well, that should give scots time to leave the union before brexit.

Also if you look at it from the government's point of view, trying to do Brexit ASAP is good politics. Even if they knew this was likely, it makes THEM look good in the eyes of the Leave voters they want to attract from Labour and UKIP.

>It's just funny those old titles still exist.
Why is that funny? Titles like "Mr" are just as old.

Where is Nigel and his lackeys now?

Yeah we dont use that either.
Maybe in court.

>A Downing Street spokeswoman said a landmark decision by the High Court earlier today on Brexit did not alter the prime minister’s plan to trigger Article 50 by the end of March.

Just in

Their party imploded when Nigel resigned.

Its funny that some unelected aristocrats have the final say in your government, also you wont be leaving the EU now and the pound will start to rise again

>be england
>vote leave
>be too pussy to leave

It's funny how British posters can be incredibly informative at times, and great shitposters at others. Love you guys

>Scottish flag

Like poetry

Wasn't there a article about the new British PM being scared of brexit and against it when it comes to her private opinion?

this is part of what i mean... someone is a "lord" in 2016 like wtf who gives a shit and why is he a lord? :D:D:D XD

on a plane


>Its funny that some unelected aristocrats have the final say in your government

They don't have the final say and most of them aren't aristocrats. The House of Lords is a review body. It can't even veto anything because it isn't elected. All the Lords can do is delay, and even then, its very existence and functions are decided by the Commons.

>also you wont be leaving the EU now

Yes we will be. Don't know how you came to that conclusion.

our vote failed though.

england, on the other hand, jumped for joy that they would be leaving the evil pollacks, and now they're too beta to leave.

then again, a country that allowed 1400 of it's children to be raped has no spine.

Will it crash?

Watch the interview, it's in english.

Ahahahahaha this is too rich.

Get fucked Nigel. This will be dragged out long enough that new muslims will equalize the vote.

To be fair, who isn't afraid of change? God knows how this new trade treaty with the EU will be for the UK, the pound has devaluated a ton already.

But muslims and black were pro-brexit.

>May will whip 90% of Tories into voting brexit
>Corbyn and his crew will vote brexit pushing it over the line


>they're too beta to leave

Why are you saying that? There's a majority in the Commons for leaving.

Pro-remain MPs are saying that the referendum should be respected

Do you have any idea how many Labour MPs have Leave constituencies?

Why do people in this thread think MPs are going to vote themselves out of a job?

>The House of Lords

>Wanting to stay in the Merkelreich

Fucking retards

it'll irrevocably crash. but at least he wont die maybe

>Yes we will be. Don't know how you came to that conclusion.

Maybe that the majority of MP's want remain.
That only a slim majorty of voters wanted to leave. People were drunk on rebellious energy, being told that leaving the EU would make them richer, that it would snub 'the establishment' that it would stop paki immigrants.

Now people are stone cold sober.

What am I looking at here?

>wanting to be poor
>wanting to be balkanized
>wanting to lose white immigrants

>and most of them aren't aristocrats.

Huge boost to the pound right after these news broke. I, being the fool that I am, didn't already pounce on the opportunity to buy everything I need from you fucks.

This, now that people in the UK see how badly it will affect them they are turning against it, the vast majority of MP's were always against it, and the fact the referendum only very narrowly won because of low turnout and racist old people means it retarded to go ahead with it.

The pound is literally rising against the euro by the minute now, there will be no brexit

So the worth of the pound has actually increased?

>he didnt buy cheap pounds


>That only a slim majorty of voters wanted to leave.
Irrelevant, this is the House of Commons. Seats matter here. A CLEAR majority, over 400, constituencies voted leave.

>The EU referendum: how did Westminster constituencies vote?
>tl;dr version: 421 out of 574 English and Welsh Westminster constituencies probably voted to Leave

This is especially bad for Labour. Brexit will be the event that destroys the Labour party imo.

They aren't. The majority of the Lords are old retired people who have done something noteworthy in their profession. Experts from different disciplines and so on. Also, political peerages for people who did favours to the government of the time.

This was a few minutes ago, pic related is now

though jpy/gbp hasnt changed much so far. maybe because of the concern of trump.

Economy is surprisingly not very accurate, especially in short periods of time. Which is why weird shit like pic related happens.

>The pound is literally rising against the euro by the minute now, there will be no brexit

You can't be this stupid.

The pound only rebounded to 1.25 or so. If Brexit wasn't happening, Sterling would shoot through 1.4 and probably hit 1.5

The markets are pricing in a delayed, more uncertain Brexit. They're not pricing in remaining in the EU.

>May's Brexit plans ruled illegal
>pound immediately rises

Really makes you think.

>political peerages
So hereditary peers then?

Pretty much aristocrats.

Can we veto british parliament decision of not leaving?

>calling me stupid and does not even not the details

Its gone from 1.10 to nearly 1.13 in a couple of hours since this was announced, which means that people in the know believe brexit is dead in the water.
The pound was at an all time high of 1.44 before the brexit bullshite, it dropped to 1.10 and if brexit happened (which it wont) it would likely drop to 1.0, the 0.80, then hit rock bottom at 0.66 after a couple of years of economic depression and the collapse of the financial industry - this is why brexit wont happen.


Fuck the UK

I know, that's what I'm holding out for. When you hit rock bottom and the pound isn't worth wiping your arse with, then I will my mighty non-euro to bring you back on your feet. And buy a crate of death by chocolate.

> There's a majority in the Commons for leaving.

Where in the fuck did you hear that?

>Pro-remain MPs are saying that the referendum should be respected

ONE MP said Mps should be "mindful" of the referendum. That's meaningless politic-speak.

>Why do people in this thread think MPs are going to vote themselves out of a job?

Because people don't want Brexit now that's becoming clear just how catastrophic it would be. Plus, many Leave voters never actually wanted to Leave to win in the first place.

please forgive us, I for one welcome our european overlords

>So hereditary peers then?
No. Hereditary is when it goes from father to son. Those aren't allowed any more. The peers are appointed by the government.

>and if brexit happened (which it wont) it would likely drop to 1.0, the 0.80, then hit rock bottom at 0.66 after a couple of years of economic depression and the collapse of the financial industry
You're a very confused person

The majority in the Commons comes from here:

You are in danger of deluding yourself and forgetting the point of Parliament. The majority that voted in the referendum still want Brexit.

You wait and see what MPs do.

"'s not about how anyone votes...."

It's as if she's saying, 'the vote only counts if it's what I want...'


Constituencies are not MPs. This entire article is meaningless.

>The majority that voted in the referendum still want Brexit.

This is not true. The amount of Leave voters that regret their decision now outweighs the slim majority they had in the referendum. If a second referendum were held, it would lose.

No it is not.

The referendum was not a binding vote.

It is essentiall an opinion poll.

May CANNOT use an opinion poll as justification for simply ignoring our democratic process and the law.

counting by constituancy is a waste of time, it's not an election, it's a glorified opinion poll
51.89% of a 72% voter turnout voted out
>The majority that voted in the referendum still want Brexit.
nice crystal ball you've got there

>probably 421 out of 574 voted leave
>close call in referendum result
what weighting distribution is that?

You underestimate the COLOSSAL shitstorm there would be if they voted against it. Seriously, it would be biblical.

Don't leave the Union please, my British amigos.

Except the public does not want Brexit anymore.

In fact it's highly unlikely they ever really did.

Well they ignored the Scottish constituencies that were almost all remain.

>Brits complaining about the EU being "undemocratic", despite the fact that you can elect your country's representatives
>has The House of Lords full of unelected paedos
>has a royal family
>first-past-the-post blocks kippers getting seats and taking responsibility
>half of the Tories are held at gunpoint by populist forces

ebin :DD:D

Fuck you

We're going.

Fuck you, they still do

I hate this bullshit remoaner "nobody wants it anyway" claim. I guarantee you that all the working class lads who voted leave would do it again in a heartbeat. If anything, they'd be more likely to now thanks to the amount of handwringing and bullshit politicians are pulling.