Do you have a Green Party in your country?

Do you have a Green Party in your country?

Do you vote for or sympathise with them?

Yes and no, environmentalists are a joke.

Our 'green party' is literally commie expats from Belarus that still think making everyone into peasant is a good idea
At least they don't have enough % to get into the Sejm

Ours got in once and boy, was that a show of the lifetime. They couldn't work with the other in the coalition, they couldn't even work with each other. Suffice to say, they stand no chance now.

>Do you have a Green Party in your country?
>Do you vote for or sympathise with them?
No. While I like the idea of environmental friendly politics, finnish green part has more or less completely betrayed the original ideology and would just cause more environmental damage with their current policies if they got in power.

There are two: one was absorbed into a leftist coalition comprising passé communists and hardline socialists a la Syriza, the other stands still and is more focused in the animalist cause, but has failed to get any parliamentary representation.

Yeah I vote for greens.

Fuck Trudeau, fuck harper, fuck the socialist NDP.

All I care about is muh Canadian rocks, trees and water. Only good thing in this country so why should we ruin it for oil interests with squinty eyes.

Yes, and they're kind of a joke.
They still got 2% last elections and got someone at the government though.

yes, but they've been ineffectual in politics the past 50 years. they cannot get elected despite sizeable pockets of the populace agreeing with their policy ideas, having concerns about our current, primary energy sources, global warming and environmental degradation/species extinction. perhaps not coincidentally, as these issues have gotten more dire, there have been even stronger pubic disinformation campaigns and money flowing into the pockets of denialist politicians, who stonewall the conversation at every turn. only reason i would support a green is to up the amount of federal funding the green party would receive from the gov't in order to actually give them a shot at playing 'the game' and getting people elected on local levels. this requires a national 5% voter threshold for the greens this presidential race. i have severe doubts it'll happen.


Jilf is the crazy old plant lady who wants to save your children from Wifi and whose running mate is a black nationalist Commie who thinks white people resisting Islamic terrorism is racist.

yeah though I'd rather vote for a party farther to the left

they only have one seat on the opposite side of the country though

>Do you have a Green Party in your country?
Yes. Though, they joined up with Farmers and are pretty conservative.
>Do you vote for or sympathise with them?
Hell no.

Looks more like a Sup Forums party

They want to genocide all Germans

What party in Germany doesn't?

AfD are the only ones

But aren't they Libertain-esque cucks who want to destroy your welfare state?

They are pretty diverse in their opinions, but they differ from the rest of the parties in Germany in that they do no want to genocide all Germans, that's basically their USP. Not even meming. There might be some parties that are more or less neutral about genocing all Germans but the AfD are decidedly against it.

lol @ american discourse gap

Do German women hate them?

Greens are insane though.

nah man women have always been known as the biggest patriots and defenders of nations and the last ones to get swayed by mainstream opinions

But didn't a shit ton of Austrian women vote for their Green party just to stop an anti-immigrant nationalist guy from becoming president?



Yes, the Green Party of Canada/Parti vert du Canada

They have only 1 seat in the House of Commons and have never had more than 14% of the popular vote, usually much lower.

For whatever reason this environmental party has basically the same logo as BP oil

Oh Hans please fuck off to Sup Forums already. People voting for the AfD are usually Ossies or other Untermenschen fearing that more rapefugees would result in less Hartz IV.

>Do you have a Green Party in your country?

>Do you vote for or sympathise with them?
No i don't vote for them because SJW's use it as a vehicle to spread its bullshit
It used to be all about the evrioment and that was okay.

Now its a joke of what it used to be only lefty nut jobs vote for them
that is now a really large segment based on polls and static results.


>Austrian getting off to Germans getting genocided
wow that's a new one

Imagine you have the choice of killing all Ossies or killing all immigrants. What would you choose. Keep in mind, both hate the West, both don't want to integrate into a cultured society, both don't know how to speak german, both have 5+ kids each and not even a highschool diploma, both are a liability to your government.