What went wrong?

How did they go from The Blue Album to this?

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You are one of the few people who agrees with me.

>same drum buildup every song
>the lyrics to "The Good Life"
>very inconsistent, has 3 good songs
>worst guitar solos ever put on record
>coulda been a concept rock opera based on an obscure opera but wasn't

also agree that it's bad. i just found the tone embarrassingly whiny. im not against raw, emotional music necessarily, but this just made cuomo sound pathetic.

>I smell you on my hand for days
I can't wash away your scent
If I'm a dog, then you're a bitch

>So fragile, so refined
So I sniff and I lick your envelope
And fall to little pieces
Every time I wonder
What clothes you wear to school
I wonder how you decorate your room
I wonder how you touch yourself

yeah and the instrumentals are boring

It's better than blue. Better songwriting, more interesting instrumentation, and straight from the heart.

I agree on the straight from the heart part, but Blue has objectively better songwriting.

whats wrong with The Good Life?

SJWs detected

That was the idea though, it's about pathos.

I've never met a sjw that didn't like this album. It's fucking Weezer and all of it is delivered like he's saying sorry and is ashamed.

Don't play into SJW bait.

You have never met an SJW then. They hate even the Blue Album for being "creepy" and "sexist".

The fact that you had to tell the person it was an objective point proves its obviously not. Pinkerton is better than blue man, most blogs agree.

>obscure opera

>ITT: t. Fantano

Blue and Pinkerton are equally good for different reasons.

Well at least you didn't say 'TRIGGERED'

Would that have triggered you?

Neither are that great. The riffs are way to boring and monotonous. Cuomo should have listened to some stuff in the extreme metal genres to figure out how to have more than just one or two good riffs per track



'The question of how you can find someone’s letter “great,” and also question their ability to use the language in which the letter is written, can maybe be put aside. (NO IT CAN’T! HE LIKES HER BECAUSE HE THINKS SHE CAN’T TALK BACK! AIIEEE!) The fact is, we are all reasonable adults here, and we are all comfortable and non-judgmental with regard to each others’ adult sexualities, and we are all able to separate the artist from his work. We are all able to separate the artist from his work, even when the artist is on record as not separating himself from this specific song or album at all, and basing it on his very own thoughts, feelings, and experiences more or less directly. And, as reasonable, sophisticated adults who are beyond parochial moral judgments, we all know that there is a perfectly reasonable, appropriate, adult response to a dude admitting in public that he is so sexually preoccupied with a strange lady that he licks things she’s touched and visualizes her masturbating, while also seriously entertaining the possibility that she is a tween. And that response is:




The became better songwriters and producers.

Better production, raw and loose instead of stale and lifeless like Blue. Songs are catchier IMO and have more energy. The drums are fucking amazing and Rivers isn't holding back with anything unlike playing it somewhat safer on Blue.

Blue was great of course, not trying to shit on it.

This is super fucking dumb, the lyrics aren't commending his actions, it's all about feeling shitty and alone, the line in which he talks about imagining her touching herself is a slide into the sexual which is designed to be a repulsive defilement of the the emotions he felt about someone caring about them. I don't know how these people can't empathise with that level of loneliness.

Not really, it's now just an empty phrase that people use when they can't justify their arguments

To the author, Rivers Cuomo is simply a projection of her horrible taste in men. The album's actual meaning, or Cuomo's actual personality, is irrelevant.


Yeah that seems about right, perhaps its a lonely dudes album

the white album is their best album.

Ewwww no.

It's excrement.

Is this copypasta? I've seen this sentence a lot lately.

A better question would be how did they go from the blue album and Pinkerton to everything else they later made

white album is good

Nothing went wrong. I prefer Blue, but Pink isn't bad. I might not really care for it, but most people seem to view it as on par with Blue.