Post your top 10 tracks on

Post your top 10 tracks on

20* fuck







Wow. That's it? This is embarrassing


>lean on
>125 plays




just realized i'm a fucking pleb

but who cares

>listening to only parts of LYSF and not the entire thing in one go

you're a scumbag

My lastfm profile is literally a trashbin

>all those feels

good list user

>judging someone on how they use their ears

you're a scumbag

It's a good summer song mate

my new, a month or two old.

Only good song on there is the xxxtentacion one.

You know what the kids love these days.


Gotta get them to subscrobble

imagine not liking Don't Know How

imagine being that virgin


Last one is Brena - a perfect circle x3. I have a lot of x3

>imagine making another account

you sure do like yourself some OPN

I can tell you I have Hot Nigga in my top 3.





>Listening to a single track off an album
>Not listening to the full album at once

this is embarrassing



>current year

why? the site is awful and tons of shit still have't been fixed after a year

last year

>Tracks Scrobbled: 6,669


Hyvät setit

kiitos :)



haven't used for about a year though.