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Fuck this dude he's just as bad as Frank
its alright
im excited to see what the opening track is, the opening tracks on 0 and 1 are dope.
nah bb's clearly doing it as an arg type thing and frank is just being annoying
who. fucking. cares. about. this. viral. shilling. faggot
>wahhh why do people like things i dont
>wahhh i'm a dumb piece of shit who likes bad music made by a talentless cocksucker who has to use bullshit hype techniques to trick people into thinking my music matters
Why did he take so long for this one?
If anyone is opposed to using hype before releasing your album, they understand that's the best thing you can do nowadays. Things like that have existed for forever, it's the new advertising. Why is death grips so well known? Because these hype trains they made at the beginning of their career.
I personally find them a whole lot better than advertising, the whole idea of secret things being released to be discovered by listeners is immensely rewarding.
The guy who hates it and called the other user a faggot is just retarded and I guess thinks people shouldn't be allowed to advertise their own music in unique ways.
kys Blank Banshee
The fuck is that countdown on the site?
To the release date, i guess.
>still saying "kys"
Are you 13? Go back to iFunny.
>making posts that start with >2016
Take a look at yourself you stupid fuck.
>still making posts that start with >still making posts that start with 2016
Take a look at yourself you stupid fuck.
So user, are you going to actually make a legit point, or are you just going to tell me to "kms" and call me a "stupid fuck" because you have a problem with someone advertising their music? Your maturity is off the wall.
>anything to do with shilling shit
lmao you should kys
I already did Learn to fucking read.
>saying "lmao" and "kys" in the same sentence
I don't know man, maybe I should "kms" to escape your stupidity.
Now make a legit argument against advertising music or get your ass off this board.
Saying you don't like their music and saying "these hype techniques are bullshit" aren't arguments, you're just making a statement that you hate them. Argue by saying why they're bullshit, and not just repeating "kys" over and over again expecting that to make me see your point, which you haven't even made.
i got the thing on mega if anyone wants it