That one edgy kid who refused to pledge allegiance to the flag

>that one edgy kid who refused to pledge allegiance to the flag

We beat the shit out of that little commie faggog after school

Why do we have to do it all the fucking time? Every day? Every morning?

And why the national anthem before all sporting events? WTF, seriously? Before high school football games. Before basketball games. Before fucking baseball games.

At what point does it just become autism ?

Me haha

Is that what you call jerking off now a days?

You WILL pledge to our great Constitution and you WILL like it!

wtf americans?

literal fascists
hitler would be proud of you

>that one edgy kid who refused to sing kimigayo

i dont even remember the lyrics to our anthem half the time...

>that 1 edgy kid who refuses to sing god save the queen when the pub closes

WTF I don't like americans anymore

hang yourself cletus

>that one edgy country that refused to celebrate Easter

Delet this

>Oh, Canada, our home and native land
>True patriots love in all thy sons command
>Blah blah blablah the true north strong and free.
>Oh, Canada we stand on guard for thee

I'll be picking up my passport on Monday


>that one edgy kid that got upset when people were staying in their seats because they were lazy
>same kid whipped out a bible right out of his pocket in the middle of a modern history class and slammed it on his desk while the class was talking about abortion

switch with me

>using the bible
>not carrying around a flash drive with the video of those Planned Parenthood guys talking about harvesting eyes

Hitler wouldnt be proud of YOU though you dickseeking numale trash

He is Greek

We only did it in elementary. I think it was only on mondays too. Oregon is kinda weird

>its certainly not facism when we do it

>Its another episode when user posts dead memes
Oh god how am i going to respond to this? Uhm shart in mart amairite? xDDD

>that one edgy kid who refused to say the morning prayers

You shits ruined a nice salute

>slamming the bible
Someone should have beat his ass

We were fascist-lite 1930-1955.

That was phased out after the Nazis came about. It didn't have the same meaning then.

US government got scary authoritarian after world war 2 to Vietnam.

I mean they still do secret fucked up stuff probably but there were so many fucked up experiments and CIA bullshit done in those decades.

Good goy, you've been brainwashed quite succesfully.
It had the EXACT same meaning, it's your propaganda that demonizes it to no end nowadays

Do people actually say the Pledge of Allegiance?
Everyone either stayed silent, or half-assed mumbled it.

It was merely a salute to the flag.
like a soldier salute or something like that.

To be fair, so was the Nazi salute. Merely a salute. But the point is that the salute didn't have any racial or fascists connotations, but merely a salute.

hahah nice spooks nerds

Why the fuck would you waste even one joule on le pledge
It's a stupid tradition for nationalists to wank to
Might as well pledge allegiance to my school district, county government, and favorite pizza place

nothing wrong with nationalism 2bh
but yanks take it to Russia tier levels, a.k.a my country dindu nuffin, we're perfect

>that one kid who refused to say the Lord's prayer before lunch

>that solid 75% of people who don't know more than the first two lines of the national anthem

My countrymen a shit

Pretty sure this was before the Nazis did it.
They ruin everything nice.

>He doesn't honor his oath of fealty to his pizza house.
Just kys dishonorable scum.

I would pledge, but I stayed silent for the phrase "under god". nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.


We still do this after the nazis happened
Pretty common actually

Nazis didn't invent swastikas either

>That one kid who made jokes while reading the pledge of allegiance
>That one kid that said the pledge of allegiance in spanish
>That one kid that refused to stand up
>That one kid who took it way too seriously and acted like he was in the military every morning

This kid never existed for me

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all

Wow I still remember it by heart after all these years

I pledge allegiance to flag of the United States of American, and to the republic for which it stands one nation, under god , indivisble, with liberty and justice for all.
Honor the texas flag i pledge allegiance to the texas one state under god one and invisible.

>that one fedoralord who wouldn't say under god


pay denbts

>be me in highschool
>a lot of the teachers are german
>first day of school with new teachers
>our flag salute is the same as the nazi's
>teachers visibly disturbed

We explained it to them later and everything was ok.


Constitution is fine.
Fucking shitty government and shitty cloth isn't.
Thats called the roman solute, Germany.
Hitler didn't make it.

>that one edgy kid who refuse to fast in Ramadan on the name of Allah
I bet they do as well.

But seriously where exactly the line is drawn?

Just fall back on god save the queen

>that one edgy kid that still did this during the pledge

>write anthem in english
>majority of england only speaks urdu