
it's happening

How much more can they rip off from My Bloody Valentine, jesus christ

who cares about this shitty britpop poogaze borecore band it's not 1990 anymore

So is it going to be more like Pygmalion or more like Souvlaki is the question

Both of you fuck off

in-between would really be nice, or something new completely

What if it's another Mojave 3 album under the Slowdive name?

WEll then it'd be another Mojave 3 album under the name Slowdive, I think that's fairly straightforward user

As long as it's good, who cares?

i wanna say that'd be cool, but i couldn't get into spoon and rafter at all, and i doubt i'd like the one that came after it sooooooooo

Pretty sure it's just going to be reworked Mojave 3 material as mentioned in this quote on the wikipedia page

>During a radio interview on Israeli radio station Kol HaCampus on 7 May 2011, Halstead said the band are working on new material, and may be recording during the summer.[3]


>rip off from My Bloody Valentine
well, not accurate. it was a like en vogue thing to use dreamy chorued reverb trails and waifu vocals.

the difference is. mbv's stuff is literally up to par with stooges but slowdive is just some watery forgettable bullshit
I can't believe people still compare the two/ but I challenge you to listen to the following albums in succession and try to come to a different conclusion:

>just for a day VS isn't anything
embarrassment for slowdive
>souvlaki spacestation VS loveless.
embarrassment for slowdive
>pygmalion VS a period of silence
embarrassment for slowdive

bear in mind the valentines were always years earlier than slowdive and loads better songwriting and production.

>slowdive "dagger"
cringe tier
>mbv "sometimes"
literally god tier. GOAT

>slowdive new album VS mbv
impending embarrassment

holy shit. This entire time I thought their name was Slowdrive, not Slowdive.

take it easy

holy shit. you're a retard.

U R chris ott?

I would've agreed a month ago, but I started listening to Slowdive out of nowhere again not too long ago.

Just For A Day is an amazing album and definitely better than Isn't Anything. My Bloody Valentine is still definitely better though with the perfection that is Loveless. :^)

mojave 3 was better

Ott just hates Souvlaki. He's said Pygmalion is one of his favourite albums.

patrician. pygmalion is a 10/10

Loveless is fucking shit and this board's obsession with it is so contrived and cringe it makes me physically sick. It's just bad music. Quit making it out to be something it's not.

nice bait

Souvlaki >>>> Loveless

I agree on a personal level, but i htink on a technical level that's wrong

>this board

You mean most major music critics of the last 20 years?

Won't be as good as the EP Lush released a while ago.

pygmalion is better than anything mbv ever released, and i don't even want your (You).

Holy shit, it will be aoty material for sure

seeing Sup Forumsbies try to criticize slowdive by comparing them to mbv is like seeing youtube commenters try to prove why listening to chiptune exclusively gives them some kind of refined taste. it's crazy how ignorant you guys are, like it's actually embarrassing

i agree