i'm super fucuing drukn mu what hsould i listen too pic untrelate
I'm super fucuing drukn mu what hsould i listen too pic untrelate
ps my glierfriend left me and i want to die
wipers over the edge
i love punk rock
I usually listen to this when I'm drunk
Songs: Ohia - Electric Magnolia Co.
Last time I got dumped I got drunk and listened to Joyce Manor all night.
Maybe I'm just a faggot but here you go just in case:
The Avalanches - Frontier Psychiatry
Grace by Jeff Buckley
Plowing into the Field of Love by Iceage
Unknown Pleasures by Joy Division
thaknsk guys i'm still realy sad but thnaks
great album op have you heard lather or orchestral favorites?
not gonna lie, I was really drunk the other night and cried while listening to this youtube.com
Ma nigga
forgot about this i have listend to every frank zapa ya'll are still great makin me little bit happier i'll be sad in the morning but yuour all graet
the diner onewer is captain lou albano i cried too
Some tim buckley
Some fahey
Stay well user we are here for you
donts woaryy i'm too much os a pussy do do anything dangerous I hope i do though
Talking about in general, not for today
Don't let life get to you my man
i tyr i just get extra drujk wheni'm sad thyen i get extra asd i'm getting goodmusic thogh
Pinegrove - Cardinal