Kpop general


Other urls found in this thread:

RV, IOI, OMG are F I N I T O



go ahead guys.. jerk off to this one now.


When will this end

I'm off bye friends.
Enjoy the show.

twice leader~

come back



Do you want me to? I'll do it to her.

Poor ioi is #6 on melon.
They really thought they could compete...
Kinda, just kinda feel bad.

>Beast - Ribbon
>Sistar - I Like That
>Gfriend - Navillera
>Oh My Girl - A-ing
>Hyuna - How's This?

Gfriend or Hyuna will win obviously


fat sojung~


we in there

>its another episode of a low quality kpop group composed of a bunch of ugly girls who "trained" for 6 years before debuting

gfriend is the jjang


>Poor ioi is #6 on melon.
>They really thought they could compete...
>Kinda, just kinda feel bad.
It's funny that the IOI fans got mad that it was flopping so they mass 1-starred Blackpink's album on Melon

Those IOI fans are really shameless when it comes to trying to cover up a flop.

this lady looks like a bootleg girl's day minah

hyojung though lol

Twice visual

Dubu dubu dubu

the best twice... by far.

omg on their way to their first win
and ioi flopping off the chart lmao



Prime example of ironic humor

thats my name

Where's danny


Let em know, brah

You can only post here if you waifu is pure.

Not so fast seolcucks

>who "trained" for 6 years
Lol I always wonder wtf they were doing for 3+ years too, I mean they always suck ass.

Spoiler: Oh My Girl won't win

none are pure dumbshit



seolhyun has a solo fansign in 9 days

wonder how that's going to go


This dbh

more like a seolo fansign

muting gaypop during shows is literally the bane of my existence

I hope someone crash tackles her

some guy released new photos of taeyeon from kcon LA, she looks really good

you guys probably don't care

me, i'm gonna take all my aoa albums and posters and throw them in her face

i have only the purest of waifus


ty based seohyun

I miss jiae

dubulete this

is this song about trying to cuck someone?

fucking slut nigger

wow, you're right, we don't care
sujeong and yein look absolutely lewd on the next ep of girl spirit

i bet u she will have cum stains in her panties from the creampie zico gives her before the fan meeeting



remove her skirt and i'll care

>hyuna is one of the nominees
good luck giri giri

no need to be blunt about it

post a sexy pic of dubu and i'll do it to her

jk who cares

Spring Love was such a good song

Eric Nam and Wendy need to come back for another duet

>all of eric nam's fans are cute

what about jiae

The Legendary JinE

alien slut

i hate this....

why of all people is it zico, it should have been top
because i wouldn't mind if top railed my waifu

They cherrypick good looking fans even if they can't sing

while you wait for the gaypop to be over

she's not on it
i spoke too soon but the fat ugly one was a good singer

I don't follow such dubious orders, sorry

>mfw the captcha has me clicking on food

subs better come fast


it's the legendary J LINE

worst member is not legendary at all


gonna do something to matilda

poor haena's got a fat ass tumor on her brow and she thought no one would notice but i did. lmao

Matilda please disband

I'm not interested anymore

word, top is a handsome guy and i would be honored to have him rail my waifu

i commend her but posting pic related anyway

captcha flower


tfw the olympics gets you motivated to work out and train again but you're 28 years old and carrying several old injuries in addition to 40 hours a week of physical work and 2 hours a day of commuting

kpop for this feel?


>Hani: "My favorite group is here, so I am wearing a skirt today to look good."

based mani

its universally agreed that jine is actually a cutie

what's with aoa cucks and top?

lol, that one person cheering for matilda

So are aoashitters here officially aoacucks now that all their members are dating

you're just memeing

i totally forgot i downloaded that 4gb folder of yerin a while back

you guys want more?

false flag

It's just one gaypopper

Man, just a few hours ago I was madly in love Seolhyun...

But now im a full on OMGshitter!

chink prostitute desu

i'm not a big fan of jine but i'm glad you're here to give her some love

what the hell, i didn't post her. meant to post this