Quick Sup Forums, give me a 4 chord sequence for the jazzy drone song i'm trying to do, no minor chords plz

quick Sup Forums, give me a 4 chord sequence for the jazzy drone song i'm trying to do, no minor chords plz

>4 chords
>no minor chords

do you know how this works

A, B, C and D major

i get 50 pct of the maney

>implying you can only choose diatonic chords in major/natural minor harmony

I, VI, II, V



who is this semen demon?

i meant the specific chords

I V vi IV

>no minor chords plz

Bb D Eb F



G Bbmaj7 Eb D7

If you recognize it youre based

Take the good old ii V I, and change it to II V I by making the II inverted or something, then add like a VII inverted before or after the V.

The numbers equate to the chord you're using based on the key you're working with if you don't know the theory to realize that. Just make the "I" your favorite note/chord and go from there.

finish it off with a G

No minor chords? Its not going to be interesting.

||: Gm7 / F6 / C7 / Gm7 / Am7b9 / Bb7b5 / Dm7 :||

oh oops. forgot that it had to be 4 chords

don't worry that's fucking nice

ty dude.

Its a modal chart that I wrote a little while ago. It's "drone" because none of the chords really resolve as they aren't tonic. they all kind of float there.

G E5 C D
Greatest chord sequence in the world