Alright Sup Forums, time to confess your musical sins. No judgement.
I'll go first.
>I fucking love Bombay Bicycle Club.
Alright Sup Forums, time to confess your musical sins. No judgement.
I'll go first.
>I fucking love Bombay Bicycle Club.
>i like ariana grande
>i really really really like soviet-era russian music
>some metal is good
Angels of Light>Swans
>I listen to most of my music through laptop speakers.
To be fair, though, they're pretty good speakers as far a laptops go.
I love folk-punk and bandcamp DIY stuff
Alright. I'll admit it.
I was there to steal her money, take her rings and run. Then I fell in love with the lady and got away with none.
I post clips and WIPs on my soundcloud then I make my friends listen for approval.
you fucking freak.
i like most doom/stoner metal bands but Electric Wizard puts me to sleep, like in a bad way. they're boring af
swans are boring
Please forgive me.
>I fucking love this album
If you'd like, you could put your Soundcloud here and let us hear + give feedback.
>I like Panic! At The Disco
>this is their best album
I like first 2 albums by them
I like pop punk
I like fun 80s music
>i can only groove and bang to like 5 plebeian artists
>but i still try to listen to new albums everyday, even though it really bores me out.
>froze when people ask what i've been listening to. like, i couldn't think.
I'm afraid to play/buy any other guitar besides Fender because I don't know enough about the others, and a lot of stores mostly stock strats and teles. I'd love to try others, but which ones?
Amy Winehouse is the shit man how the fuck can you not like her?
>Hannah Diamond is the shit.
none of these are musical sins
Try a Gibson
Probably an SG if you want to play rock, if you have the cash to drop.
my sin? I like pop punk and third wave ska : ^(
I walked into hot topic and enjoyed a song they played
I bought a crosley.
this is true, swans is for autists
I don't like listening to male solo artists cause it seems gay so i overcompensate by listening to middling-at-best female artists
I love your trip btw
I'm white and i genuinely enjoy a lot of trap rap.
i listen to literally almost all types of music except for country
I'm 19, been listening to music seriously ever since I was like 15 and the only instrument I've ever learned to play are the drums and I don't even play them anymore
Radio pop can be great, even today
Been getting really in to ska and crack rock lately also this. I fucking love folk punk, and grew up in "the scene." Good times.
Pat the Bunny is one of the greatest musicians of all time tbqh
I believe The Downward Spiral is one of the greatest albums of all time and isn't as well remembered as it should be.
I don't even like music
I'm more of a songs guy than an album guy
I use Spotify as my main source of music listening
>I enjoy fantano reviews
I like twenty one pilots
i fucking love AJJ.
I enjoy Cumbia Santafesina, i'm a metalhead
>I unironically enjoy buttrock
>Trout Mask Replica is a good album
Complete slander. I respect your right to have an opinion but honestly man, have you heard The Bends?
after 4 years here ITAOTS is still my favorite album
Panic ain't bad
Nothing wrong with third wave ska man
>i unironically think classical music is better than popular music
pop-punk and contemporary christian are nostalgic to me even if I don't really 'like' them.
I like System of a Down.
Rock n' Roll was best in the '50's
I hate Michael Jackson
Really, who doesn't like SoaD?
I don't find more than two or three albums I like in the best week. I just don't like most things I hear. It's not that I hate most of it, it's just it doesn't register with me as interesting or affecting enough that I want to listen to it. My library is tiny by Sup Forums standards, but that's kind of the way I like it. I have a few hundred albums I really like and I know most of them very very well. I don't really get how people can just coldly consume lots of new music every day and keep it like they care about it. It's just another drop in the bucket, add it to the "omg look how much music I've listened to" collection. It's meaningless
i think csh is one of the best artists of this decade and one of the best songwriters of this century
I unironically regularly listen to a teenage ex Disney actor R&B singer who's fanbase mostly consists of teenage girls and is essentially a black Justin Bieber.
His voice is just so damn good.
I'm unironically impatiently waiting for his next album.
Me too :(
I also have to pause music if I'm looking at porn unless it's a female singer cause it feels super gay
>a few hundred
fuck man...i only have about twenty albums in my library but they are all ones i genuinely like. it's so hard to find an album i really love, i know i really like it if it makes me feel something. but looking for the right one ends up becoming so difficult, i listen to several albums a day and it feels exactly like you said, "coldly consuming lots of new music every day and keep it like they care about it". sorry this might be a bit unrelated, but it's almost like a chore sometimes.
I used to be kind of an asshole in the pit, like occasionally spin kicking into the crowd and shit like that. Also used to talk shit on opening bands that didn't like at shows. And if I'm being totally honest I grabbed a girls ass when she was crowd surfing when I was 16.
Well, and bear in mind that I've been seriously listening to music for a few years now. And maybe half those albums are from before I even really started coming here, about three years ago. But I definitely feel you dude.
And embarrassingly high number of the female artists I listen to are gay or bi. I don't get to talk about my favourite female music acts with my friends that much because I have a feeling if they found out they'd dismiss me liking these artists as a fetish which is not the case. Also they'd never get off my case about it.
I listen to music for social purposes only
The only concert I've been to is Lynyrd Skynyrd
I listen to a LOT of 79 to 89 L.A. Punk. Wish I could have been there.
I also listen to cerce a lot. Though I don't know if that is a bad thing or not.
Like who?
I'll name the bands they're associated with as opposed to individual artists where applicable:
Courtney Barnett
Janis Joplin
Joni Mitchell
St. Vincent
Tegan & Sara
Janelle Monae (rumoured)
Julien Baker
the list goes on...
I'm kind of in the same boat as you there. Especially with T&S. My friends simply had to get used to the fact that they're one of my favorite bands. I don't hide it, and one of my friends actually likes them now.
I wish I had your friends user. Mine would rag on me endlessly even though all they listen to is nu-metal, metalcore and top 40 electronica.
i care more about taste, style, aesthetic than the mechanical intricacies of music
Gettin' Jiggy With It is a fucking jam and no-one can change that
I unironically love All Star by Smash Mouth.
Oh man, I would bust their balls for that too then. It helps that my friends have generally fantastic taste so even when we don't overlap, they can see why I'd like a certain artist, etc. I hope you find some cooler friends user.
My first experience of music was listening to my little pony themed electronica ;_;
[spoiler]I still like it[/spoiler]
>I like twenty one pilots
>I like some metalcore
>I like grindcore
>Slint - Spiderland wasn't that great. 6/10
in relation to this, the first smash mouth album is actually really catchy
i started a /break/ thread on Sup Forums
i think emo trap is the best genre of this decade
I masterbate to Songs About Fucking
I don't know why I like hearing loud noise with voices while I cum
I listened to Drink the sea by the glitch mob for like a week and fucking loved it...
I like Electric Wizard but Sleep puts me to sleep (no pun intended)
I never really got into Radiohead. I've listened to Kid A and Amnesiac and they were both pretty mediocre
This probably applies to most here
I saw twenty one pilots live and enjoyed it.
I don't like Swans, and I thought Kid A and Loveless were boring.
Like Wicca Phase? Or give examples
i listened to nasheed/jihad war music once, not ironically.
Same, mine even has this JBL soundsystem with a (tiny) sub woofer
I love Mongol Horde even if they are just a refused rip off
Bombay Bicycle Club are pretty good. Nothing mind blowing but they have some good songs
This is true
Literally no one thinks this. You're either lying or don't really exist
I own this shirt
Folk Punk is glorious even just for the glorious festival community that I find it has
>I like System of a Down
Not even a confession. Toxicity is legit good IMO
That whole album is glorious
Slade is actually really fucking good
Outside of blurryface I don't think 21p is all that terrible
I honestly, truly think that Person Pitch is the best album ever made
I once recorded a cover of a really obscure bandcamp band, and I began passing it off as my own because my recording was better quality and I wanted people to know the song.
Now everyone thinks I'm a talented songwriter when I'm really not.
The Downward Spiral really is an incredible achievement, and arguably the best effort to come out of 90's era industrial.
Ain't no shame there, anyone who disagrees is just too fucking pleb or concerned about their pseudo status quo to admit to liking something so popular.
Are you homophobic or do you just really not want people to think your gay?
If anything, liking solo female artists makes you seem more gay.