How does he maintain his perfect hairline bros?

How does he maintain his perfect hairline bros?

Why can't I have a hairline like that? ;_;

People don't worry about this shit in the real world.

travels back to the 90's to visit discount haircuts emporium, after that he goes to a rave, gets lit on 90's acid

Andy here thanks man

But my hairline is severely fucked up and it's not fair. It seriously ruins my appearance. I would be handsome as fuck if I just had a good hairline.

>90's acid

Chemical structure doesn't change by what decade you're in. lsd is lsd

You're an idiot dude.

>people don't worry about their hairlines and real life
Maybe you're some sort of righteous higher being, but that's a worry that most men have at some point

Says the retard who thinks a chemical in a different era will somehow be different.

by entering the matrix ofc

not him but I think you probably should know that acid is a kind of electronic music, friend

>boohoo I would be attractive if only I were attractive

you sound incredibly obnoxious

Of course I know that, but that's not what he meant.

Literally who gives a fuck. Honestly, if you're hairline is receding, just own it. It's a natural part of life and happens to most men between the ages of 18 and 50.

Also, if you're that self-conscious about your appearance and base your self esteem on superficial traits such as that and worry about how other people perceive you, etc. etc., you need to get a grip.

What's the best way to own a Hugh Grant tier hairline? Slick it back or just buzz cut it?

See this man? That's Jude Law. See his hairline? It's fucked. I guarantee your girlfriend would still drop her panties for him in the blink of an eye. If you think you're unattractive because of your hairline, forget it.

90s acid was said to be stronger than acid today (more ug per blotter and more pure) than acid today. people also like to say that what is sold as acid today is some kind of rc, but the people who say this tend to also be the ones who have never tested there doses. both of these myths can be 99% avoided with if you know the taste of rcs from the 2c family (ergoloids are known to be just as safe and less mentality intense than lsd) and if you didnt find your dealer in a trailer park

Fuck that's who I meant to say. Jude Law. I don't know why I said Hugh Grant.

But anyway, slick back or buzz it?

Buzz it and grow out a beard to balance it out.

Either/or is fine desu senpai

>Jude Law,
either buzz it (slick bald or a little hair poking out), keep it pretty short (ie. under 1-2 inches, or slick it back when it's at somewhat of a medium length

The worst thing you can do is try to cover your hairline and forehead up with long hair/fringe, ie. the older bieber/donald trump/boris johnson look.

Does anyone else feel like it's not the receding hairline itself that is the problem, but the fact that it will get you associated with balding numale cucks?

These work fine. Also, a beard helps a lot, but if you can't grow a dense, full-looking beard, just keep a nice 5 o clock shadow or very light beard going.

The big thing is confidence. As long as you're confident in your appearance, nobody else will give a shit. I know it sound like the kind of shit your mother used to tell you when you were young, but it's fucking true.

Why would you give a shit about people who negatively pigeonhole you into a certain "type" of person simply based on your appearance? The worst thing you can do is base your self confidence/esteem on the superficial opinions of others.

Also, the whole balding/numale/cuck thing is really a Sup Forums thing and I don't know why you'd be bothered with how some neckbeard Sup Forums poster thinks you look like a "cuck".

Lions don't concern themselves with the opinion of sheep.

>the fact that it will get you associated with balding numale cucks?

by who, some spergy fucking neckbeard autist

you realise real people in the real world outside don't actually think like that right


Why did I never notice or even really know what a receding hairline was until it started happening to me, and now I notice it on everyone

Because most people don't care about hairlines.

Look at Jude Law, he's done both and pulls them off successfully. Obviously, the more it recedes, the shorter you should keep it, but just follow Law like the law.

Yeah, that's generally how it goes. If you're really insecure about your appearance compared to other men your age who have yet to display any signs of hair loss, subconciously you want to compare yourself to other men in an attempt to rationalize/accept your recession (ie, "X guy has similar hair loss to mien and he still seems happy/social, etc. ; maybe I can be that too" or "oh wow, I didn't notice X guy had a receding hairline, I guess he's not as perfect as I thought"