
Discuss the talented and lovely Canadian artist Claire Boucher (aka Grimes).

Leave your opinion on her music.
- What are your thoughts on Medieval Warfare youtube.com/watch?v=OXor30_XZMY ?
- How and when did you find out about her?
- She's only playing at festivals for the rest of her tour. Anyone catching any of these?
- Who would you like to see her collab with?
- Rank/rate her albums
- Post your 10 favorite Grimes songs


Video of the day: youtube.com/watch?v=Wv1eeMfCGkw

Keep it music related, and be nice to Grimes!

Other urls found in this thread:


UFC field recordings album when

Anyone owns the AA cassette?

Serious question; when is she gonna make a halfway decent song?

oh no it's bait again

as soon as someone makes serious question

Serious answer: she already did plenty of awesome songs, not just halfway decent.

This dude predicted the future in 2012:
>Only a little bit of time until Grimes is too 'mainstream' and 'pop' for all the people loving her now. It's okay though. Pop fans seem to have taken a love to her.


Grimes released Art Angels and the rest is history. The hipsters dropped her as fast as they could.

Nah I've heard alot of them and theyre all dogshit.

Is this real? Cassettes still exist?

yes, lots of indie artists still release their shit on cassettes

Don't jump to conclusions so fast. Personally, it took me a bit of time to get into her music. What music do you like so I could recommend some Grimes songs that you may like?

theyre not all dogshit

Yes. But in limited editions.


to maximize profit

None of her songs is dogshit. You people you have the attention span of a 5 y.o. Listen to these songs more than once, let them sink into your brain. Just give her music some time, ffs.

Her EP Lethe, unofficially released. Get it from /r/grimes. And her improvisational jam for CKUT.ca Radio: youtube.com/watch?v=lhNxvoXOKcI

i want to like it more though.. should i take some druges?

Not at all. Listen to a some of her songs randomly until you get used to her style, for a while. And after a couple of months listen to her entire discography. I guarantee that it will grow on you.


Thoughts on this?

really makes you think huh

Post a screenshot, that conspiracy forum requires membership just to see the content.

there's literally a "let me in" button

OK, didn't even bother to scoll down...

when money and rich people doesn't steal her soul

A pile of bullshit, lmao. The funniest part:
>The song "Oblivion" is part of the album "Visions".

>Now, this is the cover of the album "Visions", by Grimes:


>Very occultist.

>Even has an Eye of Horus.

illuminati grimes is the best grimes

>they don't even know that Grimes is/was actually in a cult
fucking plebes don't even know their grimes lore

>Starting from now, I will keep an eye on Grimes...

>She's probably one of the main Illuminati puppets now...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha he ha ha ha ha


Just don't show this to |||KST|||. Please, don't do it.

he probably posted this himself

Godlikeproductions is amazing tinfoil website they even ban visitors (lurjkers) of all people, because afraid of spies :DDDD

Also I remember from that book interview that Grimes "Oblivion" references author of Infinite jest and his suicide.

Why this alien on the cover of Visions is crying?


>KST already there

also haha love all the people screaming "GET IT CLAIRE" what a crowd

and of course the high kick goddamn

>chipmunk music is good!
grimesfags actually believe this

grimeth is shit

guys im scared. the Illuminatis...

In that Lollapalooza interview, she said she wanted to make country music for her last album

Yo which song is country on there or did it just not make the cut

another alien put a wang in his butthole

The song California has some country influences.

You are shit.



Thats because Art Angels is trash.

Medieval Warfare is even worse.

Claire is great but she will never produce anything as great as Visions again.

She knows it too.

do you think that piss bottle is here from the times of vision production?

well considering she recorded visions in her old montreal apartment (number 5)... in 2011 (3 years before that picture)... I'm gonna go with...


well, old habits die hard then

Claire is a man confirmed

Post the full address

idk what hapoened at the 2013 superbowl but I think the colours are just a coincidence, like how can she be an illuminati or something when she was so unknown at that time? and even now too
her being into symbolism or rituals and that stuff doesn't make her an illuminati

we just know it was apartment 5 in an apartment building that had the address of 5890 (or was it 5980?)

I never could find the street it was on, after scouring google maps for the building despite spending 3 hours on it.

You are such a brainlet.

Things are so preplanned at this point.

Its a new world.

but what's her role in that plan, huh? doesn't make sense to me

She is antichrist

> mfw you will never be a soldier in Grimes's evil army

Money and 'mind control'


>Mfw trolls don't even try to be creative in their shitposts...

>you will never be a warboy for immortan grimes

Fyi no 's' - 'iluminati' is already plural.

hey I'm all for fantasizing that she's an alien or a goddess or whatever
but I can't see her having "mind control" power over society as a whole

how do i sell my soul to her? or should i just give it for free?

if she wanted it she would have already taken it...

CIA already proved that you can develop telepathic/telekinetic powers with MKUltra.
Grimes took so much drugs, now she has ultimate mind control power.

more like world control

do you mean she doesn't want my soul?
my soul is to bad for her? ;_;

Illuminati eye triangle on face...

she loves you and wants you to keep it

What kind of souls does she prefer?

the pure kind

see: james, devon

the reason why she left picture plane super early? she bit into his soul to appraise it and it was disgusting,


>wearing tinfoil hat under ballcap
>see this

I think I am already finished

tfw grimes senpai will never notice you

What is her most satanic song?

nightmusic, with the music vid

she literally says "die die die"

when? ah!
grimes wants us to die!

She also cites passages from satanic bible in scream. but it is in chinese so nobody has a clue.



more degenerates

at the end of breakdown

what if her next album is a grime album


he warned us
grimes makes us suicidal through her subliminal messages

grimes is hate
grimes is death

grimes is love
grimes is life

dude grimes wants this thread archived... why did you bump it?

>Thats because Art Angels is trash.
It's not. You don't like it. Spot the difference.

AA is a pop masterpiece, one of the best albums of this decade. She could do 10 Visions if she wanted, insteat she took a risk and did something different. Don't forget she has over 1 TB of unreleased music. Just imagine how many great songs are there...

>piss bottle
>not Corona beer

Did you knew that grimes tattoos are actual grimoire how to summon other devils from hell?

what difference?

the worst thing about the people in these threads is that they believe, beyond the shadow of doubt, that EVERYONE should like her music. and that if people don't like it, then they simply haven't listened enough, or haven't put enough effort into trying to enjoy it.

this should be an automatic red flag that the posters here are retarded. even the objectively best music of all time (mozart, beethoven, bach, etc.) has plenty of people who don't personally enjoy it. why should everybody be expected to like mediocre synthpop with annoying-ass nasaly vocals?

lol i think by "people in these threads" you mean alin


>AA is a pop masterpiece, one of the best albums of this decade.
grimesfags actually believe this

i cant wait for alin to reply to these posters and say they have schizophrenia or severe autism or are retarded or something

>don't like her music
>don't like her looks
>don't like her at all
>understand that fans are unreasonable
>still lurks everythread and makes 10 post how grimes sucks

Visions was a masterpiece.

AA has some amazing individual tracks, but it's mediocre overall.

Medieval Warfare is absolute garbage, potential to be one of the worst pop singles of this year, let alone her discography.