What the fuck are you looking at?

>What the fuck are you looking at?


Polish intellectual


the funny thing about bydlo slavshits is that they're only dangerous and confident in groups, like fucking chimps

if you meet them 1v1 they will pussy out most of the time

Those eyes ;3

Do you have any spare change?

At you, dummy


why bydlo always shave their heads?, they think that makes them look badass or something?

>What the fuck are you looking at?

no time to wash it, since you're 24/7 on the street mugging people.

Strongest man in Korea

Cos in a fight hair is not that useful.
Also might be some military fantazising shit.
He might like being bald.
He might be a skinhead.
He might just be lazy to wash it.
Why not?

They are buddhist monks.

>What the fuck are you looking at?
It pisses me off when people play the hot shit in the street so probably fuck him up.


>defending yourself and your pride is now a nigger act
Yes, good goy, keep opening your cheeks to strangers and apologise for the killing of your overlords. Also give me your foreskin



>Eminemski aka MarszaƂ Maszczers


Your qt dick