Turkey Situation

What's really going on in your country turks? Is the censorship that bad or is it just western bias against erdogan?

Eastern turkey looks really messed up on google maps, it almost seems like iraq or syria. What the fuck is happening over there.

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>Eastern turkey looks really messed up on google maps, it almost seems like iraq or syria. What the fuck is happening over there.
you cant imorove a place that is filled with mideastern shitholers

They put head of the PKK supporter party(HDP) in jail.
in the next couple of hours PKK bomb a Police station due to arrests.
So Goverment block twitter and Watsapp because they dont wanna any organize terrorist attacks or proteestos.
Im %100 support theese. Most people too. but here's another thing
Goverment accuses Cumhuriyet gazetesi for being PKK/Fetö supporter. They are some kind of SJW but clearly not güleninst(fetö) or PKK
Most people and I dont support these accuses.
Thats it.

Also theese pictures from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurdish–Turkish_conflict_(2015–present)

So do you guys just don't care about freedom of speech?

Erdowan is moving to oppress the Kurds more so that they stpark a war, which allows him to take more dictatorial powers.

Kurds do not want to be part of Turkey. Just let them leave. You'll never have to be bothered by them ever again.

Security of our people comes first.

>Kurds do not want to be part of Turkey. Just let them leave. You'll never have to be bothered by them ever again.

>it's another "Oh I hate Erdogan and Putin, but let me explain why every single one of their policies are great and perfect" posts

Turks and Russians are nothing but government shills.

seriously niqqa?
>just let them leave
kürdistan borders ıraq and iran so it isn't something to be given away so easily. not to meintion euphrates and tigris and the other water sources

>let them leave

Well they can go to iraq we are not forcing them to stay here. Those donkey-shagging, 50 iq inbred monkeys have no right in eastern anatolia except being our our slave.
If selim hadnt move them to west there would be only 2 kurd majority city in turkey right now.
>inb4 turks arent natives
Yeah nah its called right of conquest.

you would have this problem with the Kurds if you hadnt killed all the Armenians living there.

>Eastern turkey looks really messed up on google maps, it almost seems like iraq or syria.

Eastern Turkey was always like that, You did not know that because we had good relationships with eu and usa.

I support these operations aganist PKK, FETÖ and ISIS(domestically), on the other hand this situation makes Erdoğan more powerful and authoritarian. I think(hope) he is under control of secular and democrat secret state.

What's that?



weren't erdogan and gülen once best friends, what happend?

they were not friend man, they were fucking SAME, we used to see as Ak parti=Gülen movement

too long story, there are lots of theories, if you really wonder, there is a good compilation in wiki;


>freedom of speech?

Do you want ISIS/EL Kaide party in your congress ?
If not you dont care about freedom of speech

Fucking loser

honest question, why dont you guys just give the kurds a little bit to keep them happy

I am happy that kurds outbreed you, due to how shitty almancis are.

If they saw that chimping out can get you somewhere than they would chimp out even more, not less.
Does not matter anyway Turkey is gonna get seperated soon.

We may go down but we are gonna take you wh*te cucks with us :DDD


You've lost m8, kurds are doing what you did to the Greeks they taken the East like you did with Manzikert, then they're outbreedding in Central Anatolia like once again you did to the Greeks, you're only hope is to go full Djihad and to remove them before you end up like the Greeks