Ordinary black men get married with black women

Only rich black guys are able to get married with white women

So you don't need to hate blacks

>Only rich black guys are able to get married with white women
>He actually believes this

I still hate niggers regardless.

>time for the daily niggerspam

here blacks get the best girls, I get so hard watching them with our med women

You guys are so rude ;-;

>what is pump and dump

Does Japan have 0 single mothers?


You are black?
I think Sup Forums people make you feel so sad
Are you ok?



Your women will be fucked by black from former Portuguese colonies

Yes I am black

>Are you OK
No ;-;

I'm African and most africans marry their own, I don't know why people honestly think everyone worships white people.

In my country white people aren't treated well, mulattoes are treated bad as well. My aunt married a white guy, he went over there once with her to visit her family, got treated like shit. Bahaha

I'm black too, don't take any of this shit seriously

sorry for hurting your feelings ( ._.) ( ;_;)

>implying you haven't fucked silly half of the cheerleading squad with your superior BBC during your time in highschool

>American flag
>I'm African
No you're not. You're an afro-murrican nigger.

Even Africans hate you.

I doubt Tyrone worships Kelly when he impregnates her. He is just trying to bust a nut

No? I'm actually African, and we don't hate African Americans.

When whites date non-white women,it's usually the most attractive, educated, and most feminine. This holds true for Latina, black, and Asian women. This would be true for Arabic women but Arab men just kill them if they marry out desu.

Except for very rare cases, non-white men usually get the scraps. Within and outside their respective races.

This is true. Interracial relationships are rare even in properly diverse places like flag related.

White Burgers are just insecure desu.

i don't know if you consider russian women white but there is a couple lives in my neigbourhood where a guy is black and a girl (she is pretty cute i have to admit) is a blonde russia. and guess what? they also have two half-black kids. neither of them looks rich. i'd say they dress poorly even by russian standards.

Is it rare in Russia?

D-do Russian women really like black guys???? What about black Americans?

i'd say it's still pretty rare (i mean a russian girl and a black guy) but couples like russian woman and middle asian or some arabic-looking man are getting more and more common especially among youth. georgian men are pretty popular among women over 40 years old for example

It's a good deal.

i think if you're good-looking and a nice/normal (don't know how you call it) person, and especially if you want to create a family and live a normal life they don't really care about your race and skin colour.

R-really, I won't be killed by a neo-nazi right?

>Father still around
Better than 7/10 black guys already.

lol. i hope you're joking. you'll barely meet any nazi in big cities. and nazism/racism are basically punishable by law since like 2014

Keep putting white people on a pedestal and see where that gets you.

Mum and dad are butt ugly good thing the kid came out with good looks.

You hate white people out of jealousy then. Cause all of you are batshit ugly and immediately hate the person who married from whites

This thread kills the white boi

Are there actually any white american posters left? Were there any to begin with?

t. Mutumbo Ogunbi

I masturbated a lot of times with that serie

blacks lust for white
our woman are safe

these guys sure do look rich

>niggers are more racist than the whites they call racist

We know. That's why the white boys all hate you.