Why are slavs so poor?

Why are slavs so poor?

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Why are we?

average wealth includes equity, do a lot of germans not own their own house?

this chart is kind of a meme

Weil sie untermenschen sind

You should ask one of your countrymen.

Failed communism. We just forgot how to be economically successful.

Literally everything about Europe can be explained with this image.

Communism sent them back 70 years.


>average wealth includes equity


It's funny how Germans are poor as fuck, but have great buying power. Really makes me admire the German economic model.

If you take Germany that doesn't explain anything.
Protestant regions used to be wealthy, then the whole of East Germany that was Protestant became communist and half a century later it's an underdeveloped shithole.

And catholic regions that used to be backward like Bavaria are now among the top performers in Germany.

Why is that admirable? Genuine question.

It means that they manage to provide a lot of goods and services for very cheap.

It's the ultimate goal of capitalism: Loads of stuff for everyone.

Learned in a banking class that most Germans rent.


>wealth of 1 (one)

>ukrainians only have a thousand dollars
holy lel

basically soviet legacy

How many wars has Europe had for the last 70 years? USSR had Afganistan war and supported dozens of conflicts around the world. Communists wanted to capture all the world, german, and had spent all money for that.

they dumb
culture of kill
short heada

doesn't change the average (mean) wealth

(maybe the median wealth, but not the mean)

*unless of course the houses are owned by non-Germans, which is indeed the case in Germany

um wtf, why are moldovans richer than ukrainians? that seems a bit off.

It's not the wars. It's just that Communism is bad at creating wealth, but someone had to try it.

Why is Greece so rich? They have no industry no natural resources just tourism.

because they aren't turks


>no ww2
>subsidized by NATO
>no communism
>still poor as shit

lmao, cannot make that up

Why are germans so poor?

Wars, german, and weapons, and conflicts has broken communist countries. While your german people were constructing cars, soviet people constructed tanks.

Well, Croatia had a war literally at home like 20 years ago and still they do pretty good for a slav country.

And he: Doesn't take into consideration that a lot of houses belong to companies, not some real owner. Biggest company here holds 180.000 flats.

Civil war. Before that, they were better off.

> untermenschen
> says brazilian monkey

Croatia is a part of Europe. I know, you just wanted to show how rich your country is by this post.

But girls want to live with strong guys, but not with weak construtors of cars or tanks.

Literally all countries on the map but T*rkey are Europe, mate.

Are you ready to throw your culture to mess for your rich life? Europe is a Roman Empire and 3rd reich in the past.

If some slavic girls suck european dicks for money now, that doesn't mean that your german girls will not do the same with islamic dicks. Islamic people don't want to assimilate, they consider white people to be like dogs.


German thievery for the last 200 years

you should have allowed germany to annex you


it should be Poland annexing modern day and original Eastern Germany.

because you're sandniggers, sandmonkey

Are you going to do those threads all day you fucking prussian retard?

They are and always have been lower than us

Hitler was right.

Estonia proves superior over other Eastern Europeans once again

Estoniais nordic.

Bravo Estonia

Bad choices in history. Serbia specifically is a fuck up due to sanctions. We wouldnt be western-Europe tier but we could at least end up like Slovenia

Thats a meme map not taking into account the cost of living
This is better map

the same reason niggers are poor.

Because the Jews hate them the most so they decided to do their worst on them first

This is why we dont want to be grouped with Eastern Europe, they are poor af. Neither do we wish to be grouped with Lithuania and Latvia bc they are poor af also

Because avarage Western European families had generations to amass wealth, whereas in Eastern Europe businesses were nationalised and farms collectivised.

Because you funded Communism

You didn't really know that before the Russian revolution either to obe honest

Rather sure the Russians wanted Communism at that stage, how else could the reds hold out against a side that had direct military support from the entente?

The forces fighting them were dis unified and often fought each other

>tfw only 24 wealth

Catholic western German lands were better, Prussia was a shithole up to those reforms implemented by vom Stein.

Also - if East Germany was well developed, then how you explain this?


>Eastern Germany was a shithole
Wonder why.

It was devastated by wars.

Oh my! Poor me.
Even min storebror Sverige is twice as wealthy as I am.
What does this map count in?
Is this again some marxist shit where "progressive society" and multiculturalism counts as wealth?

come on, that's bad

Why are Germans so poor ?


Great source.

Why are blks so poor?
Why are north aftican so poor?
Why ate central asians so poor?

>Can't read Credit Mountain Jew 2015

I saw it, but just didn't trust this website.

Why are latin americans so poor?
Why are all non western euros so poor?

Why iran so poor why egypy so poor?
Slav skulls arent western euro skulls.

It's the communism. Why was East Germany so more poor than West Germany?

Same shit

>tallest midget

Not that I'm in a place to mock, really.

Thanks to you pigs and your marxist-bolshevik bullshit that you decided to export eastward. And when the time came for you to clean this fucking mess you failed like miserable cunts again. So th-thanks G-Germoney.