Spring in northern argentina

>spring in northern argentina

Holy shit. Clouds/Rain/Humidity and extreme heat is probably the worst combination ever.
At least you have some wind to save it a bit.

good god, man

hop on the first boat out of that hot dog steamer

I'm sorry for you, here has been raining A LOT since this morning

Yesterday there were like 32 degrees here and now there are 14, I don't know what's happening. Is it always like that there in the north?


Autumn in Northern Russia


Just the perfect weather coming through

real br winter has come

>+15 in Chernobyl
Holy shit, it's leaking.

Should we be used to our wheather by now?

And don't you hermanos have snowy alps?

What are you complaining about? Go get an argentinian gf and some hot chocolate at a chalet.

Shouldn't we be used(...)*

>it's about 12C in Portugal now
adopt me plz

Holy shit, that's basically India-tier

Haha, that's what you get for being a nigger.

estooo se vaa a descontrolaaaaar

update, it's still 14ºC there, sketchy

why is central spain so cold? Pyrenees?

no, but it's a high plateau north of Madrid (600/1000 meters).

>Santiago del Estero
Are you white?

>minus twenty celcius' degrees
>minus twenty celcius' degrees in early November
>minus twenty celcius' degrees in the early days of the eleventh month of the year

that sounds horrible

It can be cold in some places, Spain is very mountanious.

holy shit that must be great

do you retards even know where chernobyl is?

You have 40, I have 4. What do ?