When did you grow out of Radiohead?

When did you grow out of Radiohead?

I think it started when I started listening to muse around July 2016

When i found Muse.

Muse definitely helped

Give me about a year or 2 when I start listening to Muse

when I listened to pablo honey in 1993, never bothered listening to them again, are they good?

I stopped growing out of music ~17.

When I stopped browsing /r/music


Hyper music, stockholm syndrome, plug in baby, falling away with you... the list goes on

If you like rock try "the bends"
if you don't like rock so much try Kid A
if you only listen to inaccessible bullshit try out amnesiac.

OK computer has a bunch of really good tracks on the first half too.

The guitar tone, chord choices and atmosphere are really good. The use of effects, especialyl tremolo and phaser, are off the charts. The bass is really smooth and the band sounds really tight. Greenwood's noisy solos are also a big plus. Standout tracks for guitar solos inc Just, Paranoid Android. Sulk

When A Meme Raped Poo came out

their new album moon shaped pool is really fucking good

"I only listen to music which I know I will like, instead of challenging myself and allowing my tastes to expand and change"

Literally just now

I hate Radiohead now

never did because i never got into them thank god

Why does he have a band-aid on his forehead?

wtf i hate radiohead now

you really dodged a bullet there, what if you ended up liking them

That would have been craaaaazy

I think you're crazy, maybe

I think I was both too old and too young to think they were interesting when they started to gather attention.
Middle-class. middle-aged white people like this kind of music as it appeals to their void personalities, and helps tell them what to feel and think.
Young people who like it just haven't discovered more interesting music yet. Give it a year and they will discover Godspeed, and Radiohead will become nostalgia to them.

Haven't and don't want to

thanking god for such a banal reason seems unnecessarily blasphemous. you could have just ended your sentence at:
>never did because i never got into them
and you'd look less like an entitled man-child.

>preferring Godspeed over Radiohead