A new style of music


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Stop making this thread.

Is this just slowed down (sometimes a little sometimes more) other people music with spoken word made by computer voice?

Anyway, you should check the microgenre memoradelia.

No this is all original spoken word by me with original music as well.

Didn't get enough attention on reddit so you decided to spam Sup Forums?

No... I am just curious what people think. Reddit is not as good of a place as Sup Forums for music. What do you think about my style of music?

>with original music as well.
So you slowed down your own thing, because song 3 sounds slowed down as hell.

ALso check the migrogenre memoradelia/hauntology

Yeah I slowed everything down... I thought it would make the words more clear for people. I am still thinking about putting the regular version back up for the third song. Where do I find memoradelia/hauntology? maybe you can give a link

I don't fraternize with attention-whoring retards from reddit that don't know how to quote posts

Fuck outta here

But really though, I'm just making music and pretending it's somthing completly unique

and unique is always an opinion

Talking Heads did it better.


But now I'm just going to keep shilling to myself because I dont know how to quote posts

It will not allow me to post my music website directly unfortunately or I would

Daddy goes peepee in my bumbum

I am actually a nu-male, please ignore everything I say. I'm just a shill

Jfc faggot just give it up. Obviously no one cares here, either.

I did not know it was possible for a clone of me to be jealous of itself.

you care, or else you would not be giving me so much attention ;-)


Noone knows who im talking too because my autism prevents me from actually replying to posts

the more attention the better... I have a habbit of making clones work for me :-)

This is why this board needs mods and not janitors

or maybe the world just needs less losers

Tripfag with no Trip = opinion discarded

Alright I'll stop replying to all these posts of myself

>my music didnt make me a special snowflake
>they must be losers

No keep going... using another persons name is probably the most entertaining you can be at this point in your life. :-)

It's not a "new" style though, it's just hauntology

I did not find anything similar. It is certainly a new style than anything else

Literally look up hauntology, your m7sic isnt terrible, but stop acting like you came up somthing noones heard before

I did look it up and it sounds nothing like mine. Maybe you can recommend a song name or something.