



Fudge off



>bl*cks aren't more naturally athletic than whites


Tim Horton's is trash


fat bitches swinging tables, hah

Black Mirror is a good series.


UK hip hop > us """""hip hop"""""


are the hair bits fake or did she actually rip them out? holly shit.

who knows really

They're fake, real hair never comes out that easy

I hope so, that would hurt so much.


Travel user here.

Question for you gun lovers: how hard is it to get a gun at a shooting range as a tourist? (especially in Texas) Are there any limitations for handing out guns at shooting ranges at all?

little kids getting some early life lessons. positive adult role models in their lives.

Blacks love fake hair

I think they call them weaves

It's one of the top items they loot

you can just go to gun ranges in germany

Why would you want a gun you nazi


... and shoot air guns?
Do they really give someone that is not in the club/has a license a real gun?

go buy one from the slag store

I watched part of a women's talk show late at night that had lots of black women. Apparently some of the weird things they do to their hair causes female balding so they have to get fake extensions.to hide the bald spots.

I'm scared about tomorrow lads
feel with me

In Virginia you can just so up to a shooting range and ask to borrow a shotgun for a day and shoot skeet

just need a valid drivers license and enough money to pay for the clay pidgins, ammo, and gun rental

no clue about Texas but I can't imagine the laws are more restrictive there

I'm scared for you guys, too.

But it'll be okay. If anything happens it'll be temporary.

>either we'll finally be free or Sup Forums will burn down this entire site in shitposting
>either way the winner will be shit

Yes, just go there when they have an open door day or something.
I shot all kinds of guns. 9mm, shotgun, magnum.
Gun people are fat old guys and are chill.
Sometimes they have just for fun shooting contests with .22 and then you can also shoot big guns for a few euros more.

I feel like this is my last day of something that i don't know what is it.

>saving money to buy a car
>feel compelled to panic buy as many guns as possible

just bought a mechanical keyboard with cherry blue knock offs

Trump has nothing to do with you spic

J-just for... reasons.

Sounds good, thanks.

Didn't knew that. Sadly since they all are old fucks literally all homepages of the clubs around are form 199x...

he was probably referring to clinton not trump

For the first time I feel like im living in one of those countries where an election causes riots and coups on a regular basis.


>moderate conservative
wew how old is this

>Hillary's First day at the oval office
>this guy rolls past security and knocks open the door
>"Freedom ain't free, bitch."

Will the 2nd amendment make this a reality?
Where is the "well regulated militia" when you need it?

They're too busy snacking on donuts in the woods somewhere

08, I think

Hey guys! How can i hack voting machine?

go go gadget grandpa

What do you mean how?
You already have

outdated as fuck with the influx of somali's and gooks
these people still have their bernie bumper stickers on

>random literally who making it past the most important personal security force in the entire country

yah ok

Haven't you Russians done enough to frail, fragile, old hillary!! she's obsessed with you now!! And spiritual leader of the alt right vladimir putin himself has taken over her every thought

heres the closest one I could find

You ask Hillary for the password

Convince me that kind of people shouldn't be given death penalty.

>Why yes, I do believe in the death penalty

Race-based chattel slavery is better for the economy

It's just banter :^)

>Race-based chattel slavery is better for the economy

I have been a supporter of the death penalty ever since I stopped believing in Jesus

>tfw i will be rich on wednesday
Betting on Trump is free money when I saw this

>the only cases of voter fraud are trumptards who keep voting twice because they're afraid of voter fraud
just beautiful

hey guys I haven't posted for a few days, did I miss out on a lot of quality on-topic intellectual discussion?

Are you ready /cum/?

Jokes on you. I didn't vote. Fuck the World.

You missed out on the >tfw /cum/ mansion fiasco we had last night.

as ready as I'll ever be

why are CTR memes so good

the janitor deleted the new asean thread

Worst gimmick since we let that one cuck decide Mexico was equal.

because trumptards get more easily triggered

Good good

we are friends

thanks, saving for tomorrow :^)

>mfw a democrat speaks to me



definitely 2nd worst emma

>tfw hired a nigger
>First day in he steals from the managers and one of the elderly residents
>Breaks into cars
>Abandons his shift hours early
Fucking hell


To be fair I have hired white people who have done most of those things and some worse

>white american citizens and cool dads who riased their kids on baseball on the left
>normies and chads on the right

I guess I'm #WithHer, now

Shouldn't be difficult.
Ive gone to plenty of ranges where they didn't check id, didn't make me watch some stupid video - just gave me the gun of my choice and ammo and assumed i knew what i was doing.

glancing with this quickly my brain saw WithHitler

Trump himself isn't even an alpha. He's a fat, rubber-skinned orange with a small dick and small stubby hands. At least Hillary looks like a human being.

>tomorrow we find out who the next president of the United States will be

No Liechtenstein posters below this rine


Will Trump's Charlie Sheen style meltdown set in before or after the polls close

I actually still haven't made my final choice between stein or trump

>been trying to get my battery changed for the past 2 hours


why does it feel like a shadow is growing across North America

Nobody cares. Same old shit, different face, haven't you learned yet?

,,,,and you can quote me on that fedorafag poster

>At least Hillary looks like a human being

>,,,,and you can quote me on that fedorafag poster

Everyone said the same thing in 2008, yet here we are, same old shit.

They'll say anything to get votes.

>mfw a Sup Forumstard actually believes half of what Trump says

watching to see whether trump concedes will itself be a roller coaster ride

discussing the U.S. election with the mother via iMessage


and to think you brits really think WE butchered the english language

pics of ur mum

>Trump is the candidate of turbochads and staceys
You've convinced me he must be stopped