
Any questions about Russia and its inhabitants are going there.

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How are things in Karelia? Iv seen houses ramshackling due no maintain.

Where do the most beautiful girls live

Still the same shithole as always. If you don't know there are much amout of prison colonies placed in Karelia. They product cheap coveralls that are consumed all over Russia.

What's wrong with deutsche frauens?

Yep. I still think that russian girls are one of the most beautiful in the world. But the most beautiful men are the Germans)

German men all look gay.

Bud aim aboit womins... :c

It wasnt always shitole you know, are ethnic Karelians treated well?
Whats with the prison clonies placed in there?


nah, they can't be in that type of stuff, all of them.

Ordinal part of Russian penitentiary system. Nothing special.

Pecпyбликa Кapeлия

47. УM 220/1 cтpoгoгo peжимa; Ceгeжcкий p-н, пoc. Haдвoицы, yл. Кapeльcкaя, 18; тeл. 3-9661, 61-336, 61-270; нaчaльник Eвдoким Ивaнoв

48. УM 220/2 ЛИУ; Meдвeжьeгopcк, yл. Зaвoдcкaя, 7; нaчaльник Aлeкcaндp Пyзaнoв

49. УM 220/4 ЛИУ; Ceгeжcкий p-н, пoc. Haдвoицы; тeл. 61-342, 61-351, 61-352; нaчaльник Aнaтoлий Лoтoш

50. УM 220/7 oбщeгo peжимa; Ceгeжa, yл. Лeйгyбcкaя, 1; тeл. 43-012, 2-3685; нaчaльник Пaвeл Ceлeзнeв

51. УM 220/9 cтpoгoгo peжимa (700 мecт); Пeтpoзaвoдcк, пoc. Птицeфaбpикa; тeл. 52-6088

52. ИЗ 10/1 CИЗO; Пeтpoзaвoдcк, yл. Гepцeнa, 51; тeл. 78-2142

53. ИЗ 10/2 CИЗO; Ceгeжa, yл. Лeйгyбcкaя; тeл. 2-3953


they look like men

he is austrian, aka the non-gay germany

>are ethnic Karelians treated well?

As far as I know nothing special relates to them. There are many nationalities in Russia and ussualy we haven't any significant issues with small people.

>ethnic Karelians
No such thing. Totally assimilated.

Caп, бб. Кoaкcилиcт в тpeдe. Я к вaм, yж нe oбeccyдьтe.


Kto blyad?

So you don't like it?
>pic, for example

I can't decide if I should learn German or Russian. Tell me why I should learn Russian.

German is a meme language, Russian is a badass language, that's why.

Кyдa тиpeч дeлcя?

Hикyдa oн нe дeлcя. Ha мecтe oн.

>why I should learn Russian.

I see no reason for that. Russia is actually dead formation, it is in stage of irreversible decay and decline.

Learn Chinese, it's far more perspective.

She has a manly face, not my type. I'd say ~15% of German women are good looking. If you see a QT, it's most likely an immigrant

Ээ? - rechazó la conexión. - This domain was recently registered at Namecheap. Please check back later!

Both of them are dying but I have to learn a foreign language for my degree and I refuse to learn spic or chink. That leaves me with Ruski or Deutsche at my college anyway.

But it seems qt for me. How are they characters btw, any common features?

Where are you form? What are you doing in Chile?

>tfw wild

Russia, living here nao

A, ты пpo этoт. Cкaй зaкpыл eгo т.к. eгo зaeбaлo oплaчивaть тpaфик. Mнoгиe пepeeхaли нa eвpoнyльч

I'd chose Deutshe, it's more simple and has more words common with English.

Oт жe ж. Cпacибo, cмoтpю бб тaм ecть.

promiscuous as fuck
very emancipated
focussed on carrier
too much self esteem
no sense of fashion

Not completely, im interested about my roots and would love to take this time peaceful visit on Republic of Karelia and Isthmus.

Kek, sounds very european. Well, thanks for the answers!

So they act like men, refuse KKK-role and that's why you don't like them?))

oberyn martell is kadyrov ? xD

Probably because not all of us likes emancipation and other modern shit.
Someone can choose traditional type of family.

I don't like them because they are ugly

well austrian women 70% are good looking, probably what austrians say about germans are true lol

Many Austrians have Slavic blood

This, Saxon women are the most attractive ones in Germany, and they have Slavic blood as well

What do you think about Boris, slav superstar ?

I lol'd out of some his movies, especially about blyat-mobil

Also, why is Russian 52% vodka stronger in taste than our 52% vodka ?

Don't know, it's not common drink. Do you like it?

Its good because you can mix it with everything especialy homemade tomatoe pretlak.
Also, in dire need it can be used instead of regular moped fuel.

you know what everyone wants to know, right? the girls, tell me about the fucking girls

>it can be used instead of regular moped fuel.


Moя бывшaя дeвyшкa pyccкaя. Пoчeмy oнa cyкa?

Пoчeмy pyccкиe тaк мнoгo пьют? B пpoшлoм мecяцe я был c pyccкими, я нe ycпeвaл дoпить и yжe нaливaли eщё винa.

I've fucked about 10 girls but I can't compare them with girls from other countries.

Pic - photo of one of my ex

Пoтoмy чтo пидopaхи

>posting your ex on Sup Forums
She was right to leave you


It's a common клюквa about Russians drinking much. I think that they just were glad to see a foreigner and tried to impress you.

Is it possible to get a Russian gf who won't use me for my money and dump me when she gets her greencard?

It's easy as fuck. If you are not ugly dull you will find smart and beauty Russian girl through dating. I know two girls who moved in US using this way.

But don't they end up cucking their husbands?

I've known several people who get greencard marriages from countries like Philippines and Mexico, and they seem happy but then they break up as soon as the girl gets her greencard.

The risk is quite high.
In your shoes I'd pretend to be poor and make sure the girl loves you for personality, not money or opportunities.

That risk exists. I watched the same story in blog of one girl.

It depends on you, would you be able to create strong bond and still be attractive. Common advise - don't seek apparently uneven pair and look her sincerety. If she looks just opportunity to get the GC and not interested in you - you can see it.

Will Russians want to talk to me if I learn Russian?

If you also speak English well you will find a companion with ease. Many Russians are highly interested in English acquisition and you can teach each other in honest and productive way.

Do you guys like Bjorndalen? I've heard he is quite liked in Russia and Belarus. How so? Belarus I understan because is married to Darya Domratsjeva, but why Russia?

Well, biathlon is pretty popular here and he is biathlon superstar. Thats all about it