
political leanings edition

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madam president

making an arrangement


>australian accent
>australian men

tfw listening to martin amis on newsnight talking about Trump and racism

need a fertile irish lass

did you know israel used to belong to the UK?


Doing no fap lads, day one and already struggling


*stands in your way*

so lads, thinking about doing heroin.

>genuinely think my cats are smarter than you
Doubt it. cats are thick

>How old are you la?
Lets say student age

>libertarian left

rate my dog

just realized I havent posted any icelandic rap

Siy it a giiiiiiin

Underage detected

*Sportacus jumps over you*

yes you are

I'm nearly howling at this image buy you could have got someone better than Mr mitchell

are these faces up to scratch dyou think?
not sure how to replicate maisies warped little mug

P.S. a line of ket for the clever dickybird wot recognises her outfit

10/10 would make a succulent chinese meal out of

me in the far right

22 user, born 1994 (same year as the lottery started, so I'm told).

secondary school student? haha

he's a degenerate who wants to do whatever the fuck he wants with no consequence and he hates authority. he's a drug user, a pervert and a tranny

what else could he be


Funny how actual pakis always call other people pakis when they get upset.

Like they actually realise just how fucking shit they are and see themselves as an insult

you crack on la, sniff it tho

Pakipoo is one uglyass motha fucka

The UK created pretty much everywhere that's halfway decent round the world, the US, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Israel, Japan etc.

>I post political compass memes


>3. All politics and current events belong on Sup Forums.

really makes you think


Israel never belonged to anyone but God's chosen people, the Jews

We owned a desert that we named Palestine

top quality

pretty sure mitchell is supposed to represent the janny

Alex Jones doing a 52 hour livestream for the election

mildly sure he voted for UKIP in the last GE and has also expressed support for ISIS

i don't think he has consistent beliefs



I honestly think Trump getting 4 years in the ol white house would end up setting America up for a brighter future than if Hillary were to serve.

We will just have to bide our time.

Here's my reasoning; Trump in office would likely put American politics and federal government into a nasty stalemate when it came to making decisions. (far worse than what Obama faced). This would then cause citizens to re-evaluate their previous decisions and decision making process that led to believe in and vote for Trump. They'd come to see at the end of his term that they need far more serious candidates that may not have that sensationalist persona but instead a clear, well thought out approach to America's problems.

With Hillary, things won't end up being too different from Obama's america which as we've seen has either caused people to disregard their wits and rely on their anger or frustration when it comes to politics or it has left people apathetic towards the whole thing
