What happens here?

What happens here?

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Nothing special. Mostly empty, but i believe good chunk of norwegians live there

WTF I didnt know that it lives more ethnic Norwegians then sami, finnsh and swedes in this area.


i live there, by the Swedish border.

All three posting in a row :3



Well I live exacly there. Not much happens. Its cold, 30 cm snow and we are mining iron ore.



Luleå is still the biggest city, a couple thousand more poeple then Tromso.

Visited Tromso few years ago.
Beatiful landscape and women, but damn it was cold in there. Even during summer

Did you notice any butthurt towards sami people?

No. I don't think i met a single sami in there

That is where our birthday present is :3
Right Norway?

>ever trusting oilniggers to keep their promises

Literally only closet racists on Sup Forums are butthurt about Samis.



Never been there during the summer. I'd assume the reindeer are frolicking.

>The structure of the public is such that the Sami often forgotten. One forgets to translate texts into Sami language or tugging ads in Saami media, says Hansen.
That's not the kind of discrimination I'm talking about.

>The most common form reported by Sami, ethnic discrimination

It is the more important kind though. If their culture at large is mistreated then that's a serious problem. Much more so than if violent attacks, or massive unemployment.

That falls under ethnic discrimination you dense shitfuck

Unlike you I've read the full report in Norwegian.


I'm fairly certain most Norwegians couldn't give a rat's arse about Samis, it's only the wet dream of some Nordic Stormfags (on Sup Forums exclusively pretty much) to have them genocided because muh purity

In Norway, only people with Sami heritage (and a history of herding) are allowed to herd/own reindeer in the coloured areas. As you can imagine, some Norwegians feel discriminated against, as those are the by far best areas to be a reindeer herder.

ootsie jokhu nunnuka nunnuka nelijäntuulenhattu?

looks good


Jotkut suomalaiset Sup Forums:issä on niin vitun harhasia et ne luulee ton mongolimeemien olevan täysin saamelaisten syytä jtp vammasta paskaa, vaikka itäaasialaisia autosomeja ei keskivertosaamelaisella ole sen enempää kuin suomalaisellakaan. Ihan objektiivinen fakta.

kyllä se mongoolimeemi nimenomaan on saamelaisten syytä, kyseine meemi ku sattu alkamaan aika helvetisti enne mitään geenitutkimuksia ja juurikin perusteltiin sillä että suomalaiset on samaa siperiasettii ku saamelaiset
t. eri

Why does Norway look like a sperm?

Sovitaan vaikka niin, että 100% suomalaisten itäaasialaisautosomeista on saamelaisista peräisin. Siitä huolimatta on kyseiset geenit sen verran laajalle levinneet että ton asteen peppukipeytyminen on vitun turhaa, ellet meinaa hävittää järjestelmällisesti kaikkia suomalaisia joilta se prosentti tai viisi löytyy kyseisiä geenejä (joka on sellanen 60-70% ainakin)

Ei taida lukeminen olla sun vahvoja osa-alueita

>samaa siperiasettii ku saamelaiset
mut eihän saamelaisilla oo yhtää enempää siperialaista verta kun suomalaisillakaan

Herra on hyvä ja kertoo sen 1700 luvun ruotsalaisille "tiedemiehille"

Nope. Too much work they say. I thought would have been a nice gesture. But too mu8ch work they say.