Holy fucking shit this is amazing. Anyone else know of ither albums that sounds like it? Anything would be appreciated.
Holy fucking shit this is amazing. Anyone else know of ither albums that sounds like it? Anything would be appreciated
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le rip le ded yellow jazzsensei
you should try le fishmons and le nujoobs, they're for anime collectoring connoiseurs only too
kenny g of japan
you say that like its a bad thing
1948 - 2016
I'm glad he's dead
don't forget le gerogerigegege and le melt banan, le conelious, le worlds end gf, le luminous orane, memebow, le tokyo shoe gayzer
reddit members pls go
It was hard for all of us to see him suffering during his last days. I'm sure he found peace now that he has passed
no im glad he died because he's a fag
You totally forgot about le ryuichi sakamoto, le tatsuya yoshida, le boris, le boredomez and le epic city pop xdd
ok 4 real OP just look into more piano-based modal jazz. Check out Dave Brubeck - Time Out, Herbie Hancock - Maiden Voyage and Bill Evans - Portrait in Jazz
He wasn't purely homosexual. He was bi if anything
Bill Evans is the most beige shit you can find. Maiden Voyage is fine though.
is this a meme or something? I came across it on youtube like a year ago and thought it was decent. didn't know it was something that anyone gave a shit about.
Kill yourself.
fucking meme album
Anyone know how they tagged the video to appear on so many suggestions?
Really dope album cover though. Kanji just looks good on anything.
Only people that don't know fucking anything about jazz cling onto it
See: Pharoah Sanders
Kill yourself
Only when you get some taste young one
haha nice meme'ing friends.
high brow humor.
Do they hit home a little too much? what's tah matter? ;_;
why would someone liking music be a meme user? get off the internet every once in a while.
please tell me everything you know about jazz i wish to learn from the masters
If you want to look like a jazz expert on Sup Forums, you only have to listen to free avant-garde jazz and discredit everything else as "entry-level" tier.
This is your new favourite album: youtube.com
And now you think that Sun Ra is the most creative musical mastermind of the 20th century.
This is the most normie friendly jazz album I have ever listened to. Just listen to Bill Evans or some other pianist doing modal jazz.
woah this is some cringe thread
for real though, give Bud Powell a listen
The matter is that you have objectively shit taste, scum. Go fap to your animu and meme grips, loser.
joji is pretty similar
It is
>every critically acclaimed japanese musician is now uncool because they're seen as too entry-level
get a grip fags, everyone starts off somewhere when exploring unfamiliar music
it is not
Ryo Fukui was a fucking legend. Friend inteoduced me to this album a few months ago.
I admit not knowing anything about Jazz and Pharoah Sanders black unity if my favorite jazz album
>Kenny G
>not bad
Are you just memeing, or did you somehow know about him. Most of us didn't know much about him other than that he played at some Japanese hotel place, then we found out he died from cancer earlier this year.
Check out stuff from Blue Note, Impulse, Prestige labels.
Just check out Bill Evans and Lennie Tristano they are better than Fukui, not to say he's bad though.
This album sounds like "going to a coffee two blocks away from home at 2' am to eat hot cake and read stuff and talk with familiar faces". Translation: maximum comfy.