
Do you get angry when you see this design?
This is a sign called "Manji (卍)", which symbolizes good fortune, Buddhism or temples.
Do you get angry when you see this?

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They havent had a lot of good fortune in recent history. You will have to excuse their emotions.

Why would anyone get angry?

It's not just a Buddhist symbol, it has been found all over the (old) world, including in cave drawings across Europe

Some people still are uncomfortable with the svastika but honestly I think most of us dont care.

I understand it. However, we have been using this symbol since ancient times when Nazi didn't exist.
Is there any reason why we must stop using them?

kys retarded netouyo

Yes, but people might get offended when your women cosplay as SS officers

This topic has nothing to do with you GOOK zainichis.
Go back to chosun peninsula.

No, I'm not offended by it. Symbols can be used in different contexts. I understand that swastika has been used long before nazis appropriated it as their symbol.

I also understand why Hinomaru and Kimigayo offend some people. In particular nations that were victims of Japanese aggression and colonialism, and Japanese leftists and minorities who were victims of repression and prejudice in Japan under militaristic regime and afterwards.

That's why I believe that history should be taught properly without nationalistic embellishments and students should be led to think critically and independently. That's the only way to build a democratic society and prevent these atrocities from ever happening again.

Actually, we sometimes use SS fashion in various fields as it is cool. So we cannot understand why they became so upset.

As a national socialist with deep respect for japanese culture...

Absolutely. Fucking. Not .

>Absolutely. Fucking. Not .
fullstops for emphasis as a literary device for emphasis is such a redditard thing to do. grow up

I know. However, do we have the right to object against unreasonable insults?
There is no reason why Japanese people, including young children or newborn babies, are blamed as they are born in Japan.
I respect for other countries, however, at the same time, I have pride about our country.

That's perfectly understandable. But does it hurt when you know that peaceful and prosperous Japan came after conflict, suffering and poverty? Aren't you better prepared to protect it in potential future struggles if you know that it doesn't always have to be this way, that people, even your own, are capable of immense cruelty?

And of course, sons shouldn't feel guilty about sins of their fathers. However, they should know about them so they won't repeat them.

No, but it's funny how the yin yang simble first appeared in Neolithic Europe

Nigga, swastikas are everywhere, it's a really common symbol like the sun (who happens to be in your and my flag), even christians like me and aztecs got their own, i shit you not.

fuck those guys

It paryalyzes Germans with guilt.

Austrians secretly like it

>Do you get angry when you see this design?
Why would we?

>It paryalyzes Germans with guilt

dont forget the lauburu from the basques

You can use it as much as you want in your own country. But you should not fetishize other aspects of the Nazi war machine the way you have been doing, and you should definitely not do any of these things outside of Asia.

Same thing here.
They also tried banning a lot of other symbols whenever anything remotely rightwing used them.
>Is there any reason why we must stop using them?
No, Juice are just scum like that. Best ignore them.