Ok faggots, let's play the following game

ok faggots, let's play the following game.

Name me a country and I will tell you why is big piece of shit.







irrelevant piece of frozen shithole that threw the jews from their system so no other country wants to borrow them money.
irrelevant culture, nothing remarkable comes from it ever.
will get destroyed soon in some volcano eruption.

Literally have so many habitants as my neightborhood.

Live in eternal butthurt state towards germany, all their modern identity in the last 50 years has been: fuck germany.
is a poor eastern comunist shithole where their best children leave the country to clean toilets in london because in their homeland they have no future.
Always germany bitch.

Is so fucking irrelevant I had to google that crap.
It seems like a backyard for germans or swiss and they're not a democratic republic but are so retarded to still being a monarchy, fucking faggots.
Literally only 7 important events in hundreds of years.

Not even a real country, so there's not point of discussion.

Everything about colombia history is about trying to stop being a violent shithole but failing at it.
Literally a failed state in 1998.
is a shithole filled with crime and niggers.

Literally another meme state where my city is bigger than it, with not proper culture.
simply another irrelevant clay that germans and french fight over.

Hard Mode: Bhutan

>carbon sink country
>the way they handle tourism is pretty cool
>they actually have culture
>low population doesn't matter because it's so based


>but are so retarded to still being a monarchy
>hating on monarchy
opinion discarded, not like i expected anything better from a new worlder

Kys tbqh my man

>still believing in the cucked political model of the middle ages
>he still believe in an perpetual model of non elected goverment
lmao faggot
at least nazis masturbate about some smart leader.
most kings are useless pieces of shit.

end yourself my man

Canada. Good luck, we're the best.

>not wanting a non-partisan head of state that can tell the legislature to fuck off when they start to fuck with the people
Too bad European monarchs don't really do anything anymore

nazis are fucking useless
>lets kill off all the jews and tons of smart people that could of have helped our war effort
nigger tier ideology
monarchies on the other hand have had tons of great people throughout the history.
politicians are corrupt, greedy cancer that care about their own intressts more than the countrys, monarchs tend to be patriots and nationalists.

there is only one way and that is to bring back the king

I had no idea royalists were still a thing.

Royalists are God's Chosen and anyone who says otherwise is a cuck and a retard

literally another irrelevant monarchy.
my city is bigger than that shithole.
another irrelevant meme country that is 99% farmland filled with shaolin temples and goats.
most cities from the first world are bigger than this.

fucking hell with these meme countries.
another meme country that is 99% empty and has not relevant shit happening there.
my city is like the double size than his capital.
the only relevant shit they did was to invent skype.

The irrelevant hat of the United States.
live in constant butthurt state because nobody even remembers them.
Future chinese colony.
Filled with SJW, another feminist country where bestiality is legal.
Filled with eternal butthurt and jealosy towards americans.
They like to remind americans they're not a violent shithole, but forgot to mention Canada is 99% empty frozen land and 99% of their population lives in the border with USA.
A single word: Qebec.
Likes to consider him latino because of their french faggots but not even frenchs give a fuck about this.
Also, worthless currency that is basically the poor man dollar.

t. kang slave

fucking kys

South Korea

>being happy to live in a dictatorship simply because you're loyal to your dictator
as idiotic as chavistas being loyal to maduro.

>but my king will be good
most often than not, most kings are mediocre or bad.

democracy can be shit, but is better than monarchy.


Have fun being cucked by your industry approved legislature faggots

Britain WILL Rise Again


The royal heirs are shit and once Elle dies most of us will throw off the monarchy for good.

You will never be relevant again

>You will never be relevant again
Keep telling yourself Republicuck

I'll personally find you and string you up for treason when GB takes her rightful place on top

check these.

Why are you so filled with hate Colombia?

Jews, nothing else to say.

They delude thinking they're chosen God's people but forgot to say they're a cursed race when they murdered jesus.

Disgusting nose.
Their country will be a nuclear wasteland once they start a nuclear war with Iran.

All their efforts to control the world will be taken down soon by the BRIC and white dragon society aliance.

Israel is one of the worst places to be in next years when WWIII happens.

Most of their population will die.

Also, they're jews.

becasue the colombian was made for war

>They delude thinking they're chosen God's people but forgot to say they're a cursed race when they murdered jesus.
Right, that's why we've managed to insert Jews into nearly all key positions of power in the West. Aryan """Master Race"""" my ass

>korean shamanist controlling the president
>american corruption scandals getting leaked one after another and clinton is still going to win
>control of media when for freedom
>most of the politicians are top elites
yeah no, not every king is a saint, but every politician is a devil

>living in a non elected goverment
top tier next level cuckery.

is banter bro.

america is not a democratic country fucking retard.
americans are the only retarded nation that think their corporate goverment is a democracy.

Jews like to think they're the master race and their high IQ allows them to trick dumb white people.

but the day of the reckoning is soon and they'll get what they deserve.

>elected officials that decide on which laws they should pass
>Monarch serves as a check to make sure that their fuckery doesn't succeed
>this is bad
It's only bad when faggots like you try to overthrow them

>but the day of the reckoning is soon and they'll get what they deserve.
Sure we will nigger, just like every other time you white """"people"""" said that

>control of media
>top elites as politicians
>corruption scandals leaked
>implying this is only america

>americans are the only retarded nation that think their corporate goverment is a democracy.
>this only happens in America
Jorje, I...

>huh duh what happens when the king is mediocre or bad
>huh duh there's not a chance to get a better leader
>what is rotation of power
I'm sure you will then reply about america, but america isn't a democratic country.
dumb american.

the only reason why israel has survived is because of american protection.
good luck surviving your enemies without american intervention.

good luck nukking all the muslims nations who swear to kill you.

fucking retard.
your soldiers can't even fucking win in combat over fucking starving palestinians.
you're so coward you have to use tanks and nukes to fucking starving teenagers throwing bombs.

as always the jew let other fight his wars or can only get into a war when he has superior weapons, but still get his ass handled by literal starving people.


a democratic constitutional republic is the only non retarded system of goverment.

>what is balance of power
>I'm happy to live in a dictatorship, muh royal legacy

Democracy is a utopia, theres no way to accomplish it and keep it pure for a long period of time as it will eventually corrupt itself from within


>america isn't a democratic country.
Neither is your shithole lmao. Or most Western nations for that matter

>the only reason Israel has survived is because of American protection
Israel didn't have American support in our first two wars you dumb spic cunt. Isreal doesn't have much direct American support except for the missile shield. Try reading before making yourself look like the retard that you are

>what is balance of power
Something that your country seems to be severely lacking in

just like all political systems.
at least with democracy there's a rotation of power.

being stuck with the same leader is a bad idea, even if he's your idol.

There is literally nothing wrong with being Australian

>at least with democracy there's a rotation of power.
Yeah, and the people rotated in are directly chosen by corporations. At least with a monarchy you can have a check on their power

Skin cancer

Theres no difference if that power is the same establishment thats been ruling the country for ages, nothing will change and your vote doesn't matter.

my country has like 15 political parties, some of which are pretty small.
you could make your own political party with one million street signatures.

colombian politics have been dominated in last election between Uribe lovers and uribe haters.

a single person in my country could still make a political party with less than five years of live to dominate the political landscape.

Good luck doing that in a retarded bipartisal system.

Everything in american politics is dumbed down discussions between the same old two parties.

American politics is basically Status Quo the country.

except a single small leader could dominate the entire political arena here.
Good luck doing that in burgerland.

>American politics is basically Status Quo the country.
Like yours isn't? The only thing that gives your politics the illusion of change is that they have to try to fix the problems that are ailing your shithole of a country. Which the politicians inevitably end up failing at

I don't know why you keep trying to get me to defend American politics, I fucking hate our system


Chinese colony.
Shit internet, extreme high ping in videogames.
The irrelevant anglo country, slightly more relevant than Canada but people have no clue over it.
I saw a video about people putting iran and china flag in your island, that's how irrelevant you are.

Economy is fucked and soon will collapse in next years.

A shitty desert where all his cities lies on the coast.
There's only like two relevant cities.

Being invaded by gooks.

Chronic shitposters.

Lost a fucking war to fucking birds, be a meme on int.
Nothing remarkable on most of their cities except that instead of niggers killing you is some spider or crocodile.

people get their pets eaten there by some animal.
Also bunny infested shithole.

>needing signatures to start a political party

Colombia is not doing Switzerland, I guess we found a winner

I'm sorry you never experience real democracy where a small political party can rise in less than five years to being the dominant force, not only once but in most elections.

I'm sorry you never experienced true democracy.

check the thread.
already answered.

>wanting to live in a d*mocracy
I'm sorry you're forever doomed to live in a third world shithole

live is not bad here, nice climate, there are some nice areas, some nigger infested areas, but overall same as USA.

you also have cities that look like fallout 4, not just detroit but every major city in USA has places that look like a nuclear wasteland.

also, extremelly old infraestructure from 1930, your entire public transportation system is even worse than mine.

also, college debt and health care costing a shit ton of money.
also your education is garbage unless you spend lots of money in some private school.

unless you're in the top 1% your life is not diferent than the live of a mexican, not like I will find a diference between mexico and most american cities at this point.

Good luck having every year the risk of systemic collapse every time there's the discussion over the debt ceiling.

Also your electrical infraestructure is like 50 years old, there's african nations with more modern electrical infraestructures.

Try to move away from a white suburbia area and most of USA will be barelly better than mexico.

>extremely old infrastructure from 1930
>Colombian education

>inevitable Detroit reference
>college debt and health care
Also reddit tier arguments

>your education is garbage
>when you include the niggers who are contained to the cities for their entire lives and don't affect anything
How about a majority of the top 20 universities being American

>unless you're top 1% your life is no different from a Mexican's
>try to move away from white suburbia and most of USA is barely better than Mexico
Right, I'll take the word of a person who has never lived here over the experiences of actual Americans

>Good luck having every year the risk of systemic collapse every time there's the discussion over the debt ceiling
>85% of the spending is mandatory
>the only thing that stops is welfare payments
Wow, I'm so scared of a government """"shutdown""""

wow nigger, you're so deluded you think your country infraestructure isn't an old piece of shit that is falling into pieces.

did you know the entire USA electrical grind depends on like three main lines that are like 70 years old?

is not like one generator being fucked up that put like half your country without energy during weeks some years ago.

keep telling me your country infraestructure isn't a joke.

>wow nigger, you're so deluded you think your country infraestructure isn't an old piece of shit that is falling into pieces.
Yeah faggot, it's not as though I have to deal with it every day

Keep it coming though, I'm enjoying the (You)'s

>keep denying objective facts that any google search can prove
wow, nice delusions faggot, keep denying your public infraestructure is an old piece of shit.

keep telling yourself we're number one when chinese already took your spot as the biggest economy by PPP faggot.

>but I'll close my ears
>we're superpower.

>his currency already lost more than 90% value
>still defending his country

>monarchs tend to be patriots and nationalists.
doesnt do them any good because they tend to be quite literally insane from genetic deficiencies

see charles II, charles VI, eric XIV, Henri VI, george III, Maria I, otto and ludwig, LOUIS XVI, and of course let us not forget how the monarch Tiberius brought Caligula to Capri, to allow Caligula to live in order that he "... prove the ruin of himself and of all men, and that he was rearing a viper for the Roman people and a Phaethon for the world."
you say that politicians are a corrupt greedy cancer, and yet you ignore the most corrupt and greedy of all the politicians, the monarch who by definition cannot break a law, who cannot be replaced if they are not up to par
a monarch as a good sovereign leader is more the exception than it is the rule, petty squabbles between monarchs and other figures of power almost always result in more collateral damage than corrupt politicians sucking up every sheckle they can in the 4-8 years they actually do have power

Imperial Succession based on merit (see the 5 Good Emperors) is best hands down though, demacracys are at their best when they are so gridlocked they cant make any new laws, aka they work best when they dont work at all


basically another meme state controlled by Iran to engage in proxy wars againts Israel.

Argentina and Uruguay


You only have 10% black people


Argentina is a shit nation invaded by bolivians and peruvians that still hold delusions about being an european country and they still think they hold any relevance enough because they still think is 1930 where they were the 6th biggest economy.
Today is a shitty commie nation with no economic freedom, same crime rate as other latinoamerican nations and in the middle of peruvian, bolivian, paraguayans, colombians, venezuelans because their country isn't as failed as other latino nations.

Basically they still think they're relevant and forget the only reason they're better is because of their better days, ignoring the economic stagnation and economic degeneration of the last 60 years.

They still think they're the hot shit because they started from a big place, but forget most other latino nations have improved big while they simply had stagnated.

Soon will be overtaken by other latino nations because their politicians still suffer from a populist cancer known as peronismo.

Uruguay is an irrelevant nation that is basically 99% farm land with more cows than people and has like 3 million person total.

Only relevant shit uruguay has was to be relevant in soccer like 50 year ago.
Today their NT is worse than ours and at the level of Colombia and Chile.

>the only reason why israel has survived is because of american protection.
Not true

people are probably nicer to be around when they are on the way up rather than on the way down

Delusions of grandeur because they're the biggest fish in the small pond called latinoamerica.

They think they're hot shit because they're the best and biggest and richest here, but they forget their competition is argentina, brazil, mexico, colombia, bolivia and peru.

Literally the biggest and better kid in a nigger school in the middle of detroid.

Filled with a huge nigger population and entire areas that look like another latino shithole, also extreme high violent areas.
Most of the most dangerous cities in the world are brazilian.
Also corrupted political system that was allied with Chavez.

Only ever relevant because of BRICS.

>he doesn't know about all the money sent to israel


Actually expected worse.


Israel is basically a private Rothschild country fronting as the Jewish homeland.
They have their private army, nukes and int'l terror and assassination squad.
Gaza and West Bank are like laboratories for them on how to study oppression which they export to the rest of the world through police training.
US gives them money bc of Jewish neocons. If not them, then Rothschild would find someone else. The point is to have someone else fund Israel.
Israel will not be destroyed bc it has too many Rothschild interests in it and is their int'l base of operations. The rest of the Middle East will be cleaned out before Israel falls.

But what does Finland do with all that education?

Make a mobile phone company and sell their soul off to some global megacorp? Wow, very impressive.

A single word: URRS collapse.
Russians still try to recover their economy from the URRS collapse.

Russians are basically a big no go zone filled with commies, drunk people, gopniks.

The average russian live a miserable live in a frozen wasteland with a cloudy sky, no sun and gray everything, literally no diferent from Fallout 4.

Russians still they're hot shit because of the cold war while their average wage is not much better than latinoamerican wages.

Also AIDS infested cities and shit like the drug that eats your meat and make your limbs fall off.

Has no ambicions in life because his country is basically the remmains of a commie police state but now has a little more democracy and capitalism, only that the average citizen lives in a extreme corrupt shithole where he has to pay bribes to his corrupt officials to do anything.

Tries to be big, but they know USA will make them their bitches anyday.

Another socialist shithole that has a high standart of living because of oil.
His only national identity is: I'm not sweden.
Lives in constant jealousy of sweden.
Will receive the nigger and muslims hordes pillaging his cities once sweden fall into anarchy.

Literally cold and autistic people with no emotions, boring cloudy skies, boring life.

Israel army is so pathetic they get BTFO everytime by starving kids armed with sticks and rocks.

they know palestianians make them their bitches but because jews are a coward race they use modern infantery to bomb a bunch of starving teenagers because they're scared to fight them.

kys you dumb nigger

that's the spanish name though.

grorious mongoria

Finland, good luck

is not even a real country, fucking empty land.
2 million people, which most are fucking nomad people living like in the middle ages.
nothing there to see beyond some mining companies.



A shitty muslim nation whose only cultural identity lies on a deep hate towards arabs, they're the least retarded muslim nation simply because Attaturk was an atheists and hated muslims.

Today is simply just another european failure trying to be relevant by joining forces with russia and being the russia bitch.

Another shithole where their people tries to escape to germany.

Another country that is 99% empty land and small population.
Nothing interesting beyond being another average scandinavian country.

Vatican City

that's not a real country idiot.

garbage soccer team.

This thread makes me want to hug Columbia

Saudi Arabia

going to sleep, so I guess this will be the last.

Saudi arabia is a backward monarchy that still lives in the 7 century in the middle of the XXI.

Burning money so fast that even with all that oil, their money reserves will last only 5-6 years at best.

Their entire population is lazy and lives on welfare, basically the same as haiti but without the money.

All saudis are lazy as fuck and never work, all the work is done by foreigners.

Their economy is entirelly dependant on oil, just like venezuela.

Literally another police state with shitty human rights freedoms, diference is that all citizens live on free money given by the goverment.

Makes american their bitches because americans will collapse without cheap oil.

Engage in expensive proxy wars in the entire reggion with Iran to stop iran from getting regional power.

Like I say, burning money like crazy.
It's like haiti, but muslim with a shitty cruel dictator and with infinite money.

Will collapse the second the world stop using oil.