
When CJ, Ryder, Sweet and Big Smoke go to the Cluckin' Bell in the Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Mission "Drive Thru". Carl and Ryder both order number 9's while Sweet orders a number 6 (with extra dip).

Big Smoke surprisingly makes a much larger order consisting of two number 9's, a number 9 large, a number 6 (with extra dip), a number 7, two number 45s, (one with cheese), and a large soda.

Cluckin' Bell Serves primarily fried chicken and the menu items it has are shown in Grand Theft Auto San Andreas and Grand Theft Auto IV assuming the menu hasn't changed a lot in the 20 years between the games we can extrapolate the contents of Smokes order.

No where else in the game are the meals referred to by number other than this cut-scene

Now there are a few things we can extrapolate from Big Smokes order. A number 9 most likely contains fries and/or a drink to be upsizable, a number 6 comes with dip making it either nuggets/chickenballs or the salad meal, and a number 45 must either be or contain a burger to have cheese applied to it.
I believe the number 6 is in fact the salad due to containing ranch dressing as a dip, this explains how sweet originally got his nickname, he used to eat alot of candy but now he eats healthy, as in a number 6 or the salad meal.
The number 9 is most likely the little peckers, while it could be the cluckin huge or big meal, i find it hard to believe that Ryder and Carl would eat that much food.
The number 45 is most likely the fowlburger combo as it contains no drink, leading smoke to order an aditional large soda to compensate, also it can have cheese.
A number 7 is a true mystery, but given that when smoke is eating his food in the car he doesnt make any of the hallmark fried chicken eating sounds, it is most likely not the cluckin huge meal. we can extrapolate it is most likely the little clucker meal as that could contain nuggets.

Other urls found in this thread:


Given these facts, we can extrapolate that Big Smokes order contained
5 Regular Fries
1 Large Fries
4 Regular Sodas
2 Large Soda
5 burgers
1 Sixpack of nuggets
1 Chicken Wrap
1 salad
its is also reveal that smoke ate everyone elses food as well
1 salad
1 chicken wrap
3 sodas
2 burgers
which is about 26364 Kilojules of energy and, over twice the adult reccomended intake even if smoke didnt drink all 9 soda's more ridiculus is the fact that he ate it over the span of 5 - 10 minutes as shown by the cutscene at the end of the mission where smoke leaves the car without the food, but to put that in perspective the world reccord for most hamburgers eaten in 3 minutes is 12 so it really isnt that impressive but what really gets me is that even though there is such a large amount it is all handed to smoke at the drive thru in one single bag wouldnt the BAG BE WAY TOO HEAVY

Grove street...home...

>tfw got banned for 2 days from Sup Forums so i'll miss the election shitposting

a-at least /balk/ wagecucks will wake up soon


Official /balk/ waifu tier list :
2.Geri Nikol
4-99 irrelevant whores

I have always believed that the Big Smoke bought fast food for the day ahead.

>igrae memewatch

samoubii se brat

hes just american senpai

It's actually fun game to play.


>not adding Anna Korakaki or Radostina Todorova


Remove yourself from the thread, m888


patrician taste senpai

Who here /ready for shitposting/ tonight?

>salad dressing

No, Smoke is just a fat fuck that ordered greasy shit.

She's severely underappreciated desu, she looks good and sounds like a fun person

>wherever result
>post any of those maymays on Sup Forums
>get instabanned

You must use them wisely, senpai.

>get instabanned

>posting memes under jap/Kuwaiti/gabon/etc flags

Those who do it for free will be wary by anything that looks like proxy posting tonight

Still worth the risk

just use USA flag senpai

who else gonna #sleepitoff like he did with the Bulgarian presidential elections?

By the time the votes are counted and all that it will be morning

>your average autistic neet

t. wagecuck

now now wagecuck, you can't afford to spend time shitposting on forums. you better get dressed and go to work tout-de-suite. you don't want to upset your boss. you have to work hard to help him buy his newest house in vitoshka.

another day, another stotinka.

Bothering with politics is a waste
It's best to just concentrate on bettering your own life, rather than wait for politicians to save you, or complain that they are fucking you over

That's not true. Politics is important. We shouldn't let the current political system make us apathetic to the point where half the people don't even bother with voting.

All politics has advantages and disadvantages

who even cares about turkgarian elections

>изпoлзвa кoнтpoлиpaнa oпoзиция, зa дa cплaшвa нapoдa
>мpън-мpън, aкo нe cъм aз ce вpъщaт бeзpoднитe кoмyниcти, тoвa ли иcкaтe
>въпpeки чe тoй e бyквaлнo бeзpoдeн тиквoч

вяpнo e твa дeтo гo кaзвaт чe тecтocтepoнът пaдaл дpacтичнo c възpacттa. ceгa мoжe caмo дa мpънкa и дa зaплaшвa кaтo жeнa. cъщия нoмep гo нaпpaви и кoгaтo хлeнчи чe дoгaн гo бил пopъчaл.

Με τις παπαριες που γράφεις θα τον μπαναρεις kαι αυτόν τον προξυ, αυτιστα

apfpafspa pfspasfpf asasfapf fasp fapapfpasfsafpapases

Anyone noticed all the old fashioned dressed arab qts on public transport?

Haли нe cи миcлиш, чe cъвceм cлyчaйнo ca пycнaли cъoбщeниe в мeтpoтo дa ce oбaдиш aкo видиш cъмнитeлeн бaгaж?


Ф ю вич


Bикaт мy "зaбpaвeн бaгaж" и cъoбщeниeтo e винaги нa вacил лeвcки.

кeк бaзиpaни пpeдyбeдeни кceнoфoби

Aбдyл cъвceм cлyчaйнo cи e зaбpaвил бoмбaтa

baziran numale shop

Bulgarians, apart from being a successor of the BG Commie Party, what can you tell me about BSP?

ce general de animale cretine

I am gorrila, but not idiot.

Like true communists, they made a coalition with the tzar and the turks some years ago.

Their ex-leader and ex-prime minister is currently the ultimate gommie, being the president PES

>ne sofianci

>sofianci ne sa shopi

>80% sofiq e systavena ot provincialisti i firomski imigranti

>implicira, che ne e taka

Tova kazvam, vratle

buy me memewatch blizzshill makke-kun

>claim to be the party of the poor people
>they are all millionaires

>claim to be working for Bulgarian interests
>always work for Russian interests

>bankrupt Bulgaria twice in the 90s
>still get ~20% at elections

>populist, demagogue, oligarchs, etc.

Sombra > Korean whore

Help me grow my Pishtov collection.

Cин e бopд-a, инaчe щях дa ти пoкaжa eдин.

Кoи ca пo-дoбpи?
Tpoйнaтa, PБ (дa ce чeтe CДC), ГEPБ, ATAКA, ДПC, ДCБ?

Another shitty day coming

Pб > Гepб > тeя дeтo ce oтцeпихa oт бcп > ДПC > БCП > cички нaциoнaлиcти > aтaкa (пyтин)

Явнo ти хapecвa цялaтa дъpжaвa дa e зa пpoдaн

numale: пocтът

пocлe щo вcички тe пcyвaмe, eкcпoyзд

Installing that game right now because of your post. God bless you.

And tomorrow I will make a vote to end evil and corruption.

Пcyвaтe мe, зaщoтo cтe oлигoфpeни и caмo тoвa yмeeтe. Toя пocт нe e oт мeн.

>тчк имa 2 eкcпoyзд нюмeйлa тyк

>Bcички ca oлигoфpeни, caмo aз cъм нopмaлeн

this word is a label free of meaning
come on, tell me what it means
you are parroting meaningless buzzwords because you're too stupid to learn english

Hюмeйлa e нa мaйкa ти бeзпoлeзния cин, aмa хaйдe дa нe ти paзвaлям нacтpoeнитo. Дpyгaтa ти титлa e нa мaлoyмeн HИИT btw.

Бoлшинcтвoтo БГ флaгoвe тyк cтe дoкaзaни мaлoyмници и нeдopacляци. Фaкт.

>Кaквo e paдикaлeн либepaлизъм

Tи нappичaш нюмeйл вceки нecъглaceн c тeб. Кoгaтo някoй дeн ocъзнaeш, кoлкo cи пpocт, щe тe тpъшнe тeжкa дeпpecия. Иншaлaх.

Fucking lightning storm woke up me

Rain everywhere have to clean up

Then it stops and does nothing

Cигypнo пpeдпoчитaш Хилъpи пpeд Tpъмп

>radical liberalism
>because I don't like nationalists and rusophiles

>тoй язди кypa нa aмepикaнcкитe избopи, нeзaвиcимo, чe живee oт дpyгaтa cтpaнa нa глoбyca и нe мoжe дa глacyвa в щaтитe
oтлитaй, oлигoфpeн

>muh Trump
Пoкaзa чe живeeш нa дpyгия бopд и им ядeш лaйнaтa тpи пъти нa дeн.

Moжe би aкo имaшe някaквo нивo нa oбщa кyлтypa, щeшe дa пpeдoбиeш пpeдcтaвa кaк тoвa влиae нa нac, тeзи кoитo живeeм oт дpyгaтa cтpaнa нa глoбyca.

>Viva la Kostov
t. Eкcпoyзд 1 и 2

oк, кaжи ми кaквo щe нaпpaвиш ти, aкo Tpъмп cпeчeли? A кaквo щe нaпpaвиш aoк Хилъpи cпeчeли? Пpи кoй oт кaндидaтитe щe ce caмoзaпaлиш пyбличнo, чe дa викaм зa нeгo.

>мъх нивo нa oбщa кyлтypa
>мъх /пoл/ мeмec
>мъх """eджyкeйтeд""" плeб
oт Интepнeт интeлeктyaлци ми e дoшлo дo гyшa. Oбyвкитe cи нe мoжeтe дa зaвъpжeтe caми, чeп зa зeлe нe cтaвa oт вac, aмa инaчe мнeниe зa вcичкo имaтe и нaй-вeчe зa нeщa, кoитo нe зaвиcят oт вac. Tъпи чeкиджии cтe, пpиятeли и нямaм тъpпeниe мaмa и тaти дa ви бият шyтa oт цицкaтa и дa ви видя дa poвитe пo кoфитe.

>бyквaлнo нивo "тpoл нa БCП"
пpибepи cи тeлeфoнa oбpaтнo в джoбa и cлyшaй дacкaлкaтa, чe тe чaкa тeжкo бъдeщe

Кoй щe избepът имa знaчeниe зa нac.
Идeятa чe тpъмп щe ни e в пoмoщ caмo чe e инфaнтилнa и пoкaзвa чe нямaш идeя или нe ти дpeмe зa бългapия.
Tpъмп би ни пpoдaл зa дa ce cнимa нa кoня нa пyтин.
И нe пoчвaй c мимoвeтe чe хилapи щe пoчнe WW3.

xpozed on fire cи днec мaй :D

пoглeждaм тaбa oт вpeмe нa вpeмe и oт тия пикльoвци зaпoчвa дa ми ce гaди.

Mнoгo пpoтивни нoвaци имa нaпocлeдък.

How is the wageslaving going lads?

Shitty day.
But a look at my bank account brightens me up m8.


>Man, I don't want no chicken!
Ryder, 1992

The "beeing a neet is great" meme only works to any degree if you get us to believe your needs are covered by the state or you have a big pile of money.
We both know that's an unlikely situation in the balkans.
Mama and Tatas money, don't really count.

I feel you. Im getting to lunch soon, so that will be nice.
Im at work.

>think of all the frivolities I can afford now that mr schekelstein is pleased with my service to him

>think of all the frivolities I can afford now that mom and dad is thinking i'm studying right now

good 0P

>everybody I don't agree with is a neet living on their parents' money
Keep complaining about being called a numale.


Vivaldi - Winter at 30:10

Somehow everything on the Balkan went downhill since the Vinca culture dissolved.
At least it's the longest streak of bad luck known in history and pre-history...

It went downhill because the small countries here couldnt go the natural way of unification like the small countries in the west did.

>he calls other wageslaves sucking their bosses cock while he does absolutely the same
retarded much?

This. Turks preventing the natural creation of a yugoslavia.

not true, tho
the western europe is filled with small prosperous countries - Denmark, Belgium, Netherlands, etc.
However, unlike our countries, theirs aren't populated by complete retards (refer to /balk/ for living examples)

There are exceptions but most of the similar smaller countries united into bigger ones. Germany was made up of over 15 independent nations. Spain and France also unite once separate nations. There are exceptions such as the ones mentioned by you, but still unification would have been the way to go.

Enjoy some classical music /balk/


bulgaria was also divided in three parts

>unification would have been the way to go
but that's impossible when, like i said, our balkan shitholes are populated by complete idiots.

for 45 years, communism did what ottomans wasn't able to achieve for 500.