
I hereby grant Mexico honorary aryan status edition

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f*ck off martinez


Congrats, amigo!

Connecticut is rightful Italian clay


Those Spaniards were no joke.



Everything touched by the Tennessean river belongs to the namesake.
This is an unopposed fact by the knowledgeable.

Dakota Fanning in War of the Worlds

best edition

>on my /cum/

would you fuck Michael Bay on a pile of plastic explosives rigged to explode if your cum leaks out of his butt-hole and onto the mound of fuses hes laying on?

Where in Africa?

But consider that Michael Bay's butthole maybe considerably looser than your gf's

Marxism is half a century out of date. There is no single working class anymore. What's left of it is shrinking.

Do I get to fuck Megan Fox afterwards?

What should I fap to???

i went to see doctor strange and didn't like it

>there is no working class


need a new yorker gf
>italianXjew master race

Bruna Cortez

Consider that my dick can hermetically seal to any person's butthole
Checkmate Michael

You have to do it now, no takebacks

Spider monster girl futa on male.

(Rape) (Lactation) (Incest)

>click on a single live stream on Youtube earlier today
>now all I get are "live" streams in my recommended videos
>they're not even fucking live

in Western countries at least, we have no solid working class

hence the whole Trump thing, it's a reaction, it's a dying class of people

you either make it out of college, maybe some trade, or you're stuck on the bottom

this will only get worse with continued outsourcing and automation

Just whait till they give it to you in the hip new ethic flavor

I hate my brother

>not alien/monster on female
>not dream demon/monster on female

Step it the fuck up

keep talking schiesse, buddy

it only takes one call to the latvian panzergrenadiers to have your ass blown back to jew town

what the fuck, Mordo wasnt Mexican

>100 minutes of Benedict "Hammerhead" Cumberbatch looking at you with his peripheral vision.
>didn't like it

No surprise there.

>accidentally click a big minecraft LPer or vlogger
>get nothing but that schlock for weeks

do you understand what you are talking about?

the working class is the class of people that have to work in order to survive, the bourgeoise are the ons that don't need to, because they have property or make money out of interest


brittney white

>tfw no thick latina gf

I need a Jew gf lads

no. You get to ignite the plastic explosives though

Senor Magico ese, from brooklyn or something spanish in New York

What type of music do you listen to while reading /cum/?

But the kids will be Christian.
I have to strike at "them" somehow.

big band

i wonder if he sees everything in wide angle

Real Marxists considered the middle class, engineers/doctors/etc. to be "borgeouise" as well and forced them to be janitors or die

the working class were peasants and factory workers, of which there were very many as little as 50 years ago

maybe 0.01% of this country makes money purely off land rights

awwwwww we love you too, Victorinox


>working class is usually associated with manufacturing jobs as opposed to tradesmen or farmers
>manufacturing is rapidly disappearing from the US
>no more working class
Can't wait until computers make doctors irrelevant just to see the shitfit from the ones who just got out of medical school

Yeeeees we first world now!

Reggae/Dancehall/Ska/Dub/Computerized Dub.

I like to get drunk and high and shitpost after work. Sue me.

Canadian society doesn't consist of one big conglomerate of toiling factory workers and miners. A bunch of people working as "middle management" in offices are not a fucking proletariat. Labour is outsourced or done by machines, most of the economy in first world countries is finance. People just fucking trading money around and a few entrepreneurs who think up new shit.

Maybe Marxism makes more sense in your country, but even then it's stupid. The law of supply and demand is extremely useful for accommodating for the ridiculously chaotic economy.

Lub me Mexigan!

hip hop

What the fuck

I'm more of a techno guy myself, it blends well with Dostoevsky

Chopin because I'm a fag


wtf is that thing?

In theaters soon

Big band isn't tipworthy
There is MUCH worse out there

because I'm a bigger fag

drum n bass, punk, reggae, vaporwave, grunge etc.

It's cool. They can get into medical research.

"working class" has nothing to do with the amount of money you have

if you have to work in order to survivie, you are part of the working class

>maybe 0.01% of this country makes money purely off land rights
lmao even I live off of property rents

>South Dakota

Don'd you wand do lub me!?

If they're already being fazed out by machines because machines are better at diagnosing and treating people, why would medical research be any different?

Synthwave/cyberpunk stuff
Occasionally trance



whats up with wearing watches?

At this point its just a status item. Fuck you, people that wear watches.

anything for the shekels


jesus christ that poor woman

what kind of alien is that?
>being poor

everyone fucking works to survive, even rich ass Lawyers and shit that make hundreds of thousands a year. How is that a tenable definition at all?

My watch is waterproof, my phone is not

My dick is waterproof, your ass is not


It's fashion, autismo. Why wear clothes that aren't just plain rags? They keep you warm and cover you up right? Why drive a car that isn't completely ugly and plain? It gets you where you need to go, right?

>not having a waterproof phone

random slow tempo shit and Japanese jizz jazz

what a spooky definition

>not living in rural appalachian georgia

Motorola lmao

Liar. Post proof

When will we get an American monarchy? I'm getting impatient here.

he does wear rags becaue he's poor

i'm listening to psych rock rn

>what kind of alien is that?


frgt link

If you want a shit internet connection, go for it.

but the idea is, if you HAVE to do it you might as well do it well.

Watches are just pure faggotry

The day this country and everything it stands for dies you redcoat fuck

>everyone fucking works to survive
I don't? I inhereted a lot of land, I am an english teacher just because I find it boring to do nothing everyday

there are thousands if not millions of land owners like me all over the world, some own even bigger portions of land

on guy here owns major thrift stores around here, he sold them and bought a massive plaza, like a mall, he pays one guy 20k pesos to administer it and he puts 180k pesos in his pocket at the end of every month

he doesn't have to do anything

fucking normie friends

Enjoy not having a nonpartisan power to veto the corporate fucks in Congress

>discussing politics on steam chat

>I have friends outside of /cum/

you're thinking about this wrong. Watches are fashion, they're part of the clothing outfit.

yeah and the problem is, in places like Canada and the USA fucking everyone is a land owner. Pretty much everyone owns a house.

>yeah and the problem is, in places like Canada and the USA fucking everyone is a land owner. Pretty much everyone owns a house.
Nuke the cities when