What album marked your first step away from normiehood?

What album marked your first step away from normiehood?

no judging pls

you mean towards, right?



Suffy isn't avant garde or inaccessible by any means but I have never met a person who has even heard of him.


If you knew everything else I'm into, you'd understand



Feels like so long ago. This still one of maybe 4 albums I'd say is a 10/10.


the way he sings is weird most of the time. not normie town

also a lot of his repetitive, long compositions are hard for normies to get into

sufjan stevens is indie pop pushed by pitchfork
back in 2005 normies knew nothing about that world.

this was probably my first "alternative" sounding album

and possibly the last time i found music outside of mu and last fm

Same but maybe pic related as well

I listened to Sgt. Pepper. That made me realise music was a deeper form of art than i expected and made me listen to a much broader range of music than before. Now I hate the beatles. Sgt. Pepper is "alright" i guess tho


This is a judgment free zone

Not by any means avant-garde but it features some really beautiful and thoughtful arrangements not found in "normie" music. It's baroque pop.

When did you get into death grips

ExMil era senpai

>posting the cuck version of the album cover
wtf OP

It wasn't an album, it was mp3s from limewire. Iron Maiden, Symphony X,
All That Remains, and Children of Bodom seem like the big ones. I was really infatuated with Weird Al's music prior though, which was probably the first sign.

actually this


me too desu


Does anyone else regret delving to deep into music? I can't talk to my friends about music at all cuz they all love post-hardcore scene metal shit and 21 pilots but I just cant listen to that stuff. They're having fun moshing like idiots to Day to Remember and Bring me the Horizon but I cant get into it. 21 pilots I dont get at all, whiny white suburban kids rapping over "we're to cool for pop music" pop music. Almost wish I could like it instead of being an outcast.

But whatever, that's my blog post for the day.

I had been getting into early Modest Mouse when AnCo was recommended to me, and I like to explore an artist's discography in chronological order, so. I guess this or "This is a Long Drive" were the start of me actually looking for music.

>I can't talk to my friends about music at all cuz they all love post-hardcore scene metal shit and 21 pilots
holy shit i know this feel
for some reason friends that listen to the normiest top 40 pop are more likely to like your music
i got my friend intro the beatles (entriest level music i could fim for him) and now he loves them and always checks out my albums
feels good man

Yeah this

The opposite. Most of my friends are significantly more patrician than me. I like small amounts of "deeper" music, but I still listen to (and prefer) Metalica, Neil Young, Led Zeppelin, and other dadrock staples

How are the Beatles less normie than scene shit? Scene shit is at least subcultural which is a step down from music that's almost universally embraced by dominant culture. Actual scene kids, love them or hate them, were pretty bold with the way they dressed as well, even if their abnormality could only flourish within the context of a social group. Most people who fancy themselves weird probably wouldn't go that far.

Pretty normie but it ended up leading me away from MTV/hot100 shit very quickly, thanks to Amazon constantly spamming my inbox with album recommendations after I bought this one.

They aren't less normie, having the correct appreciation of their influence in music and culture instead of just liking some of their song is less normie.

A few different milestones

>Arcade Fire - Funeral

Got me away from complete normie music. This was when the album first came out.

>Tiger Lillies - Ad Nauseum

Got me into weirder, more experimental music

>Suicide - self titled

Got me into music that didn't have traditional song structure


Either ITCOTCK or some Bowie vynils my dad has


i remember listening to git got while playing Minecraft when i was 14 lmao

where do you live?


As accessible as they are, lots of people that know about them don't listen to Boards of Canada

I'm in your area

Me too

>listening to Abbey Road on dad's iPhone and thinking it was the greatest thing ever

same here. I never listen to it anymore but I still have affection for it and it remains IMO the only good crescendocore album.

I'm 95% sure Demon Days is a normie album, but it was the first one to take me outside of dadrock.


They're pretty mainstream but they're about as good as mainstream music gets


pet sounds got me into music
nuggets got me into music that wasn't necessarily a hit
c86 got me into my current taste

That album sucks and Sufjan Stevens is a whiny nigger.

Radiohead -> Death Grips -> AnCo's STGSTV -> The Pop Group, Swans, etc.

Above was my path

This album saved me


This one held a lot of emotional value for me as a teenager but now that I'm older and I've moved on from my teenager problems I have a hard time revisiting.

Nothing will let me relive hearing this for the first time.

damn straight

Not even joking

Yeezus or any Sup Forumscore desu

When I was around ten I always stayed for after school care. Some Latin woman watched us and had a teenager help her every so often. So one day a few friends and I are sitting on some bleachers next to him as he's piecing through his CD collection. We ask him if he likes Green Day (this is 1995 or so mind you) and he gives a tepid yes. What's the matter with them we ask, and he says that he didn't like Insomniac, that Dookie was a good album, but that overall their older stuff was a lot better. We ask him what other kind of music he liked that we might know about, to which he responded probably only Rancid (which was all over the radio because of And Out Come the Wolves' like 5 singles) and named off a few others, the one that stuck in my head was NOFX.

That night I beg my mom to take me to the mall, so I could spend some of her money on CDs. I had enough allowance to buy two CDs. I knew from what Tim had said that I was going to get Punk In Drublic (I wouldn't understand that until I was 14) but the second album was undecided. I scan the radio, hoping for the radio to provide me with some suggestion, but as I recall it did not. It wasn't until I entered the store that I saw a fully stocked display of the then huge hit, Jagged Little Pill. It was decided for me.

And that's the story of how my dumb, fat ten-year-old ass bought NOFX "Punk in Drublic" and Alanis Morisette "Jagged Little Pill" at the same time.

It probably wasn't until I was about 12, around the time of the dreaded ska resurgence, that I really got into it.

Not to say that NOFX isn't normie, it's just a lot less normie than say Alanis Morisette. Anecdote over.

sure that didn't detour you back to normiehood?


It was the first album I found of my own doing, and showed me that there's music that not everybody talks about. The album itself is pretty normie, but that was important.

all normie

I think this is their best. Good choice.

Friend says Tally Hall

I have no idea what mine would be because too mamy



I actually do live in Illinois, the south Chicago suburbs more specifically.



This desu

What is GY!BE?


le normies, right my fellow patricians?


Yeah in 2004 ITAOTS was a very common "intro to indie" album in my high school.

First thing I downloaded from this shithole, its still great

Yep. Honestly the first Radiohead album I listened to and I fell in love with way back in late middle school. I remember hearing Optimistic for the first time on XM Radio and being strangely amazed.

GY!BE might be crescendo-core but not a one trick pony

This and "The Mollusk - Ween" at around the same time. Helped me realize how much variety there was in music.


unironically this, it got me started actively looking for music I liked instead of just what my friends and mom listened to. I still keep around all my touhou doujin music even though it's horrifically embarrassing. Gotta remember where you came from.


I liked Coldplay at the time so this blew my mind

never seen these albums posted before, where do I find such obscure gems?

yep yep


missed the point

Björk - Biophilia


Same man. After the disco is GOAT

Probably this desu

that album sucks, it's literally their worst

yeah it sure did

Their first three albums and sister by sonic youth are what got me into underground music

Same here. I think most kids who listened to the Gorillaz when they were kids ended up with a solid appreciation for less normie genres.

I know there's other stuff but this is the earliest thing I can place my finger on.


My uncles tower of power mixtape
shit's funky yo